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Y/n was resting in the bed after a difficult birth. It had been a long birth, and Bruno had been so proud of his wife's strength. Despite his mother and sisters' arguments, he stayed with Y/n through it all.

He held her hand, wiped her forehead, and gave her the encouragement she needed. He gave her whatever love and attention she needed.

Y/n understandably, fell asleep shortly after feeding the twins. That was a few hours ago. He left her alone; she needed all the rest she could get. She deserved it.

Bruno stood by the cribs holding the newest Madrigals. Reyna and Pedro were such beautiful babies, in his opinion.

He was absolutely amazed at the little ones in front of him. The ones his wife worked so hard earlier today to bring into the world.

Bruno could admit that he was a little bit afraid. He wanted these two precious bundles to be happy.

He knew of his reputation. He knew people thought he was bad luck. Things are easier with his wife and family standing with him, but it doesn't change the things he sometimes hears when he is alone.

The whispers of the few villagers that were still unhappy with the futures he saw for them.

They would give him side glares, and whisper to their friends. These people would actively avoid crossing his path, moving to the other side or the road, or turning around the moment they saw him.

He didn't want those things to affect his children. They were too young to suffer though that. Too innocent, too pure.

The twins were only a few hours old, yet he loved them more than he could have imagined.

He smiled as he watched the twins sleeping. It was still hard for him to believe that he was a Papa. It was a wonderful feeling.

"Mama and Papa love you both so much..." Bruno whispered, not wanting to wake those who were asleep. He was so focused on the children that he didn't notice the movement on the bed.

Y/n woke up just a few minutes earlier, and was curious about where her husband was.

She took a moment to focus on any pain, which she was grateful to be feeling no pain. A little bit of soreness, but not the pain that she had been in all day.

She slowly sat up and found her husband watching the babies. She smiled as she heard him quietly talk to them.

Bruno had been both excited and nervous about the pregnancy and the fact that he was going to be a father.

He had been such a doting husband while she was pregnant, and she knew he'd be an amazing dad to their twins.

"You're loved by so many people. You have tias y tios that will adore you. You'll have two abuelas that will want to spoil you, and you have two primas that will be great friends for you." He was telling them.

"I will warn you though, there are a few villagers that don't like me much. They might be afraid of you too. They might glare at you or talk about you to their friends."

Y/n's smiled dimmed a little at that. Despite everything she had done to help him, not everyone was willing to see Bruno as the man he is.

"Neither of you will be treated like I was, though. I promise that I will always be there for you. You won't have to go through the negativity alone. Your Mama was always there for me. She was amazing. Someday you two will find friends like your mama was to me. I have loved her all my life. I know, someday you will find someone to love too. But until then you can always come to me, for anything."

That was when Bruno turned and noticed his wife sitting up and watching him.

"I knew you'd be a good papa Bruno."

"Hello amor." He smiled after he had walked over to her. He took her hand and kissed her forehead. "How are you feeling? Are you in any pain?"

"I am feeling a little sore, but much better than I was. Better than I expected to be honest."

Bruno offered to get a snack from the kitchen and went out to get something for her.

She stood up and slowly made her way to the cribs. She smiled softly at the sleeping infants.

"Your daddy is right, my little ones. Mommy and Daddy will protect you forever. We love you so much, and we will always be there for you." She gave them a promise of her own.

The babies woke up then, needing to be fed. While feeding the twins, She thought back to the days after her announcement.

Bruno was both excited and nervous about fatherhood. He was such a sweetheart during her pregnancy. He never faltered, even during bad mood swings.

While he was worried about how the villagers would treat them, he biggest fear was scaring them with his nightmares or random visions

She always made sure to reassure him that he is a wonderful son, brother, tio and husband.

"Being a wonderful Papa is just the next natural step mi amor. You will be fine." Y/n would tell him.

He worked hard to make sure that she was comfortable during the course of her pregnancy. He'd always ask how she was feeling and if she needed anything. He doted on her when she wasn't feeling well and was happy to hold her when she cried for no reason.

He handled her morning sickness like a pro, and he didn't bat an eyelash at the random and sometimes gross looking cravings.

Bruno stayed close by during her third trimester, ready to help her stand up when she struggled with her balance. He helped her put on her shoes, and he'd rub her aching back or swollen feet.

She really appreciated the fact that he was with her during the birth.

Pepa and Alma tried to complain about how men did not belong in the delivery room. However, they quickly realized that she needed him. He calmed her fears and helped her focus on bringing their children into the world.

Y/n was truly grateful for everything he had done over the several months since she had revealed her pregnancy to him.

She made sure to tell him just how grateful she was once the children were sleeping.

Alma was so excited for the new arrivals. More grandchildren meant new gifts. Even though she wasn't as obsessed with overworking the family, she is curious about what the children will be able to do in the future.

She was especially excited when they found out that they were having twins, and that one of them would be a boy.

She cried in joy when the babies were born and they introduced their children, Reyna and Pedro, to the family.

The moment the pregnancy was announced, Julieta and Pepa worked on writing about every symptom they had dealt with. They made lists of what to do or not do, and what to expect for each stage. Julieta was happy to make snacks to ease the worst symptoms. Pepa excitedly bought various outfits for the twins. Their favorite outfits were a plum purple dress with a sage green bow for Reyna. She even found Pedro an adorable charcoal grey ruana to go with a brown outfit to match his papa.

Agustin and Felix were just as excited for the babies as their wives. The pair were often seen scouring the baby store for stuffed animals. They bought a toucan stuffed animal for Reyna and a Capuchin monkey stuffed animal for Pedro.

The scene Bruno walked in on when he returned with an arepa warmed his heart.

He saw his wife sitting in the rocking chair with both twins in her arms as they were being fed.

Once the babies had been taken care of, he helped his still tired wife back to the bed, and gave her the arepa. He helped her lay down and pulled her close.

He gave one more glance at the cribs a few short feet away from the bed, and gave his sleeping wife a kiss on her forehead.

He went to sleep that night, content in knowing that his little family was safe within reach.

Bruno Madrigal One Shots and ImaginesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon