32 You Still Don't Believe Me

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Kyle's appearance immediately drew all of Olivia's attention away. She coldly snorted, her gaze like daggers piercing through Kyle, and she couldn't help grinding her teeth with force. I noticed her expression and asked Kyle in a low voice, "Did you two have another argument?" "No," he replied casually. "Then why is Olivia angry?" "Who knows," Kyle deliberately drawled, glancing at Olivia, teasingly adding, "Maybe she was a pufferfish in her past life, needing to get mad every day to avoid exploding. Right, Claire?" Before I could say anything, Louis fake-smiled and pulled me away from Kyle's grasp. He put his arm around my waist, staring at Kyle, and said, "I've heard about you, the eldest son of the Lucchese family. You made quite a name for yourself during the last forest hunt." "Oh, Your Highness heard about me? What an honor," Kyle's tone was polite, but his expression showed no signs of being honored. I couldn't help but gasp at his boldness, but then Kyle suddenly turned to me and said seriously, "Claire, You and Olivia are both my sisters. No matter what happens, the doors of the Lucchese family will always be open for you. Remember that, okay?" I was taken aback and my eyes unexpectedly started to feel warm. I lowered my head and muttered, "Thank you, Kyle." He said these words in front of Louis, risking offending him just to support me. It was impossible not to be moved. I knew that both Olivia and I were important to him, but it seemed that Olivia's role in his heart went beyond that of just a sister. Prince Louis made a displeased snort from his nose, but he wasn't angry about Kyle's words. He retorted, with an unpleasant expression, "I'm not like her ex. I won't let her experience such a day." This time, Kyle simply smiled. The day was getting dark, and he quickly said goodbye to us with Olivia. Of course, he used the excuse of "not wanting to disturb us." I couldn't help but roll my eyes at him and was about to tell Louis that we should head back. But then I heard him ask with a hint of doubt, "Claire, my mate, do you not believe what I said earlier?" I stopped in my tracks, turning to look at him. "Which part are you referring to?" "'I won't let her experience such a day,'" he said, looking into my eyes. "When I said that, you laughed. Don't you believe my promise?" "No, no, that's not it," I hurriedly replied, "I just... just remembered something amusing at that moment. I wasn't intentional to laugh at that time." Prince Louis quietly gazed at me. After a moment, he shook his head, "You still don't believe me." I didn't know how to respond to him, so I just stood there, biting my lower lip tightly. My heart was in turmoil as I thought. Perhaps I should also make a vow to prove myself? But what should I prove? Do I have to say I love him too, and my wolf and I do have feelings for him? Suddenly, Prince Louis stepped forward and forcefully pulled me into his embrace. He lifted my chin, almost as if venting his frustrations, and kissed my lips passionately. I was forced to tilt my head up, standing on my tiptoes to accept this stormy and passionate kiss, gradually becoming intoxicated by it. His tongue moved skillfully in a way that made my scalp tingle, like a snake slithering in my mouth, bringing wet and scorching heat. He kept teasing my desires with a sense of urgency, as if trying to determine something through this action. But I couldn't quite understand. Clearly, he was the one who held the upper hand in this relationship, both in terms of status and initiative. So why did he still show such restlessness in front of me? "Ma...te... ma...te..." he called me over and over again, his large hand steadying my hips. I was almost hanging onto him. I heard my own breath becoming short and sweet, and my brain gradually descending into chaos. I stared deeply into his eyes. In a daze, I saw the forest in that heavy rain once again. "We are so similar, Claire." Prince Louis' deep voice brought me back to reality, and I realized I was already leaning against him on the playground, with the orange sunset seeping through the gaps in the leaves and casting a warm glow on his figure. His face appeared even more profound in the hazy sunset. He was so handsome, with every strand of golden hair shimmering in the sunlight. It was like melted gold gently flowing in the evening breeze, lightly brushing against my cheekbones, causing a tingling sensation. "We have both offered everything in a relationship and suffered merciless betrayal. We have both been abandoned by the entire world, with no place to call home. We have also been left all alone in the most destitute times, with no one to accompany us, only able to lick our wounds and question all the care and goodwill around us..." As he spoke, my heartbeat gradually became deafening. "Yes," I couldn't help but agree with him, "you must understand me. For so many years, we've both been alone." Sometimes, I even hated myself for completely sealing off my emotions, pretending on the surface as if nothing had happened. I appeared to live peacefully, as if all disasters hadn't befallen me. And I knew that was my way of survival. If I were to indulge myself like Cathy and Lucy, sinking into negative emotions without restraining my impulses, I probably would have jumped off the school building the year my mother died and my father remarried. But I didn't. I was just trying to live on, in my own way. I tried to minimize the harm to myself. I even convinced myself to accept Joe. But, as it turned out, he disappointed me once again. Utterly disappointed. If it weren't for Prince Louis announcing at the banquet that I was his mate and directly taking me away from the scene, I probably would have fled far away by now. I thought I would escape this city, even this country, until several years later when my wolf was completely healed. When I regained peace of mind in my soul, perhaps I would return to this place that had hurt me so deeply.
"You know," Louis' lips grazed against my neck, making me gasp uncontrollably, "my wolf tells me to hold onto you and not let you leave. Because you are unique. You are the only one that can truly connect with my soul, my mate." His affectionate words made my ears burn red, especially when Prince Louis repeatedly called me "mate" with his low, hoarse voice. I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself, and with a slightly trembling voice, I asked, "If that's the case, why do you think I don't believe in your promises?" "It's because we are soulmates, so I can sense your thoughts," Louis smiled slightly and replied, "You believe me, but not completely. You still leave yourself a way out. If something happens that you think might hurt you, you will withdraw from this relationship at any time. You will give up on me and then turn and leave, won't you?" I fell silent. Because I knew Prince Louis was absolutely right. "I won't betray you." I traced his eyebrows and eyes with my fingers, speaking softly. "I know," Louis said forcefully, "but that's not enough. I want all of you, my mate. Love is a sweet pain, and I don't want to be the only one tasting its flavor. If I'm destined to drown, I'll drag you with me. Even death cannot separate us." "You're too domineering," I couldn't help but complain, but there was a hint of playful reproach in my tone. "That's who I am," Prince Louis said firmly. I looked into his serious eyes. Through those bright blue eyes, beneath the gentlemanly, cold, and courteous exterior, I saw a determined and passionate soul. It was like a ball of fire, constantly radiating light and warmth. It almost consumed me entirely. "My dear," Louis grabbed my hand and pressed it against his beating chest, "if one day you feel that I betrayed this relationship—" "Then I allow you to stab this beating heart with a dagger." Under my stunned gaze, he leaned down and kissed my lips with a smile. "As the sole heir of the royal family, I pardon you for any wrongdoing."

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