Pre-Wedding Stress

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Bruno was getting worried. He hasn't seen you since you first woke up beside each other.

You had been spending more and more nights at Casita as you got yourself used to the morning hustle.

You were dragged away the second you left the tower this morning. Pepa had grabbed your arm and whisked you away for wedding planning.

She had been talking a mile a minute, and he had no way of understanding what she was saying.

It was now nearly dinner, and Pepa was back home from dragging you around all day.

You were not with her. In fact Pepa said you had returned an hour ago, asking her to finish up with the minister and the flower shop.

He asked the other members of his family. Felix and Agustin just returned from their work. They hadn't seen you either. Julieta had seen you in your rush around the village.

"She did seem a bit stressed out when I saw her, being dragged about by Pepa." She said.

Bruno knew that if you were stressed or upset, there would only be three places you'd be.

He had been in his room almost all day, so he knew you weren't there. He told Julieta that he was going to check your workshop.

He left his spare key with her just in case. Bruno checked the grotto first, grabbing the hidden key from there.

He knew you were in the workshop as he heard you shuffling around. He could also hear you mumbling. A bad sign for you.

Mumbling meant you were stressed or upset about something. You rarely ever mumble under your breath. That was more his thing.

He went down to your workshop to find you pacing about the room in a panic.

You hadn't noticed him when he opened the door, so he stepped down just a little heavier than he normally does.

It worked. You stopped suddenly and whipped your head towards him.

He made his way down to you, and gently took your hands in his.

-"Focus on me, Cariño. Try matching my breathing okay?" He spoke softly, allowing his voice and the feel of his hands in yours to ground you.

Once he was able to get you to calm down, he led you upstairs, to your bedroom.

You both sat down on your bed, and Bruno cuddled you for a while. Helping you relax until he felt you could talk without causing you to panic again.

After a while, you told him why you were so stressed out.

"Everything started out okay. We were just going over the decorations I had made for the reception. She thought they were gorgeous by the way."

"Of course they are Y/n. Everything you make is beautiful." I smiled, and she returned the smile.

"Then we went to the church to talk to the minister. He went over the color scheme and where the decorations can go to make the church look nice.

"Once we went over this, he sat me down and asked if I was sure I actually wanted this wedding."

"Where was Pepa?" Bruno asked.

"Dragged away with more church prep by one of his assistants." She said dryly.

"Okay, why did he want to ask you about the wedding." Bruno asked, earning him a dry look. "Is he still mad about the hair loss vision?" He sighed, earning him a nod.

You went on explaining the long conversation of why Bruno was a wonderful man and a great fiance. You told him about how the minister should have seen the hair loss coming because it was hereditary.

After about 45 minutes of talking to the minister he stopped trying to get her to reconsider, even acknowledging he wasn't mad about the vision itself, just that he couldn't stop it.

After the church it was to the bakery where the baker and her assistant were at odds for creative differences.

The head baker had one idea for the wedding cake, and the assistant had another. You liked things about both cakes and wanted to put the two cakes together. You like the flavor of one of the cakes and the filling of the other. Both cakes had decorations that would be perfect for your wedding.

"The problem is, neither baker want to work together and the assistant just stormed out! I don't know what to do about the cake."

You explained the dilemma at the flower shop next. The bouquets were all wrong, and they forgot the color scheme.

All in all, it seemed like everything was a mess right now, and the wedding was quickly approaching. There were only two months left before the wedding, and everything seemed to be going wrong. Well, everything that the family wasn't personally handling.

"I don't have to worry about the catering. Julieta, Agustin and Pepa are ready for that. I have the reception centerpieces all ready and they look perfect. Casita will decorate itself for the reception so I don't need to worry about that either."

Bruno held you close after telling him everything. You fell into an exhausted sleep in his arms.

He got up for a moment, making a note on a spare piece of paper. He wrote out everything he wanted to do to help with the wedding so you don't get as stressed.

He sat the pencil down before curling up beside you, drifting off to sleep.

An hour or so later, Julieta came over to check on you since neither of you came to dinner. She smiled when she found the two of you cuddled up together.

She glanced down at the table and noticed the paper with her brother's handwriting.

She read the note and copied the plans down on a small notebook she always carries on her.

She smiled to herself as she whispered a promise to the couple.

"Don't worry you guys. We'll take care of this."

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