48 Aren't We Continuing?

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As I sat down next to Olivia, the movie—or rather, the short film—had already begun playing. The scenes on the screen were still of the familiar castle. The surrounding trees seemed even lusher than before, and the rich greenery indicated that it was now summer. The camera slowly panned upwards from low to high, arriving at a window of the castle tower. This was the position of the study. The female lead, who should have been studying in the study, was now leaning against the window with a melancholic expression, gazing at the distant forest. However, after a moment, a knock sounded on the study's door. Without turning her head, she said, "Come in." I had assumed it was just a castle servant, but when the door was pushed open, both Olivia and I widened our eyes in unison. It was the male lead, Peter! "Oh my goodness, he's really handsome!" The handsome male lead approached with confident strides and embraced his long-lost lover tightly. The two gazed at each other with affectionate eyes, as if there were only two people in the world. Olivia let out a squeal, but then quickly remembered there were others downstairs. She lowered her voice and excitedly said to me, "Claire, my dream is to marry a man like Peter." "Even if he's not a werewolf?" I asked her with a hint of amusement. "Even if he's an alien," Olivia swore with a raised hand. We burst into laughter, and we completely missed the noises downstairs. The plot on the projection screen soon recaptured our attention. The curve of my lips gradually stiffened. Why did the male lead suddenly start undressing? Why, when the two had just met, had the female lead blushed and become so entangled with the male lead as if they couldn't bear to be apart? And it was happening on a desk! I instantly remembered the things I had done with Prince Louis in the study before, even the positions were almost identical to the scenes in the short film. I started to feel uneasy, nervously stealing a glance at Olivia beside me. Her face was red, and her eyes were fixed on the image on the wall, seemingly unaware of my discomfort. Listening to the moans coming from the speakers and gazing at the dashingly handsome face of the male lead, there was suddenly an urge within me to run out of the room. ...Please, spare me. But my gaze seemed glued to the wall. I heard the male lead's voice in a low tone, as he kissed the soft body of the female lead, recounting his longing for her. At a certain moment, it was as if I saw Prince Louis' face. "F.uck me harder, my love, let me feel you..." The plot was becoming more explicit, and the two main characters on screen were completely lost in a sea of desire. I couldn't believe this was a sequel to the romantic movie I had watched before. This was clearly a SEX film! Yet, for some reason, neither I nor Olivia pressed the pause button. "Claire." My heart raced, and I could almost hear the deep and low voice of Prince Louis echoing in my mind.Hold on. Stiffly, I turned my head inch by inch, and to my horror, I saw Prince Louis standing in the doorway, arms crossed, with a frosty expression. Kyle was standing half a step behind him, staring fixedly at Olivia, whose face had turned pale, sporting an equally displeased look. "How... how did you get here?" My mind went blank as I stumbled to my feet, stammering the question, nearly biting my tongue in the process. "If I didn't come, I wouldn't have discovered you hiding here watching this kind of thing," Prince Louis offered a forced smile, "Am I not enough for you, Claire?" My face flushed a deep red instantly. But before I could even explain, Kyle had reached his limit and walked over to switch off the projector, pulling Olivia away before our eyes. "Apologies, Your Highness," Kyle's tone held anger and another underlying, even deeper emotion, "I need to have a talk with my sister first." Prince Louis raised an eyebrow and redirected his gaze back to me. Well, now it was just the two of us here. "I..." Nervousness overwhelmed me to the point where I didn't even know how to speak anymore. "I'm sorry." Prince Louis strolled over at a leisurely pace. Desperate, I closed my eyes, only to hear a soft chuckle near my ear. "What are you sorry for?" he asked. How would I know? Rolling my eyes inwardly, I didn't dare utter my true thoughts due to my guilt. So, I just shook my head honestly and said I didn't know. "Claire," Prince Louis' voice was surprisingly calm, "I had thought of letting you rest for the night. But now, I've changed my mind." I opened my eyes, looking at him with confusion. "Changed your mind about what?" "I shouldn't have indulged you too much," Prince Louis extended his hand, gently tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. I shivered involuntarily at his touch. "You still have time to watch other men... Am I not enough for you, Claire?" I opened my mouth, but before I could say anything, Prince Louis suddenly carried me up in his arms. Just like what he did at that party. The difference this time was the cold and determined expression on his face as he strode down the stairs as if carried by the wind. I covered my face and dared not look at Mrs. Lucchese, fearing to see her reaction. Fortunately, as Mrs. Lucchese performed a curtsey to Prince Louis, he spoke icily, "Excuse us. I'll take my mate back for now. We'll handle the exchange student matter later." With that, he carried me away from the house with long strides. He roughly tossed me into the car. Despite the cushion being soft, his aggressive action made my eyes well up with tears. I tried to resist, but he forcefully pinned me down on the backseat, devouring me like a beast with ruthless fervor. "Stop, don't..." "Too late." His words were succinct. Under the cover of his powerful frame, my body trembled, as if I had accidentally opened a cage imprisoning a hungry beast. Soon, I would be torn into countless fragments by this long-starved terrifying Lycan and consumed whole. He was more savage than ever, and my clothes were soon torn into shreds under his fervent touches. He gripped my hair and kissed me as though I were a disposable object. My scalp ached, and his kisses left me breathless. My mind began to swirl, and everything before me gradually blurred into a hazy white light. "Louis..." The moment his fingers entered me, the pain forced me to cry out his name. When he saw the tears slipping from my eyes, Prince Louis finally paused. He gazed down at me with that crazy look in his eyes. After a moment, he sighed faintly and slipped his fingers between my lips, provocatively tangling with my tongue. "Lick it." His voice finally regained a hint of gentleness, though it was laced with more frustrated gritted teeth. "Otherwise, you'll feel uncomfortable later." I whimpered in a small, aggrieved voice, "It hurts..." Prince Louis kissed me, but his demeanor remained cold as ever. "Lick it." I cautiously opened my eyes, realizing there was no way around it. I had no choice but to awkwardly prop myself up halfway, cautiously extend my tongue, and hesitantly lick his wet fingers. While doing so, I kept an eye on his expression. And, of course, he caught me in the act. Prince Louis' jawline tensed abruptly. He pinched my throat, stared at me with a wicked smile, and sneered, "Were you deliberately trying to drive me insane?" "You're so scared just now?" I muttered softly, finally mustering the courage to touch him, my fingers gently grazing his neck. "Remember... to be gentle." Louis slowly exhaled. Suddenly, he sat up straight, took off his own suit jacket, and draped it over me. Then, he held me tightly in his arms, rolled down the window, and told the driver outside, "Go home." My breathing was still uneven as I obediently rested on his heaving chest, gazing up at him with a perplexed expression. "Aren't we continuing?" Louis took a deep breath, his icy demeanor radiating with a murderous aura. He lifted his head, his eyes of blue locking onto mine, and he smiled slowly, softly. "You," he said, "dare to rush me?"

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