s3 ep6 pt2

140 4 4

after neil had been to the toilet at the pub we went back to the campsite and will starts telling us how to build the tent

"fuck that let's just crack open the beers and build a massive fire"

"you can't just build a fire jay we don't even have the land owners permission"

"will i didn't come here for a refreshing course in the countryside i just want to get pissed and have a laugh me and liv won't be able to do this when we go to wales" i still haven't told simon mine and neil's plan so that i don't have to go and i honestly don't know how to tell him. i man what will he think. will he approve

"fine simon look if you really want i'll build a fire and you lot put the tent up while i go find some suitable wood as kindling" will gave in and went into the woods to go get some wood

the boys, being the impatient fuckers they are, decide not to wait for will to come back with wood and start burning his chairs

"what the fuck have you done" will yells running up to us

"alright will fancy a sausage" neil hold out the sausage he's been cooking on the fire

"is that my fold up chair and my picnic basket" will points at all of his things we are burning

"you said look for stuff to burn"i shrug at him

"wood, burn fucking wood, not my things" will yells and i just scrunch my brows at him

"look someone had to take charge of this weekend or it would be all monopoly and shitting in trenches" jay says to him and me and neil just nod along

"look will sit down have a beer , have a sausage and just chill" simon tries to reason with him

"i'll chill when you stop burning my possessions"

"ohh i thought they were for 'everyone'" jay mocks his words from earlier

neil then throws another chair on the fire and i'll looks like he's about to burst "stop burning my things"

"alright i forgot" i just rub neil's arm and shake my head at will

will was still stropping so simon said we will do whatever he wants to cheer him up

"a game of monopoly?"

"oh fuck off"


"apart from that" we all scoff at him

"look if you want to play a game i've got a proper game not a shit one" jay sits up straight "right to start with we all have to swap phones" we all do as he says "now you text someone in their phone book so it looks like you've got there phone and they've sent the message"

"does that mean i have to write it all posh and heardy wordy derdy" neil says because he has wills phone

"nah the only rule is you can write whatever you want and no one can stop you"

"i just want to say for the record nothing good can come of this" will bring the boar he is says but i don't listen to him because this sounds fun as fuck

when we were done jay reads out what he messaged carli from simons phone "carli i love you from the bottom of my cock, the thought of leaving you makes me want to cry and i'm using those tears as lube to wank with" we all laugh

"don't worry si i texted jays dad and wrote" will began "dad im just thinking about you"

"that's alright" jay says too quickly

"i'm in the bath and i'm hard" will quickly adds on to the end

we all turned to neil to see what he wrote to wills mum

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