Stressed Bruno

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You were rushing through Casita, having just gotten off the phone with a nearly frantic Julieta.

Apparently, Bruno had rushed home a little while ago, looking more anxious than she had seen him in a long time. He went straight to his room without a word and hasn't come out. Both of his sisters have knocked very loudly on the door to no avail.

They were all hoping you could help reach him. You agreed instantly, also worried. Pepa's storm wasn't helping you calm down either.

You made it up to his rooms. He wasn't in the main room, not that you had expected it to be that easy.

His bathroom door was open, and the bedroom was also empty. There was only one place left to check.

You found him pacing in his vision cave, holding a sheet of paper and muttering to himself.

It takes him a minute to realize that he isn't alone anymore. He jumps when he finally notices you, heavily breathing as he stares at you wide eyed.

His expression just crumbles in misery, and he drops to his knees with a shuddering breath.

You slowly walk over to him and take his hands in yours, removing the paper from his loose grip.

You pull him into your embrace help him regulate his breathing, talking to him in a soothing tone. You find yourself surrounded by rats, their fur ruffled up anxiously.

You hold him close to you and rest his head on your chest. He falls asleep listening to your heart beat and feeling your fingers running through his hair.

You pick the skinny young man up and take him to his room. Once Bruno is in his bed, you look at the paper. It's a list of villagers wanting their fortunes told. Beside each name is what the villager wants to know.

Looking over the list of clients you make organize the list, you grab one of your notebooks you left in his room.

You separate the clients based on how important the vision is or if the vision is even needed.

Once Bruno is awake and relaxed, you go over each villager on the list and help him decide what kind of fortune he should give. Which would require full visions?

"It might be better for both you and your clients, if you leave the full visions for the more important requests." You told him, which he agreed.

What tools should be used for certain visions. Bruno didn't use his other tools very often. Most of the time people wanted full visions, but some fortunes should use other tools.

Things like his tarot cards or his hourglass. The hourglass is more like a mini vision where he just gets the end result. The part of the vision that ends up on the emerald tablet.

You helped him through each vision and take breaks between each vision with either a snack break and using his hourglass for something specific for the client.

Bruno decided to give one client, a young woman you both felt definitely needed help, a tarot card reading.

According to this reading, she was becoming suspicious and distrustful of her fiance. From what Bruno told you, the client has been feeling this way for weeks, and that is why she came to him.

"She wants to know if she should continue the relationship or if she should trust her feelings. She feels like she should leave the relationship, but she is afraid." He states as he reads the cards.

You took notes as he continued the reading.

It seems that she feels trapped in the relationship, and perhaps there is something she is afraid of. If she can get past this fear, she can break up with her fiance before it is too late. If she breaks off the engagement, it opens her up to finding a healthier relationship in her future. One that is balanced, loving and supportive.

Bruno was tired after all of the work he put in, not to mention the stress he was under when you arrived.

"Why don't you rest for the day, and I'll talk to Senorita Renata?" You told him.

"Are you sure?"

"Of course. I'll let you know how it goes." You smile at him as you leave his room.

You walked down to Renata's house and sat down with her.

You told her about how Bruno used tarot cards and how the first part of the reading went. You got up to the part about what Bruno said was keeping her in the relationship.

"My father promised me to his father when we were very young. At first, I liked the idea of getting married to him. I had loved him and was excited at the very idea of being his bride. It was all I dreamed of for so long. But it turns out, that it had a different affect on him. He has become arrogant and cruel. He fully expects me to be his wife, and acts as though he owns me. I have no say in anything. All I am allowed to do is smile and nod politely when someone speaks to me. It's 'yes sir' or 'yes ma'am to any questions. I want to tell father, but I am afraid that I'll just disappoint him." She told you, when you told her the reading.

"I can go with you to speak to your father. Everything will be alright. If you can get past your fear, you will open yourself up to a better relationship in the future. Bruno told me."

You went with her to where her father worked, and she sat him down. Renata told her father everything. The changes in her fiance, her concerns about the future of the relationship, and her fears of disappointing him. He stood up and walked over to his daughter, giving her a hug.

"I am so proud of you for telling me, corazon. I only wish you had told me sooner." He told her.

You walked her back her fiance's house, in order to collect the things that she had brought there for the wedding. While there, You stayed close to her as she told him that the wedding was off and that they were no longer a couple.

He was angry of course and was about to hit Renata, but you stopped him, and Renata got Pepa's attention as she was walking down the road.

Pepa sent for Alma, and Alma went to his parents.

In the end, he and his family left the Encanto in disgrace.

She thanked you and asked that you thank Bruno for her.

You returned to Casita and was jumped by your boyfriend. He was worried because it took longer than he normally takes.

You explained what Renata told you about why she was too scared to say anything.

"I went with her to talk to her father, and to collect her things from her former fiances house." You even told him how you, Pepa, and Alma helped her escape her fiance, whose family left the village.

You decided that you would continue to help your boyfriend with the visions and would break the news to his clients.

He was worried at first, that it would cause everyone to hate you too, but after the first couple of months, everything calmed down.

Bruno still had some visions that people didn't like, but the way you told them helped out a lot.

Some people even stopped glaring at Bruno when they saw him. They came up to him and told them that they liked the new set up, where you were helping him.

Bruno still didn't like giving fortunes, but he felt better about them when you helped him through everything.

You guys made quite the team, and you continued helping him, no matter how busy you got.

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