Impromptu Date

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(Bruno's pov)

My room was silent as I blinked the sleep out of my eyes. A glance at the clock on my nightstand told me that it was nine in the morning. My family would be getting ready to head out for morning chores.

It also means my wife was probably downstairs already. I tossed the blanket off and immediately regretted it.

It was abnormally cold this morning. Pepa must be feeling anxious or afraid about something. Her emotions have been particularly strong since she got pregnant. Pepa and Julieta were still in their first trimester. They had just announced their conditions a week ago.

I looked over at my desk chair and grinned to myself. Y/n had taken my ruana. She told me before that she liked my ruana because it was warm and smelled like me.

When she is cold or stressed, and I'm asleep or busy, she'll wear it.

"It's almost like cuddling with you." She smiled as she explained when I asked.

I pulled an extra ruana from my closet and left our room, heading to the kitchen for some coffee.

I was surprised to see everyone except Y/n in the kitchen.

"You just missed her Brunito. She went out for coffee because we can't make it right now. It makes Pepa sick." Julieta explained.

That also explains the cold. Pepa loves coffee and becomes anxious when she can't drink it.

I thank my sister and rush out the door to catch up with my wife.

Luckily, it wasn't very busy this morning. Colombia isn't known for cold weather, unless you live high up in the mountains. So seeing a lack of activity wasn't surprising.

What surprised me was the scene I was met with in the coffee shop.

Y/n were the only person in the line, and there were just a few customers sitting inside.

The cashier was a guy I was vaguely able to recognize. He had gone to school with us, but he was a year or two older.

I've never given him a fortune, but I have seen him with some of his friends. Including a man whose girlfriend broke up with him because of a vision I'd given her.

Turns out, the man would've cheated on her if they had gotten married. He wouldn't remain faithful.

The cashier didn't look up from his position when I walked in. I could hear the flirtatious tone in the man's voice as he spoke to Y/n.

I couldn't help but feel a little bit jealous at the idea of this guy flirting with her. I don't like the feeling, but I just can't help it.

Even now I feel jealous, and a little insecure when guys flirt with her. It's not like the cashier didn't know she was with me. We have been together for such a long time. Practically forever really.

I know she's beautiful and amazing, but she was married. She was wearing my ruana! It's not like the guy could not recognize it! Everyone in the Encanto knew the Madrigals, including me.

Y/n were also very obviously flashing her wedding band, too.

A small, insecure part of my mind couldn't help but compare myself to the guy.

He was slightly older and had a more manly physique than I do. He was much more suave that me too. I know that a lot of women liked that.

He had girlfriends before, and I've heard several of them talk about how he was as a boyfriend and a lover.

I walked up to my wife and listened as the guy tried to convince her to leave me for him.

"Why is such a gorgeous woman like you with a loser like Madrigal anyway? He doesn't know how to treat a lady."

"My husband knows how to treat a lady better than you do Señor. Bruno knows how to respect a woman's choices. He also knows what 'no' means." She replied.

I had to smirk at that. My girl was snarky. Though, his persistence was getting annoying.

"Come on Darling; I can show you what a real man can do."

"I already have a real man, so no thanks." Y/n replied dryly.

"As if Bad luck Bruno even knows what love is, considering he is always ruining other people's relationships."

"First of all, Bruno knows more about love than you do. You seem to equate love with sex. Love is so much more than that. Love is having a connection with each other. A deep and strong bond. Second of all, Bruno doesn't ruin people's relationships. It's their faults when they don't talk to their other half. Part of a relationship is talking to each other. Communication is key to any healthy and long lasting relationship. Instead of seeking visions from my husband, couples should talk to each other when they have concerns about the relationship."

"Yeah right. Bruno is just a pathetic freak."

"Do you seriously think badmouthing my husband will ever make me interested in you? You truly are an idiot if you think so."

I could hear the building anger in my wife's voice, so I decided it was time to make myself known.

I laid my hand on my wife's back and could instantly feel her relax at my touch.

"Good morning mi vida." She smiled as she turned to me.

"Good morning amor. On a coffee run?" I asked, as though I didn't already know.

"I was, but I don't think I'm in the mood for coffee anymore." She replied.

"I have an idea for where we could go instead, if you're interested in an impromptu date?" I teased, as I took her left hand in mine. I lifted her hand, our rings clinking lightly as I kissed her hand. My eyes flicked over to the scowling cashier.

It was obvious that he was not pleased by my interruption, unlike my wife who was quite happy to see me.

"I would love a date with my amazing husband!" She beamed.

I gently led her out of the shop, keeping the door open for her. As we walked away, she thanked me for the rescue.

"You don't have to thank me, amor. I'm just glad I got there before things got worse."

"Were you really planning on taking me out, or did you just use the date as an escape?" She asked.

"It has been a while since we've been on a date. I think the last one was a week before the wedding?" I thought out loud, gazing at the sky.

"We were planning to go on that date, but Pepa pulled me away at the last minute for wedding planning. Somebody got the flower order confused or something, it was horrible." She replied.

"What about the month before?" I asked.

"You had to cancel, vision headache. Honestly, I think the closest thing we've had for a date was the day I pampered you, and that was three months ago."

"I don't want to count that because you focused solely on me. That wasn't a day for both of us." I frowned. A date was long overdue.

My mind ran through possible ideas. I led Y/n to the bakery, the place that popped in my head back in the coffee shop.

She grinned as she saw where we were going.

We ordered our breakfast and coffee. We made small talk as we ate.

"I know this was an impromptu date, so I know you probably don't have a full plan yet right?" she asked.

"I don't yet. But don't worry, I will think of something!" I told her.

She smiled as she shook her head.

"I have an idea of where we can go next." She replied. "We just need to make a quick stop at my shop." I quirked an eyebrow at that.

"What are you planning mi amor?" I asked. She grinned sheepishly.

"It's just something I was planning to do for a while now. I was going to do this when I gave you that book. I got the book a bit earlier than I had expected when I made these plans though, so I gave it to you at the end of the pampering. An impromptu date works just as well for this."

I looked at her curiously, trying to figure out what she had planned. Her smile gave nothing away, and all I could do was follow her into the warmer early afternoon air.

I guess Pepa is feeling better.

We made it to her shop and she suggested I call the family to let them know what we were doing, while she got what she needed.

Mama answered the phone and just told us to enjoy ourselves. Y/n came downstairs a minute or two later. She wasn't wearing my ruana anymore, but she did have my hourglass motif on the shoulder of her blouse.

After we had left her shop, she led me to the theater and handed me the ticket. It was for the newest play for my favorite telenovela, the one the book was for.

We watched the play, then we went to the grotto to just relax. We spent the most of the afternoon talking about our favorite parts of the play, and where in the timeline the events from the play fit into the show.

It was such a wonderful surprise and went perfect for the random date.

I spent the rest of the afternoon, showing my wife just how much I appreciate her.

I will never understand how I got so lucky to have such an amazing wife, but I know that I will never let her go.

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