12.) Walk over you.

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Onalerona's POV

"I will miss you big sis." says Olebogang. "I will miss you too little one. Stay safe and take care of yourself and your brother." I say. "He is actually supposed to be taking care of me." We chuckle. "But you must look out for him." "Don't worry i will. I am the best little sister after all." We chuckle.

"I trust you." I kiss her forehead and we break the hug. Obakeng comes and hugs me. His taller than me now and it feels weird hugging your younger brother who is taller than you. Once upon a time they used to look up to you now they looking down on you. Where is the fairness in that? "I will miss you." he says.

"It's actually the first time you admit that in front of everyone what changed." I say and we chuckle. "Don't make me regret saying these words and taking them back." he says and i chuckle. "No don't I'm just surprised but I will miss you too." "That's what you had to say in the beginning." I roll my eyes. "Take care of yourself and your little sister." "Always. You must take care of yourself too."

"Always." I say and he smiles. We break the hug and i sit next to my dad. I'm going to miss home. Not the house itself and the woman that lives here but I will miss my dad and my siblings mostly. They mean the world to me and without them my life would be incomplete. I pull my dad into a side hug and he kisses my forehead.

"I will miss you papa." I say. "I'll miss you too princess. Don't go as long as you did without visiting us. Visit us at least once a month and just know I'm always there when you need me." he says and i nod. "Don't worry i won't ghost you guys again I will be more frequent with my visits and calls." He smiles.

We break the hug and i get up and take my suitcase and handbag. "It's time for me to leave guys. I will see you guys month end and don't worry i will call more frequently." I say. "I'm holding you to that promise Onalerona." says dad and I chuckle. "And I intend on keeping that promise." He smiles. "Let me drive you to the rank." "You don't have to papa." "I have to let's go."

"Can we come along papa?" asks Olebogang. "No you guys need to be preparing for school tomorrow." says Mosetsana. "But ma," "You talking back Olebogang." "No mama." "Now go and get ready for school." We have a group hug and i tell them how much I love them before they walk away. My dad takes my suitcase and we head out.

I'm not going to bother saying bye to her. I'm tired of her and i don't want to waste my little energy on fighting. I open the gate and wait for my dad to reverse the car out of the driveway. I get inside and he drives off. "I hope they are treating you right at work ngwanake." he says and i chuckle. (my child.) "Papa you don't have to worry about that."

"I can't not worry you are my child and i have to make sure you are fine always." he says and i smile. "Ncoo papa that's so sweet. Don't worry papa they are treating me well and the pay is well too. I'm able to provide for you guys." I say. "And I appreciate it. Don't let what Mosetsana said get to your head okay." I nod. "Okay papa." He smiles.

"Ke ne ka bona mosimane yole fa kgorong." he says. (I saw that boy by the gate.) "Mosimane ke eng papa?" I ask and he rolls his eyes causing me to chuckle. (What boy dad?) "O se ka wa akanya gore ke sematla Onalerona. Ke a itse gore o itse ke se buang." (Don't think I'm an idiot Onalerona I know you know what I'm talking about.)

"Tota ga ke itse rre ke ka moo botsang gore ke mosimane ofe." I say. (I genuinely don't know dad that's why I'm asking which boy.) I know he is referring to Sandile but I will keep on playing dumb because I'm not in the mood to talk to my dad about boys. What could I possibly say to explain to him why he was walking me to my gate?

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