ep 3 pt 2

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as we get to thorp park jay sees a car full of girls and tells simon to hurry up and park so he can follow them in being the impatient prick he is jay opens the door just as simon is reversing causing him to hit a Post and the door coming completely off the car

"god look what you've done,christ i've only had it a day" simon starts to panic

"dads gonna kill you" i say just looking at the door on the floor

"thank you olivia that's real useful" i just raised my arms up in surrender at him "i've got to get this fixed" he says going to get back in the car

"but the rollercoasters,simon we have come so far" will whined

"neil's sisters boyfriend is a mechanic he'll fix it" jay suggests making simon look at me questioningly

"he is a mechanic"i confirmed while nodding my head

"simon look at me, look at me i guarantee that the nemesis inferno will cheer you up" will says making me roll my eyes

"or think about those lovelies there in there with there tits and that" jay says making me scoff but i look at simon knowing that will be more convincing then what will said

"what about my car door what if someone nicks it"

"why would anyone want that" i say pointing at the door on the floor making simon look at me angrily

"they will have somewhere to put it"

"fuck sake fine" simon signed and picked up his car door following us to the entrance

turns out they didn't have anywhere to put a car door " fine we will take turns carrying it" making me look at simon like he's a freak

"no fucking way i'm carrying that thing"

"same i'm not carrying it" jay says agreeing with me

"fuck not carrying it your paying for it as well" simon argues back at him

after they are done arguing we walked towards the entrance looking for neil when we see someone in a monkey costume yelling and hitting himself

"what the fuck?" i say looking at the confusing sight in front of me

he then lays on the floor rolling about and takes off the monkey head to our surprise we see neil" wasp! there's a wasp in me costume" we all just start laughing at him and he runs towards the staff changing rooms. we all follow him and he starts to take off his costume

"fuck that hurts, stupid bloody wasp"his costume then falls to the ground revealing him to be completely naked making my eyes widen and i look at the floor flustered

"christ your naked under there"my brother says putting his hand over his eyes

"i realy don't think it's a good idea to be naked if your walking with kids" will points out trying to avoid looking at neil

"i agree neil" i look up at him but then look back when i see his cock

"but mr monkey isn't naked he's got a waistcoat and a hat"neil looks at us like where stupid making me laugh

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