Story Time

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(Bruno's pov)

I was just coming home from a long day helping Julieta and doing house calls.

I found Felix and Agustin in the kitchen clearing up dinner. I grabbed a few arepas that were left out for when I got home.

"Have either of you seen Y/n?" I asked as I ate my food, feeling less exhausted then I was a few minutes ago.

"I believe she is in the nursery with the twins." Felix stated.

Our twins were 4 years old, and they had the nursery to themselves. Both of their cousins have received gifts and have their own bedrooms now.

Isabella can grow plants. Once a week Pepa has been taking her to the fields to help the crops grow. The rest of the time Mama has her making flowers for the Encanto.

I feel bad for Dolores, who has super hearing. She can hear everything going on in the Encanto. It must be a difficult thing for the five-year-old. I can understand the difficulty of having a strong gift. Especially at that age.

"Gracias Felix."

I made my way up to the nursery to see my wife tucking our children into their beds. She sat down on the floor between them and started to tell them a story.

I stood by the door to listen to my wife's voice.

"Once upon a time there was an ancient kingdom. And in this kingdom lived a beautiful princess."

"Like you Mommy?" Reyna asked. Y/n chuckled.

"If you want to imagine me as the Princess, go ahead."

"You would be the prettiest princess ever mommy."

"Thank you Pedro. Anyway, the beautiful princess was young and energetic. She got herself in some funny situations. During one of her little adventures, she met a handsome boy. He was quiet and sweet. Not at all like the boys she met when she was with her parents. The two of them became friends. She would sneak out each day to play with the boy and go on adventures. They eventually fell in love."

"Is the boy Papa?" Reyna asked.

"Si mi amor."

"What the princess never knew though, was that there were bad people after her. These people wanted the beautiful princess for themselves. When the princess was old enough to be married her parents staged an elaborate test. They took the princess away from the castle and locked her high in a tower. The tower had various traps and was guarded by a ferocious dragon."

"Was the dragon mean and scary?" Pedro asked.

"Yes, and her parents wanted to find a husband for her that was brave and strong. So they sent out notices to each household in the kingdom. Encouraging all unmarried men to go and rescue the princess. The boy, who was now a man knew what he had to do."

"What was that mommy?" Pedro asked.

"He had to be the one to rescue the princess and prove that he was worthy of her. Many eligible men came to the castle, asking about what they needed to do. Her true love, however, did not. He knew that he needed to be the first to rescue her, or he would lose her forever."

"Now, he knew that he wasn't the strongest or the bravest. But he was very smart. He found his way to the tower and watched the dragon from a safe distance. He learned it's patterns. When and where it hunted, what it liked to hunt. When it went to sleep and how it slept."

"While he studied the dragon, he saw suitors trying to battle the dragon. The battles took quite a bit of time, but the suitors were unable to defeat the beast. It was while watching these battles he got a clever idea. As the next battle began, he sneaked in closer to the tower, and was able to make his way inside."

"What was inside mommy?" Our daughter asked.

"At first there was just a dark hallway. But it was long and cold. Colder than anything he had ever felt before. But he kept walking. Finally the hallway ended and the man found himself standing in a room. The room had two stair cases. The staircase to the left went down, and he checked it. The staircase led to an area just outside the palace. He decided to use it to lead the princess out."

"Then he went up the stairs and found himself faced with a large mischief of rats. The man, however, was able to become friends with the rats. They led him safely to the top of the tower where his love waited for him." She turned towards me and smiled.

I felt drawn to my gorgeous wife as she held her hand out towards me, and I entered the room. I pulled her close, and we gazed at each other as though we were the couple in the story, being reunited.

The twins giggled as we acting out the scene. I helped her act out the rest of the story. The couple made their way out of the tower and got past the dragon that had fallen asleep after battling the suitors.

Our characters made it back to the palace and the man made his case to the king and queen.

At last, the couple were allowed to be wed, and the test was finished. The couple lived happily ever after.

The story ended, and we turned to the twins. Both of whom were fast asleep in their beds. We turned to each other with a grin.

I took Y/n's hand and we walked out of the nursery and made our way to our bedroom.

That story always works to put our children to sleep.

Bruno Madrigal One Shots and ImaginesWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt