6.) Helping hand.

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Onalerona's POV

"You know this house feels much more bearable now that you guys are here." says Ayola and we chuckle. "I can imagine you guys cleaning just the two of you while waiting for replacements for the other two." I say. "I almost quit my job but then i remembered my kids." says Precious and we chuckle. "How old are your kids?" "13 and 8." "I'm sure they always bicker."

"Bickering is you putting it lightly. They are always at loggerheads and I've learnt to not involve myself in their fights because if I do I make matters even worse." says Precious and we chuckle. "So do they end up resolving it?" asks Rendani. "They actually resolve it quicker when they are left alone rather than you involving yourself."

"That's how siblings are, my brother and sister do the same thing but I guess it's true when they say never involve yourself in a sibling fight because you might make matters worse." I say. "How old are your siblings?" asks Ayola. "They are 15 and 10." "Brothers and sisters fight more but the brothers will always protect their sisters no matter what." says Precious.

"Yeah I used to fight a lot with my brother growing up but then he would always come to my defense whenever I'm in trouble." says Rendani. "As an only child I can't relate." says Ayola and we chuckle. "I was an only child for almost 13 years so I can't relate too because by the time my brother got old I went to varsity." I say. "Damn that's a long time to be alone." "I know right."

"So how are you guys finding your new environment so far?" asks Precious. She is like the mother of the group always checking up on us and she is so nurturing. "Its really nice and I'm glad that you guys are genuinely nice people so I'm more comfortable working here its just the workload that's a bit too much but it comes with the job." I answer.

"I also like it here its very nice and i love the way you guys welcomed us and the way the family welcomed us. Workload is a lot but hey my payday is currently motivating me to not quit." answers Rendani and we chuckle. "That's the beauty of having paydays." says Ayola and we laugh. We hear the door opening and the footsteps make their way into the living room.

"Hi Aunty Ayola, Aunty Precious, Aunty Rendani and Aunty Ona." they greet simultaneously. "Hey guys. How are you?" asks Precious. "I'm fine and you aunty." answers Zenande. "I'm good too princess." They each give us a hug and Ayola stands up and goes with them upstairs to change. "Who is cooking today?" asks Rendani. "Its my turn I'll go get started now."

Precious stands up and walks to the kitchen. "When are you going to fetch the clothes at the dry clean?" asks Rendani. "I will go there tomorrow or Thursday the latest." I answer. We get up and walk to the dining room area and the kids start coming in one by one. Ayola brings their snack platter and we start helping them with their homework.

"You guys should be teachers cause you are more smarter than some of my teachers." says Luyanda and we laugh. "Which teacher of yours can't teach?" I ask. "My maths and NS teacher." "Shame at least you have us so we will help you when you get back home." "I think we should all home school." "No thank you."

"Please." says Zenande. "This house is big and it takes forever for us to clean so we won't have time to teach you guys." says Rendani. "What a shame you guys are excellent teachers." says Luyanda and we chuckle. "My thank you. You sure do know how to charm us." says Ayola. "I mean I am a man of many talents." "Hold your horses right there boy."

This one is a replica of Zithulele from the looks to the personality. "What man are you because you not done with school?" asks Rendani. "Well it's the only obstacle standing in my way but either than that I am one." says Luyanda and we laugh. This child is a character. "Okay then we hear you. So what talents do you have besides charming us?"

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