59: Losing A Box

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(The Next Day)

A chubby teenage boy wearing a superhero cap without a shirt is holding a microphone as a chubby cameraman without a shirt says we're on!

He says as he points the camera at the chubby superhero news reporter.

News Superhero Reporter: breaking news! there was a explosion at Kuoh Academy that happened yesterday, and Rias Gremory who is the President of The ORC has been kidnapped by a unknown teenage girl that is dressed as a boy, it's unknown who she is, but there was a police fight last night which ended the entire police force retreat after a former cop from Tokyo name Kankichi Ryotsu has somehow got into one of the tanks and destroyed every tank and police vehicle that was owned by the Tokyo Police Force, in other News, The Hero public safety commission had became allies with the Holy Council in order to teach the Pro Heroes about the Supernatural after the Vampire War that happened two days, plus the Dragon Faction made a interview telling us about their experience with the Supernatural, everyone immediately started getting weapons while some buy them online which caused every delivery service to be crazy busy and packed, sad news in Tokyo, Lum The Invader Girl has Left The City of Tokyo and Join The Serpent Faction which devastated the boys who loved her and want to kill Ataru who ran away from Tokyo to Japan which they including the girls who hated him are heading to Japan right now.

He looks at another chubby teenage boy who is shaking his head no, that the sad news was about to be good news.

News Superhero Reporter: Sorry... that was supposed to be good news.

(Somewhere at Japan)

Ryunosuke and her Team are looking around to find a place or spot to dump the box that had rias inside.

Usopp: we looked everywhere and there is nothing where we could dump this box!

Ryunosuke: we had to keep looking, we can't just lead them to our hideout.

Gowther: Laura how are you able to have legs if you are a Mermaid?

Laura: I have my ways...

Ryunosuke stops walking as the others also stopped walking.

Everywhere in Japan is busy and we look like a group with a box that has the Princess of Ruin inside and we don't know where to dump this freaking box-

She stopped her sentence when she looked at the box, only to see the box wasn't there anymore.

Ryunosuke: Where's The Box?

Gowther: were you two carrying the box?

He says as he looks at Usopp & Laura.

Usopp: What?

Laura: we thought you were carrying the box?

Nemuru: Oh I put the box at that delivery truck over there.

He pointed at the delivery truck as it started driving away when Ryunosuke and the others looked.

Ryunosuke: HEY! THAT'S OUR BOX!

She shouted as she and her Team started running after the delivery truck.

(Meanwhile with The Dragon Faction)

Issei and his Friends started packing their stuff after the fire faded away.

Kankichi fixes the Tank after being damaged by the attacks from the other tanks that he destroyed last night.

That's the last of the screws fixed... Said Kankichi as he furnished putting the last screw in.

Eri was eating a rice ball with Deku as he eats a bowl of white rice.

Ataru: I'm so screwed...

Issei: Why, What's wrong?

Ataru: my tormentors found out where I am, and they're already heading here!

That's just great... (annoyed) not only our apartment has been destroyed, but everyone including the supernatural will be coming for us... Said Issei as he has a worried look on his face.

Nube: we did revealed the entire supernatural to the entire world, so we'll end up making enemies and being wanted by the Holy Council.

Issei: The Holy Council? Who are they?

Nube: They are a group of people that had experience the supernatural like us.

However they are against the supernatural but worship the Biblical God and respect The Angel Faction and The Brave Saints.

They are feared and respected by organizations and those who are against the supernatural.

Even The World Government respects them and are allies with them.

Deku: Who are the members of the Holy Council?

Nube: Sword Maiden is The Leader of The Holy Council, and the members are Hinata Sakaguchi Captain of The Holy Council Military.

Sakura Leader of The Holy Exorcists.

Futaba Yozakura Leader of The Holy Healers.

Ronaldo Leader of The Vampire Hunters.

Sho Kusakabe Leader of The Knights of The Ashen Flame.

Ataru: Sakura is one of the members of the Holy Council?

Mutsumi: and my sister is one of them?

Nube: Yes.

Issei: you know one of them?

Ataru: She is Cherry's Niece, the woman who brought me back to my tormentors when she was suffering from evil spirits possessing her.

Issei: Why would they be coming after us?

Nube: because they have been keeping the supernatural a secret by letting the humans think they are myths, but since we revealed the entire supernatural to the entire world, they will be coming after us.

Jibanyan: Guys, look at this.

He shows them the Newspaper to Rias on the front page and dead soldiers from the Japanese Imperial Demon Army and The Twelve Guardians as they were trying to capture The Behemoth and The Leviathan.

Issei: Rias is Kidnapped?

Iruma: And The Behemoth and The Leviathan had been captured by the Apocalypse Brigade.

Issei: Who?

To be continued...

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