How my family found out

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M/N-Mom's name
D/N-Dad's name
B/N-Brother's name


(M/N's pov)

I was preparing dinner in the kitchen, thinking about my daughter, Y/N.

I was concerned about her. My husband and I knew of her crush on Alma Madrigal's son. We didn't mind it. He was a good kid, regardless the opinions of some of the villagers.

We genuinely liked the boy, and we both knew he'd be good for our beloved daughter.

The problem was just how shy the pair were. They were best friends, had been for years.

My husband had talked to her a month ago about how she should just tell Bruno. She told him she was afraid of scaring him off.

"I do love him more than anything, Pa. What if I inform him, and he stops being my friend? He's an anxious guy. He'd probably say he doesn't want my reputation to be ruined, or be worried that I would be attacked for being with him." She had revealed.

My dear husband tried to reassure her, but I don't think it worked. I overheard her sobbing into her pillow later that night.

Two days ago, I overheard a conversation between Y/N and B/N. He was trying to convince his sister to be honest with the young fortune teller and told her that Bruno cared about her a lot. B/N is convinced that Bruno loves her as much as she loves him.

She sighed resignedly and merely nodded, promising to mention something to Bruno as soon as she figured out what to say.

I looked up at the clock. Y/N was late.

Where is she?

I was just about urge my son to search for her, the front door opened.

"Mama! Papa! I'm home! Lo siento if I'm a little late. Bruno and I lost track of time." Y/N called.

I stepped out of the kitchen and saw my daughter with the brightest smile on her face.

My husband was walking down the stairs and froze when he saw our daughter.

"Princesa?" He called. She grinned up at him and went over to hug him.

"I did it Papa. You were right." She uttered to him, and she went upstairs to wash up for dinner.

She paused thoughtfully when B/N came out of his bedroom. She hugged him too and thanked him, before heading to the bathroom.

"She's dating Bruno!" Was all he could state, an indulgent smile on his face.

We all smiled at each other. Our little girl was growing up.

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