27. This Is Blue's Instagram Account!

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"I think I'll like this camping trip that we are going for tomorrow". I said telling Sarah, Mason and Flynn.

"I wish I could go with you but it's filled with weird ass teens". Mason said as Jay groaned. "What, does my speaking disturbing you?" He asked.

It's always arguing with this my two pussies of brothers.

"Your whole existence disturbs me". He harshly responded.


"Meh!" They attacked each other.

"Can you guys shit the fuck up?" Sarah said as the both kept quiet. After Mom and Dad, Sarah is the most feared in the house. She has the instincts of a serial killer, we all do actually.

"So what is the camping trip for anyways? What are guys gonna even do when you get to the woods?" Mom asked sipping her latte.

"I don't know... Ugh now I don't wanna go". I scratched my neck.

"What do you mean?" Jay asked.

"I lost all interest on going".

"Just like that?" Mason added.

"You guys know that I really don't like to think about things too much because if I do, it will become useless".

"Yeah we forgot about that, Mr useless". Sarah said as I just rolled my eyes.

"Whatever, I'm going to the attic, no one should fucking disturb me". I said getting up from the couch.

"After how many years of training and teaching,y children still swear". I heard Mom as I was moving upstairs.

The attic officially became my second room, I loved it more than my original room anyways, but I mostly come here to think and work on my art, so many ideas are flowing through me but they all look lame in my head.

I opened the roof window of the attic after I entered inside, I went to the roof and sat down as the breeze was very cool and chill, the sun was covered by a very large dark cloud and I really liked it because I don't wanna get sunburned.

I decided not to play any music and just listen to the sound of the wind, the birds, and the few trees in the neighbourhood, I really missed listening to all the sounds of nature at once, it is like the most calming thing ever.

Whenever I'm in a bad mood, nature likes to dulcify the bad mood and just brings a soothing one.

I just wanted to remain here and block my self away from the world.

Just away moments away from sleeping on the roof top, I got a beep on my phone, a message. I was hesitant about checking the message but whatever, I unlocked my phone and checked my notification bar and saw Arion's name as I cleared it away.

I didn't have the energy for his bullshit


I climbed my bed, stonkered, I couldn't move but just lie on the bed like a dummy or a mannequin, the chores became much in the house because my Dad just returned from his 5 months journey since we entered this year.

We really thought he wouldn't return by this time maybe by the year's end but anyways we were happy to see him, he hardly spends time with us.

But anytime he knows he is free from work, he comes home to meet us in the house, even if it's just two days, he'll stay with us.

He came home with many artifacts and things that he knew we wanted before this year will end.

So with that said I was finished because arranging Dad's clothes back in the wardrobe he said he won't travel again till next year, so he will be here during my birthday.

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