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'Arjun, why did you say that for.' Shannon asked.

'He insulted us, Shannon. Weren't you feeling provoked by his words? We both belong to the fairy's family.' Arjun replied enraged.

'It is not like that.' Shannon replied.

'Whatever it is Shannon. I am ready to make the potion single-handedly. But I want to show him that I can do it.'

'He didn't say, you can't do it. He said we can't work together and if we do not do it together, he wins. And more importantly, I don't like taking credit for things I didn't do.'

Arjun sighed then with a pleasant smile replied. 'You are right. What do you want to do? Stirring or ingredients work.'

'I think I will take the ingredients. I am terrible at making potions.'

'Fine, check your textbook and get those ingredients from the storage room. Until I get this water boiled.'

Shannon flipped through her text harshly and it fell from her hands. 'I am sorry.'

But as she bent down to pick up her text. Her hands nudged Arjun's books and it also fell. 'Sorry, it happened by mistake.' She said as she placed the books back on the table.

She flipped through the book looking for the page of the ingredients, it was filled with writings here and there. She turned to the first page. On which 'Arjun Agreste.' was written.

'Arjun this is your book..........' Shannon saw Arjun staring at her full name on her textbook's front page. 'Arjun.' Shannon said snapping her fingers. 'Which world are you in? That is my text.'

'Oh yes.' he said returning her book.

'And the water has already boiled.' Shannon added.

'Yes, yes I will see.' He said as he stopped the flames.

Shannon went to the storeroom to get the ingredients. She opened her text's first page and looking at her name she asked herself. 'Why was he staring at my text.'

Within the next forty-five minutes, Arjun and Shannon completed their potion and handed it to Professor Abelforal. The professor looked at the potion and with an unpleasant face said. 'Good, you both have done it.'

'Thank you, sir, we may take your leave.' Shannon said picking up her bag.

'And sire fairies can work together.' Arjun replied crossly. Shannon looked at her professor who looked at Arjun with disgust.

As they stepped out of the class Shannon asked. 'What is it between you and the professor.'

'He doesn't like me and I don't like him.'


'The wizarding kind do not like a mix. I am a mix and that's why he treats me differently. Haven't you noticed that even if I do whatever he says? He is never pleased and today when he talked about 'fairies can't work together. He said that especially to me.'

'He is a professor. Can he think of differences in the society of Light and teach students.'

'Even though these differences are not allowed anymore. It is there in the societies of Light and no one can change it.'

'Anyways, I admit your courage to speak like that in front of the professor. I wouldn't be surprised if your marks will be less for potions.'

'He is going to teach me this year only. Next year it will be Mr. Philips and he is ten times better than him and it's just a matter of seven to eight cycles.' Arjun replied frankly.

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