41: Mission Failed

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(Later at Night)

The Devils Gathered in a Group as they Looked at The Apartment.

The Devil Archer are ready to shoot but they were waiting for Barbatos Bachiko to give the signal.

She is one of the Thirteen Crowns and is Iruma's Tutor who trained him and show him to how to use a bow and arrow during The Harvest Festival.

(Barbatos Bachiko)

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(Barbatos Bachiko)

Bachiko, pardon me but my Archers and I were wondering, should we shoot now? Said one of The Devil Archers.

Bachiko: Unbelievable, how many times do I need to tell you to wait for my signal?!

Devil Archer: What is the signal again?

Bachiko: What's the signal again?! for the 13th time it's when I raise my arm!

Devil Archer: Absolutely. 

Everyone went silence as the Wind blows at the Night Sky and nobody made a sound.

Until Ravel shouted JUST DO IT FOR GODS SAKE-

She was interrupted by Bachiko and The Devil Patrol's Shushing.

Ravel: Just do it for gods sake. (whispering)

Bachiko: I can't until they report back.

Just then A Devil Guard approaches them and says Bachiko, The Guards and I think you and the Phoenix Princess need to pipe down or you wake The Dragon Faction.

Bachiko gets annoyed and shouted Get back with the Others!

She shouted as she raises her Arm.

The Devil Archers saw her raising her Arm and they started shooting arrows at the Apartment.

The Arrows hit the walls instead of the doors.

Bachiko walk towards them and says What do you think you're doing?!

Devil Archer: You raised your arm.

Bachiko: I did not!

Fat Devil Archer: Oh yes you did, which is why we start shooting the arrows.

Fat Devil Guard: Why isn't Riser here? he could probably just go in there and get Issei and our mission will be complete.

Ravel: No, Sirzechs entrusted me with this mission and I'm going to complete it, even if it means fighting them!

Devil Guard: But Sirzechs order us not to hurt him and to make sure he and his friends don't escape.

Ravel: That's why Sirzechs couldn't entrust this mission to my brother due his humiliation back when Issei defeated him to save Rias form the Engagement, he was in his room for weeks after his defeat.

Fat Devil Guard: Let's just knock at the door and demand him to come with us.

Devil Guard: He'll end up using his booster gear to attack us and we'll be easily defeated by him and his Faction.

Bachiko: Will you both shut up?!

Ravel: Then what are we supposed to do?!

They started to argue but they didn't noticed Maui waking up from the noise and went outside to see The Devil Patrol.

They were looking at Bachiko & Ravel arguing, he took the opportunity to jump up and land on the roof of the Apartment and stands up as he looks down at them while holding his fishhook.

Maui: Hey!

The Devil Patrol Looked up to see Maui holding his Fishhook.

Bachiko & Ravel stop Arguing and Looked up to see Maui on The Roof.

Maui: What are you all doing here?

Devil Guard: we have orders from Sirzechs to take Hyoudou and The Others to the Factions.

Maui: That's not gonna happen.

Bachiko: What's that supposed to mean?!

Maui: This!

He tools his Fishhook towards The Moon and started to pull it.

He pulls the moon to the other side as The Sun started raising up.

The Devil Patrol Immediately used teleportation magic to teleport back to the Underworld.

Bachiko: Hey! What The Hell are you all going?!

Ravel: we're done-

Just then magic circles appeared on the ground where they are standing and they were teleported back to the Underworld.

Maui: That takes care of that...

He goes back inside the room but he remembered he pulled the moon did the other side in order for the sun rise up.

Maui: Oh...

To be continued...

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