When you draw him

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I was sitting on a blanket in the largest room in Bruno's tower, sketchbook in hand. I was stuck on some stained glass artwork I wanted to do.

I had a few orders for stained glass sculptures and ornaments that people wanted. I promised them some design choices, but I was stuck.

So I decided to watch Bruno and hope for some inspiration.

Bruno was telling me all about his latest movie script, and acting out his favorite moments.

There was one scene where his character was with a friend, named Jose. The friend was being played by a rat. Jose told him a really funny joke, and Bruno began laughing, with his head thrown back.

I began drawing him in that position, and Bruno continued the scene, not even noticing the scratching sound of my pencil on the paper.

I looked up every so often, smiling at the joyous expression on his face.

He truly was in his element when he acted. It was such a joy to watch.

I loved watching my boyfriend when he talked about his telenovelas or when he acted them out. It's rare to see him so relaxed and carefree.

I highlighted the sparkle in his eyes and added the sunlight in his hair from the window.

After I was finished, I sat my sketchbook in my lap and watched him finish up.

I stood up, setting my sketchbook down, and walked over to him.

"You are amazing Bruno. You know that?" I smiled as I gave him a quick kiss on his cheek. He blushed, like he usually does when I compliment him.

"A-amazing? M-me? No, amor. You are the amazing one."

"You are amazing mi vida." I stated. "You always come up with the most amazing stories. You certainly have a way with words. And I love watching you act out your scenes. You're gorgeous." I played with his hair as he pulled me close to him.

"I'm not gorgeous, but I'm glad you like my stories. You are my biggest inspiration after all."

"You are gorgeous Bruno, and I can prove it too." I smiled as I gently pulled away. I walked back to where I had been sitting and picked up my sketchbook. I opened it up, showing the drawing.

"That's me? R-really?" He asked, eyes wide as he took in the picture. I simply smiled.

"You're my inspiration too."

"C-can I... Can I keep this?" He asked.

"Of course." I replied, as he handed the book back to me. I carefully ripped the drawing out and handed it to my boyfriend.

One of his rats scurried out from under his ruana and onto his shoulder. Its whiskers were twitching as it gave the picture a curious look. If rats could look curious at least.

"Look at this Raul. My girlfriend made this! Isn't she absolutely amazing?" He grinned. He jumped up suddenly, startling poor Raul, who scurried away

"I've got to show my family!" I giggled at his enthusiasm.

He scampered right out of his tower without a backward glance. I smiled at his excitement as I held my sketchbook and pen and followed the 19 year old.

The first person I spotted was Pepa, who was grinning at the picture as Bruno was telling her about the scene he was working on when I drew it.

She had a small rainbow over her head and turned to me as I made my way to the stairs.

"You'll have to draw me sometime Y/n. Your drawings are beautiful." She told me.

"Of course I'll draw you Pepa, but my drawing is only as beautiful as the subject." I smiled, and we both watched Bruno blush shyly. Pepa handed the drawing back to her brother, and she left Casita.

I walked up to Bruno, and he took my hand in his empty hand as we made our way to the kitchen, where Julieta was.

Julieta also complimented the picture, smiling softly at the expression on her youngest siblings' face.

Alma also liked the drawing, commenting she had never seen her son so happy as he is when he is with me.

I blushed as the matriarch walked over to me while Bruno was rushing the drawing back to his tower.

"You will make a wonderful addition to my familia, Y/n. You are just the kind of woman my Brunito needs."

I smiled at that, even as I was blushing. My smiled widened as we watched Bruno come back out of his tower, still grinning like I had given him a precious gift. I glanced at his mother.

"I definitely plan on marrying him. I want to make him smile like that every day, if I can."

In fact, I already had ideas for how things will go.

I also now had ideas for the orders I need to make. I grinned as I sat down at the table, drawing out various designs for my customers.

All thanks to my lovely inspiration, my boyfriend, Bruno.

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