First Date

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It had started out as a minor project. Something I had come up with when Bruno had made a random statement.

We were ten at the time, and Bruno was just getting into writing. He had a lot of thoughts in his head, and they ended up becoming short stories. Oneshots really.

"These stories of yours are quite clever Bruno." I had told him when he had nervously handed me some of his papers.

"Really?" He asked, perking up a bit. I nodded and told him that the stories could be expanded and turned into movies or tv shows.

He had liked the thought of seeing his ideas come to life and told me so.

Since then, I decided to practice my drawing skills. I went through several notebooks and sketchbooks as I practiced drawing people and places.

Once I felt I was good enough at drawing, I began to make drawings of scenes from his stories. He liked them and had continued expanding his stories until he was writing whole shows.

I continued practicing, using a story of my own to turn into a movie as a test run. I wouldn't want to ruin one of his stories if the movie idea didn't work.

It had taken me several years to get it right, but now I was ready to show him all the work I've put into it.

And I know the perfect way to show him.

Bruno and I had recently begun dating, but hadn't had the chance to have a proper date yet, so I asked him out. Tonight was to be our first date, and I was feeling a little nervous.

I wanted to make sure Bruno enjoyed himself, and relax. He has been extremely busy lately, helping his family and giving out visions.

I want to make my beloved rat boy smile and laugh. So I asked him to meet me this evening in the grotto.

I had already set up most of the things I needed. Now, I have an hour to finish getting ready and to head over to the grotto to finish setting up.

I chose a modest brown dress to match my boyfriend's earth tone color scheme. I kept things simple with my hair pulled back by a sage green headwrap and added a pair of matching shoes.

I grabbed the picnic basket and the mini cooler and left my house.

(Bruno's pov)

I was grateful for the easy day of work. It gave me a chance to really get ready for the date Y/n had set up.

She told me that I didn't need to dress up or anything. The date she had planned would be private and comfortable.

I still wanted to look nice for her. Especially with all the work she is probably putting into this date.

After a quick shower, I got dressed. I chose new versions of my usual outfit. The colors were more vibrant because they haven't been through multiple washes.

I stared at myself in the mirror, wondering if I should do more or if what I had done was enough. I was nervous, though I know that I shouldn't be.

I mean, Y/n loves me, for some reason. And she did say that I didn't have to dress up or anything... I just don't know what she has planned. I hope I did enough.

I took a deep breath and knocked on my door frame as I left my room for good luck.

I found Julieta in the courtyard, and she complimented me on my outfit.

"Do you think I did enough? Should I find something nicer to wear?" I asked her anxiously.

"You are fine Brunito. Don't worry. You are perfectly dressed for what Y/n has planned for you."

"You know what she is planning?" I asked, and my older sister nodded.

"She told me what her plans were and asked me to calm you down if you were nervous. You are looking just fine. The date she has planned is a perfect for you. Your girlfriend knows you well. Have fun!"

I smiled at my sister, feeling a bit calmer now. I told Mama I was leaving, and she smiled as she waved me off.

I smiled as I spotted Y/n, standing by the entrance of the grotto.

The grotto was a secret cave within the mountains that we discovered by accident when we were children. It contains a private clear pond, and bioluminescent moss on the ceiling and sides, that bathes the cavern in a soft green glow. It instantly became an significant place for us, being a secure space for us to just be together and forget about the world for a while.

"You look beautiful mi Princesa." I whispered as she pulled my close for a quick kiss.

"You look amazing to mi Vida." She smiled back, before leading me into the short tunnel leading to the cave. She held my hand as she brought me over to a stormy grey blanket that was next to a picnic basket and mini cooler.

"I know you prefer to keep things simple, so I thought we could have a picnic right here. After we eat, I have a surprise for you."

She made some of her specialty empanadas. Julieta even loves her recipe, yet Y/n would never give it up.

"If I gave you the recipe Julieta, you guys wouldn't need me around anymore!" She joked the last time my sister asked. We all laughed at that. Y/n knew she was part of the family, even if she hadn't married into it...yet...

Y/n surprised me with her dessert of choice. She made orange smoothies, my favorite.

We kept our conversation light as we ate. As we were finishing our meal, Y/n turned to me shyly.

"You remember the day you first showed me your stories? How you told me you would like to see your stories come to life someday?" She asked, and I nodded. A cursory glance at the projection machine she had set up.

She explained that she had been working on a script to test the idea, and that she thought I might enjoy seeing it.

She had drawn up a projection movie. She had obviously spent several hours drawing up the scenes and writing up the script. I felt touched that she went to such lengths on something I had thought about so many times over the years.

Y/n was the narrator and used various voices for her characters. She is an amazing storyteller.

The story was of an abandoned young girl moving from home to home, looking for a place to belong. The girl grows up, sad and alone. She learns of a faraway kingdom where she can hopefully belong. She never expected to find love with an equally sad and lonely young man.

(No one's pov)

Bruno was fully captivated by the story she put on, reacting just the way she had expected her audience to. She could hear him sniffle lightly during the sad moments. He would whisper encouragement in the moments of self-doubt and loneliness. He would make sounds of excitement when something good was about to happen.

Then when the movie was over, he stood up and applauded, a large grin on his face.

"That was amazing mi amor! You are quite the writer!" He exclaimed as he pulled her close, telling her just how amazing the story was. She blushed shyly and giggled.

"Well, I did learn from the best scriptwriter in all of the Encanto, you know." She smiled back. It was his turn to blush.

He asked if she was willing to do that with some of his shows, He had been amazed by how well her movie worked.

Her beaming smile was a wonderful plus.

They spent the rest of the evening cuddling each other by the grotto lake, talking about her movie and making plans for more.

That was a wonderful first date.

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