43 A Confrontation

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Apparently, I wasn't the only one who thought that Garfield Evans' timing wasn't ideal.

When Prince Louis appeared in the living room, his expression was far more formidable than mine. He didn't mince words and asked, "Garfield, what brings you here today?"

Evans was still wearing the same coat and suit from last time, with his ruby wolf-headed cane placed beside him. In addition to that, he had on a pair of black leather gloves, making him look like a black crow perched on the couch.

I heard him cough a few times and stood up to bow slightly to Prince Louis, "It's a pleasure to see you, Your Highness."

"No more of these useless pleasantries. Just tell me the purpose of your visit," commanded Prince Louis, his brow furrowed. As he spoke, he held my hand and sat down on the couch opposite Garfield Evans.

If I were Garfield Evans, facing Prince Louis' hostile attitude would surely have made me too afraid to even raise my head.

But Garfield seemed completely oblivious to Prince Louis' guarded and indifferent demeanor. He even picked up the cup of tea in front of him and took a sip before slowly saying, "In fact, I believe you should already have guessed the purpose of my visit today, Your Highness."

His gaze landed on our intertwined hands.

I immediately grew nervous, gripping Prince Louis' hand tighter without realizing it. Prince Louis didn't look at me, but he reassuringly squeezed my fingers, as if saying "Don't worry, I've got this."

My anxiety was instantly alleviated. I stared at Garfield across from us, wanting to see what trick he was planning.

Seeing that Prince Louis wasn't responding, Evans had to continue with a hint of regret, "Within the Elder Council, there's a growing concern that Your Highness might have been too hasty in choosing a mate. Currently, they are uncertain whether Claire possesses the qualities necessary to be an exceptional Luna."

Prince Louis responded coldly, "The mate I've chosen is, of course, the most perfect Luna. Tell those old men that it's not their place to meddle in this matter."

"Very well, as you wish," Garfield tugged at the corner of his mouth, flashing a somewhat forced smile towards Prince Louis, "However, considering that you will soon ascend to the throne, we unanimously believe that you and Claire should move into the Forest Castle as soon as possible."

"No need," Prince Louis frowned, "Isn't the coronation ceremony still a year away? Claire's university is also nearby, and she hasn't graduated yet."

"I'm afraid I don't see it that way, Your Highness," Garfield retorted with a pointed tone. "The Forest Castle has been the residence of past Lycanthrope monarchs and is the most heavily guarded and secure place. The incident of the attack on Claire at the school has already spread throughout the country. The Elders are concerned that if a similar event were to occur again, it might cause mass panic and consequently undermine the authority of the royal family."

As he spoke of these severe consequences, my face paled slightly.

But Prince Louis wasn't intimidated by him. He frowned and said, "So their suggestion is for Claire to drop out of university?"

Garfield artfully responded, "The Elder Council has arranged for Claire to have private tutors from the nobility. These teachers are graduates of prestigious schools and are more than capable of educating Claire."

"No way!" I blurted out.

Perhaps because my opposition was too intense, both men engaged in the conversation quieted down simultaneously, turning their heads to look at me.

Prince Louis furrowed his brow slightly, seemingly lost in thought. On the other hand, Garfield raised an eyebrow with arrogance that made me want to punch him right in the eye. He asked with a smile that seemed to invite a punch, "Why not, Claire?"

"Because..." I bit my lip, struggling to find an excuse amidst the nervousness and chaos.

Under Garfield's increasingly mocking gaze, an odd calmness came over me, and I responded, "Because I need a degree from university."

"That's something regular people use to find jobs," Garfield dismissively said, "As His Highness's mate, you don't need that. Moreover, from what I know, you didn't attend an Ivy League school. So, even if you drop out now, it shouldn't be that big of a loss."

"Not as a prince's mate!" I sharply retorted, trembling with anger at his disdainful attitude. "But as myself—me, Claire. First, I'm my own person, and then anyone else's mate! Even if that person is a prince!"

While I was talking to Garfield Evans, Prince Louis had been watching me all along.

He didn't seem angered by my words; instead, a smile played on his lips, and his gaze held a hint of approval. But at that moment, I had little room to think about anything else.

"I need that degree," I took a deep breath, staring straight into Garfield's cold emerald eyes, forcing myself to logically counter his point. "I've worked hard to get into that university. Why should you take away my right to education? If it's about safety, well, Prince Louis has already arranged an excellent bodyguard for me—Hawk. I don't know if you've met him."

Upon hearing Hawk's name, a trace of surprise finally crossed Garfield's face.

However, before he could speak, I cut in, "And the so-called safety issue is just an excuse you've conjured up to make us move, right?"

Finishing my sentence, I looked at Evans with a frigid gaze. Although I had struck a chord with their real intentions, Evans didn't show any signs of embarrassment.

He regarded me with a thoughtful gaze, as if meeting me for the first time today.

I smirked, a mocking smile playing on my lips. "I'm well aware of the kind of expectations those old-timers have for a prince's mate—obedient, submissive, easy to control. My every social activity should be determined by you, even including who I meet and where and when. Isn't that right?"

"If I were to follow your advice, I wouldn't be able to casually meet my old friends and acquaintances anymore. I'd be completely cut off from my social circle, trapped in that castle, molded into whatever form you desire, just like a piece of clay."

"So," I pulled my hand back from Prince Louis' grip, crossed my arms, leaned against the sofa, adopting a defensive posture. I decisively informed the two men present, "Figure it out yourselves. I absolutely won't drop out of school."

Prince Louis raised an eyebrow. He didn't say anything but simply picked up his tea, watching Garfield, who had maintained silence since a while ago, as if he were watching a show.

His gaze seemed to say, "What now? Figure it out for yourself."

Garfield Evans sat on the sofa in silence for a moment, then chuckled lightly.

"You're truly clever," he said to me, using his thumb to caress the top of his wolf-headed cane, his tone resembling a kind of poetic expression. "Claire, what you said was remarkably astute."

Through his black leather gloves, he lightly applauded me, a pale yet handsome face graced with a subtle smile. He continued, "To be honest, even someone like me is almost captivated by you."

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