First Kiss

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I have been dating Bruno for a couple of weeks, and it's only a little bit different then when we were just friends.

He expresses his affection with slight touches, as if making sure I'm still with him. A light caress of my cheek or grazing my arm as we're walking through town. If he's particularly worried, he will hold my hand, without even noticing.

When we're alone, the touches are different. Caressing my cheek becomes gazing into my eyes. Hand holding become hugs.

He's also very mischievous when we're alone. Always telling jokes and making me laugh.

The one thing we haven't done yet, is kiss. I think he is too shy to kiss me, so I need to figure out how to initiate a kiss.

Right now, we are in his bedroom, acting out a possible passionate scene from one of his scripts. We act out different possible ways a scene can go, and he'll add his favorite, or favorite parts of our acts, into his script.

His character was named Carlos and was a warrior being sent out to a battle he could not hope to win. My character was named Elena, the princess of the kingdom.

The story line was a forbidden romance between Carlos and Princess Elena. He was being sent to battle, and she was about to be forced to wed a prince she can not love.

"My courageous Carlos. I sincerely wished father wasn't sending you away. I will undoubtedly miss you, mi amor." He embraced me, and I lowered my face into his chest.

"I will think about you every day I am away, mi corazon. I will fight and I will win the war for you."

"My father is forcing me to get married to Prince Andres." I cried. His arms tightened around my waist.


"When the war is over. A gift to our kingdom after the challenging times, and to reinforce our bond with our strongest ally."

"Is there a way to stop the wedding?"

"Return to me, my warrior. Return to me and prove that Prince Andres is not strong enough to protect me from our enemies."

"My darling Elena. Your shining light will guide me back to your arms. Then we can be together."

"Kiss me, Carlos. Kiss me so that I can hold on to the memory of your lips on mine." I ask, hoping that he'll deliver.

Bruno's eyes are wide for a moment, and he gulps nervously.

Then there is a sudden change in him. His eyes darken slightly, the nervousness draining away. He displays the same confidence as when he is acting.

He draws me close to him, and cups my face in his large, warm hand. Then he breaks character, causing a giddy eruption in my chest.

"Te amo Y/N." He whispers, gradually lowering his head to mine, and our lips finally meet. The kiss is gentle, teasing.

My hands reach into his hair instinctively, fingernails lightly scratching his scalp.

He groans lightly into the kiss, pressing a little harder against my lips.

When we finally pull apart, both our faces are flushed, and we're sporting beaming grins.

"Te amo mucho Bruno." I smiled as we hold each other close, taking in the moment, and basking in the love we share.

Bruno Madrigal One Shots and ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now