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'No, he is an impossible person to adjust to.' Jinni said as she banged on the table with her hands.

'I do not get it. It happened accidentally. I am sure he didn't mean it and why are you getting so angry about Ron.' Shannon asked.

'My third Main subject is spaceship controls and the entire class was grouped into teams with six members each.' Jinni said.

'What is its connection with Ron, Arjun, and Alen.' Asked flare.

'My teammates are Hazel, Chase, Alen, Arjun, and Ron.' Jinni answered and turning to flare, she added. 'That's the connection. I know Ron very well.'

'Okay, that wasn't what I expected but what is the problem with it.' Shannon asked, puzzled.

'The problem is Hazel, Chase, and Ron fight all the time. They do not pay attention in class. I do not how I, Arjun, and Alen can alone manage to control a spaceship. You need at least five people. Today the entire time we three were running around doing whatever Professor Kinwald was asking. While Ron, Hazel, and Chase were sitting and relaxing and fighting. I do not know any other spaceship team in this school that makes even the captain do the work.'

'Who is the captain of your spaceship.' Rachel asked.

' 'Arjun' I think if he wasn't there. My team would have been named the worst team to ever try to control a spaceship. He and Alen are the only sensible people.' Jinni said with a frustrated look.

' I do not know how many times Alen pleaded with Ron to stop fighting and do what Arjun is asking him to do. Arjun tried to say for few times. Then he stopped it and told us we would have to manage on our own and we did somehow. Anyway, the Professor can't see what happens inside a spaceship. So, he said we did an excellent job. I doubt if he would say that if he is what happens inside.'

'I didn't know this much about them. Arjun was that boy who I yesterday bumped into and the crystalline bird business started. And about Alen and Ron, I saw them in the last period and they were talking a lot about different topics. Yes, Alen and Arjun were telling Ron to stop something and Ron was saying that he would not do it. I think this was what they were talking about.' Shannon said.

'Arjun was that boy.' Farrah asked.

'Now, that I know him.' Jinni started. 'I wouldn't surprised. He is as cool as a cucumber. He doesn't get irritated or frustrated that- easily.

'Anyways.' Shannon said. 'Can you explain to me what a mix is?'

'Wow.' Flare said. 'You catch on words very quickly.'

'A mix is like people who take both sorcery as well as fairy magic classes and for transformation they choose whatever their ancestors take but they try to learn what others can do. You get such classes at times. Depending on how you answered the questions in your admission interview then also your family name. There are certain families who for generations have been like this and they are known as a mix. ' Farrah explained.

'And both wizarding as well as fairies family belonging to the pure aerasian sector.' Rachel said. 'Hate them. Like really hate them. They see far folks and mix to be equally disgusting creatures. The fairies hate the far folk more because they are fairies and mer people combined. And the fact that there is no wizard and mer people combined makes it-you know what I mean.

'In reality' Flare said. 'Pure aerasian thinks that we should not mix up with any kind. If you are a fairy. Then be one. If you are a witch, be that. Do not mix yourself with another kind. That is why they hate mix. Because they try to learn about others. They fear that one day these people may take over Light. So, that's where all this mess starts from and it wasn't this horrible before but nowadays the division is getting stronger.'

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