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AUTHOR'S NOTE- Part 3 or Boy, Bird, and Rules

'Who is back.' Flare asked.

'Um-No one.' Shannon stood nervously. 'I will see you at dinner in the cafeteria.' She immediately rushed outdoors, as the headache increased. 'Bye.' She waved, as her mind raced with questions of where she will hide.

Her eyes glimmered with yellow specks. 'This headache- is now taking my life.' Shannon climbed the stairs downstairs.

'I know.' The voice replied.

'You know.' Shannon shouted in her mind. 'It is killing me and you are telling me you know.'

'I meant- ah- you need fresh air.' Shannon was walking through the sides of the courtyard. When she felt like her blood rising and a stroke of lightning passing through her. But ignoring it, she yelled back at the voice.

'Fresh air.' Shannon screamed in her mind. 'I am going to go to the janitor's room. Maybe there is no one there. Then lock myself and cry there. Until this pain eases out.'

Shannon was immersed in talking to the voice when she bumped into a boy. From his hands few books and a small bottle fall down and shattered. Shannon all of sudden felt like a static energy passing through her. Blood rushed through her veins. The pain in her forehead disappeared without a trace. All of a sudden, it felt like she was freed from the doors of death. Yellow flames erupted in her lush eyes.

She felt like she had known this boy all her life. But never saw his face. She couldn't explain why she was feeling like that. The boy's facial expression also seemed like he was sensing something different.

But with the shattering of the glass, a little blue spark emerged out of it and it started floating towards the forest area.

Suddenly wings sprouted from it. In seconds it turned into a bird. Its wings were in a dark shade of blue. Which made its appearance more mystical. The bird started flapping its wings continuously, it looked like it was its first flight.

The boy tried to get hold of it. But it flew out of his hands, straight to the forest. He gave a desperate look at the bird and kneeled to pick up the books which were scattered on the ground.

Shannon immediately kneeled and took two, or three in her hands. 'Here- she looked stunned at the boy. Even though he was picking up his books and his face wasn't clear. It seemed like she had seen him very recently. But she wasn't able to recollect.

The boy looked up. He had hair with shaggy bangs of Dark. With eyes of burnt umber. He had worn a Dark shirt with a denim jacket. He also had worn glovelettes in his left hand and a messenger bag on his right shoulder.

With a smile, he took the books from Shannon's hand and stood up. 'Thanks'

'I am sorry.' Shannon apologized. 'I wasn't looking and because of my mistake- pointing at the shattered glass piece. 'That spark to bird changing-bird, bird-flew away.'

Even though the boy desperately looked at the bird. When it flew away. Now, he acted pretty much normal. His face didn't even show a sign that he lost something valuable.

'It's okay.' He replied coolly. 'And it is called a water crystalline bird.'

'Oh.' Shannon looked at the shattered remains of the glass. 'I didn't know. So, how will you get it back now.'

'I can't.' he replied frankly. 'The bird needs to be in water contact within twelve hours. If not, it will turn into anything it wishes to be. Moreover, it flew towards the forest and the sun is going down. And even if I try, I can't enter the forest before tomorrow morning. And by that time. The bird would have turned into anything.'

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