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Shannon came into the main hall to see Rachel dressed. Rachel was putting her books in her bag and on seeing her ready by that time. Shannon knew she was an early bird.

'Good morning, Rachel.' She spoke. 'Good morning.' Said Rachel smiling.

'When did you wake up.' Asked Shannon looking up at the clock. It was seven in the morning and her classes were to start in an hour.

'6:30, I am used to that routine.' Then took her bag. 'I am leaving, Shannon. See you during the break.'

Shannon looked at the sun which was shining in the dawn light. Even though Light looked just like Earth and Shannon was hopping for the place to look like fantasy worlds with fairies fluttering with their wings and giants walking around but then also She liked the place.

When Shannon turned back to leave, she saw Jinni leaving. 'Good morning' Jinni said. And Shannon replied the same.

Then Shannon went to get ready for her first day. Shannon was leaving when Farrah came in a hustle-bustle. She was calling someone and seeing Shannon, she said. 'Okay then Mother, I am leaving.'

As Farrah kept her phone in the bag she was carrying. Shannon asked 'Your mother called this early in the morning. Has anything gone wrong in your house?'

'No, no. She called to verify whether I got up.' Farrah replied as both of them walked into the corridor.

'So, did the princess come back from her sleepover, or is she still on her soft mattress.' Farrah asked in a weird accent.

'I do not know; she wasn't there in the room when I woke up. But her blanket and stuff she took with her yesterday are back there. It's like she got up very early and left. Which is quite not believable.'

As they walked towards a corridor. There was a big Dark old door. Shannon looked at it. She did come near the door yesterday but she didn't bother to open it.

'Are you ready to see the academy for the first time?'

Shannon nodded in agreement. Farrah opened the door and the corridor of warmth and cosiness was gone. It was a crowded room with people running here and there. Some of them were talking and there were windows along the side. Some were sitting on the windows side and talking.

'Come, I will show you your locker room.' Farrah said to Shannon checking her watch.

'You know this place very well, it seems'

'of course, coming with my parents on PTM's of my elder brother made me an expert in this place.'

'There are parent-teacher meetings, here.' Meher asked her eyeball widening.

'Sure, there are. Why PTM's are not there on earth.'

'Yes, there are and I am not in favour of that.'

Farrah smiled and pointed to a corridor. 'that's the way'. On top of the corridor, there was a big board on the top, mentioning 'LOCKER ROOM'.

As Shannon walked inside, she saw several long corridors on opposite sides. With different letters and numbers on the top. 'This is our room' Farrah said to the third room to their left. The room was full of light and many people were scampering there they all looked like first graders as they all were looking scared and tense. 'So, which one of them is my locker.' Shannon asked looking around the beautiful room. It had nearly a hundred lockers in Shannon's calculation. But that wasn't enough for all the first graders.

'Is this the only locker room for first graders'

'No, no, there are 60 to 70 other rooms for first graders.' Farrah said in a casual voice.

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