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"How did you change her mind?" I ask because Vivian said that It's to late for Emilia to start then I leave to go check on her and suddenly I'm signing papers for her and getting list of things she needs for ballet and contemporary. And these classes include stretching and stretching and my more stretching for my two year old.

But after I picked her up after the meeting she was so excited had this pure smile on her face. She was overjoyed.

"I want to cover half the cost Colten would you please just tell me." I say holding Emilianna on my hip. Shes eating a yogurt.
"I already took care of it." Is all he says like for the past twenty minutes as we get in the car he drives farther away from where we live. She buckled up her little hands still in the air.

"Where are we going?" I ask "I'm gonna feed you you're becoming very annoying right now and I think it's the hunger." I flinch and raise my hand pinching his thigh.

I also pinch his arm that's rested on the back my seat his other hand grabbing the wheel tattoos covering him. And I'm reminded that he has my name in his body. And I've got his in my soul.

I lean my head on his arm staring ahead he's to big and tall I just imagine he protects me form everything. The sun the moon the and bad people out there. Even if he is one. I trust him.. enough.

He pulls up to a restaurant in a fancy dinner room area
I glance at him as Emilia sits in her chair a regular one her little palms on the table waiting to be fed I ordered her a Mac n cheese I ordered myself a seafood boil.

I can't recall what Colten ordered. I see the cutest little puppies in the window. My smile grows so I murmur running my fingers through Emilia's curls it's the afternoon and this place is usually closed during this time and opens at 5 pm which is why we're the only ones here.

This place is ridiculously nice. "Taking me to all these nice restaurants buying me food I'm going to start thinking you actually like me." I mock pulling a piece of hair out from Emilia's mouth. She nibbles her bottle. "you do know how to burn a hole in my wallet." He sighs I tilt my head
"Better your wallet than your car." I shrug he bites on his lower lip nodding in an unspoken agreement.

"What do you do when men flirt with you?" I furrow my brows "flirt back depending on what he looks like and how old I think he is." I say shrugging random question. "even when you're with her?" He nods to Emilia who's taken her head piece off.
"what happened to it?" I ask the first night he called Emilinanna an it. That's over all of sudden.

"my bad even with your with it?" He rephrases my jaw drops I gasp kicking him under the table he grunts slightly with a smirk on his pink full lips. he grabs my ankle I stroking it with his thumb. Just holding my leg in his big hands.

"No I just ignore them" I shrug
"does that work?" He asks
"Rarely. Men don't like being told no." I mock with a pornstar accent.

"why you just tell them to fuck off." I look down "why so they can get angry at me and hurt me in whichever way they please because I can't fight back and my daughter can watch." My voice was harsher than I meant Emilia's face fills with worry I exhale touching her cheek. "I learn my lesson with fighting back and made the mistake that assuming men will always respect my consent."

His eyes lower "I'm-" our food comes being set on the table interrupting I glance at Emilianna "you gonna teach her that to." He ask as her food is sat in front of her I grab her spoon blowing on it. "I'm gonna teach her how to kickass." I say offering the spoon up to her. She opens her mouth smiling "yummy huh?" I ask taking a little pasta spoon for myself. While it is in a small portion it's still too much for her.

His lips purse inwards I can feel the disgust radiating off him.

"You don't understand how scary it is to be a girl when you can't fight back. And I can in fact imagine what they would do to me if I got upset and told them to fuck off." I did and that went horribly.

He rest his chin in his hands he's still massive and much bigger than I am. It's comforting.

"What do you do when girls you don't want hit on you?" He shrugs "I show them how insane I am." I giggle "you pour your milk before your cereal ?" I ask teasingly.

"I haven't wanted anyone else in awhile." I lift a brow "how longs awhile?" I ask give be a ball park number. "2 years" I inhale looking at him his eyes fall into Emilianna "do you plan on sticking around that long?" I ask tasting my seafood boil. My eyes shut as the taste settles in my mouth. "Fuck that's good." I whisper. I take a bigger scoop Coltens eyes watch me closely as I drag the spoon in and out of my mouth.

"It's yummy." Emilia says "yeah huh baby." I pull the bun out her curls fall I run my fingers through her hair. "Mama I wanna try " she points with her finger she reaches her hand up for my food I give her a tiny scoop something soft that she can swallow. Her face twist she shakes her head.

I giggle Colten mumbles a pit laughter it's quiet and hot but I hear it. I lick my lips wiping her chin. "She's so beautiful." He says softly with a tone I didn't think his voice was capable of.

"She looks like you." I say "I see you more than me these." I squish her cheeks "are your eyes ,your complexion, a mix of both of our lips."  "that's ur eye shape." He interjects I look at her she tilts her head and fiddles with a pasta on the table.

"how?" "she's a baby." I add "her eyes are round with long lashes yours might I add." I ramble as Emilia's eyes dart back and forth giggling she's getting comfortable with him. I have almond eyes anyway.

"Your nose." He says "baby once again and since I have softer features than you it's mine by default."
"Alright" he puts my ankle down on the ground. "Fine blame me." He concludes.

"Blame? she's beautiful because of-"
"you." He interrupts "she's beautiful because of you." He repeats I sigh feeling a little touched.

"Mommy nunu?" I bite it from her hand as she offers me a pasta. Giggling when I make monster noises I eat my food our dinner gets rather quiet since I can't take compliments from him. What a shame.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: May 16 ⏰

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