14.) Second job.

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Onalerona's POV

"O se ka wa tshwenyega ke tla tla mo bekeng eno mme re tla gola sentle." I say. (Don't worry I'll come this weekend and we will talk properly.) "Ke tla go bona ka nako eo." says Masego. (Okay I'll see you then.) "Robala sentle mme o tlhokomele mmemogolo wa rona." She chuckles. (Sleep well and take care of our grandmother for us.) "I will." I smile. We bid our farewells and i drop the phone and sigh.

I put my phone on the nightstand and blink away the tears that want to escape. Whoever said being a first born is nice must have been smoking weed mixed with Percocets. I chuckle at that silly thought. My grandmother's treatment price has increased so that means they don't have enough money to buy food and other essentials.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath in and exhale slowly.

"Dear Lord.
Thank you for giving us this day. Thank you for blessing us with this day. Usually I would know what to say but now...I don't know. You see everything that's happening around me. Please give me the strength to go on and never give up. I still need my grandmother I can't afford to lose her now. Please heal her.

I sometimes hate the fact that I'm the first born because most of the responsibilities fall on my shoulder. I have to take care of my siblings now I have to take care of my grandmother. Like how will I be able to do that when the money I'm earning is not enough. Let's not forget that I have to take care of myself too. Let me not complain too much and leave it in your hands because you know what to do.

Who knows something better might come out of this. But the better better not be death. My cousin still needs my grandmother too so she has to live not only for my sake but my cousin's. Once again I ask you for your strength and courage to get through this. In Jesus name we pray. Amen."

I do the holy cross and open my eyes. Nkare nka loma bophelo cause what in the misery is this now. Here I was celebrating the fact that I got a job and finally things are starting to look up for me but it seems like that's not enough. Now I must go back home and see how bad the situation is. I doubt the money I earn will be enough. Sigh. You know what let me just sleep and forget about my problems for a while.

Bhut' Xolani opens the door for us and we get inside and thank him. I still can't get used to this kind of life even though I've been here for over a month. It's very weird being spoiled or treated well at a workplace as a maid. He closes the door and goes to his side and gets in and drives off.

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