New mission

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We're heading back into the mess of things with this one. Now then find out who's paired with what Akatsuki member.

Ino walked out of the jail known as the Flame Prison. Today's visit to Sai had been her best one yet, he had talked to her and even waved her goodbye when she left. She smiled at the memory as she walked down the barren road leading away from the prison. He talked with her, and she could have sworn she saw him smile. "Maybe he's going back to who he once was," thought Ino as a sudden cold gust of wind hit her face and in a flash an Anbu member appeared before her. "The Hokage demands your presents," the elite ninja said before disappearing once more.

"She called us all here?" questioned Ino looking around the waiting room. In the room stood her entire team. "Yeah, we probably have a new mission," said Shikamaru. "I hope this time we can get some good food on it. I don't look forwards to another mission like our last," shuddered Choji. "Choji, that's just something you need to deal with sometimes as a ninja," said their Sensei. "Plus, you do need to go on a diet," came the voice of Kiba.

"Kiba what did I tell you about playing nice," said Kurenai following her student up into the waiting room. Following behind her were her two other students, Shino, and Hinata. "Sensei you've been telling him the same thing for years now," said Hinata with a faint chuckle. "Were you also called here by the Anbu?" asked Shino.

"Yeah, we definitely have a new mission and if it takes two teams it's sure to be a drag." said Shikamaru. "Maybe so but it's important." said Asuma. "Indeed, together our teams might equal S-rank ninjas so we're probably striking back at the Akatsuki." theorized Kurenai. "Have we finally found Danzo?" wondered Ino. "Doubtful, if that was the case, I find it hard to believe Sasuke wouldn't be here," said Shino.

"Come in," said Tsunade her voice being heard through the doors to the Hokage office. "It sounds like we're about to find out either way," said Choji as they all entered the office. "Alright listen up this is going to be an S-rank mission of the most important degree. You are to go to Kumo and talk to the Raikage." said Tsunade her tone must more serious than normal. "Wouldn't a team with a diplomat be better?" said Shikamaru already planning ahead. "That's where Asuma comes in, as the son of the third Hokage he's not just battle capable, but he can also act as a diplomat," explained Tsunade.

"Why do we have to talk with the Raikage in the first place?" demanded Kiba. "The Akatsuki are on the move and the other villages with tailed beast need to know. The issue is that we only know where four of them are. The nine tails is here, the eight and two tails are with Kumo and, the three tails has broken out of its container and moved to the Great Salt Lake." explained Tsunade. "Who's taking on the three tails then?" asked Hinata. "Team 7 with some other help."

"I've met the Raikage once on a mission and he doesn't seem like someone who would take such a warning in good faith." worried Kurenai. "I know that's where you and your teams come into play. In case you're attacked by the Akatsuki you should be stronger enough to at least escape. Your second goal is to find where the two jinchuriki are. From there I want you to try to warn them personally. They need to be ready for such a battle or they won't stand a chance."

"When do we leave?" asked Asuma. "Leave by the end of tomorrow. This mission needs to be done and fast. Shikamaru Nara you're going to be in charge of strategy, and I give you the full rights to take command if your two sensei's go missing. Asuma and Kurenai are the team leaders. Now then I wish you luck and you're dismissed." The two teams bowed their heads and swiftly left the room.

Naruto sat completely still as he felt the familiar nature charka mixing with his own. After his battle with Sasori, he had realized that he still needed to push Sage Mode farther. He had run out of it mid away through the battle and if it wasn't for Kankuro he would have died. So, he was trying to hold more nature charka inside of himself until he could last ten minutes with it.

He suddenly opened his eyes as he sensed someone appear before him. "The Hokage needs you," stated an Anbu as once more he disappeared in a flash. "A new mission so soon. Maybe it has something to do with the Akatsuki," wondered Naruto as he set off for the Hokage tower.

"You two were also called here," said Naruto in the waiting room. Standing in it was Kakashi which wasn't a surprise but seeing Zabuza and Haku there was quite a surprise. "We got a mission same as you boy," said Zabuza. "And the same one by the looks of it," added Haku. "Wonder what's so important she needs all of us for?" questioned Naruto. "Come in," came the voice of Tsunade. "Sounds like we're going to find out," said Kakashi as they entered the Hokage room.

Standing before the Hokage she looked pained at the very knowledge of the words she was going to say. "In order to stop the Akatsuki from getting more tailed beast I am sending you after the three tails who in the Great Salt Lake. Naruto you have been given the task of being our diplomat who shall speak to the tailed beast since you hold the nine tails. Kakashi you shall be given the role of leader on this mission. This will be considered a S-rank mission of the highest order failure is not something we can tolerate." she ordered.

"Excited to see another tailed beast again?" Naruto asked Kurama. "Not at all. I am the strongest of them and Isobu will surely make fun of me for getting sealed." replied Kurama. "Didn't know you cared about what other people said so much," Naruto cheekily said. A low growl could be heard from Kurama as Naruto continued. "But knowing its name could prove to be useful."

"That's quite a walk just to befriend it why not just kill it?" asked Zabuza. Tsunade had worked with him enough to expect such a question, so she already had an answer ready. "We might have to," she admitted. "But it would be much more useful if we could get it on our side. If the time comes for it though you all have full permission to kill it."

"Could we even kill such a thing though?" wondered Haku. "Tailed Beast are said to be as strong as a Kage. I'm only an A-rank ninja with Zabuza, Naruto, and Kakashi being S-rank." "Don't worry Haku if it comes to killing it, I can do it," said Kakashi. Even Tsunade looked surprised at such a boastful statement coming from Kakashi as he began to explain. "My teammate's Sharigan has wanted revenge for a while now." That statement only confused them more. Yes, they all knew how Kakashi got his Sharigan but what revenge was he talking about.

"Very well then it seems like you all understand what you must do," said Tsunade "Hold on I have one question: what do we do if the Akatsuki show up?" asked Naruto. "You fight. Do your best to kill them. If you can't do that kill the Tailed Beast we cannot let them, get their hands on another one." Naruto nodded his head even if such a task was a sad one. "You're dismissed." They left the room each ready for their deadly mission tomorrow."

Tsunade let out a rapid breath as they finally left the room. Giving out missions was never something she enjoyed, especially when the mission was so deadly. The last two missions would both be difficult even for a Kage. Her next mission would be no different. How she wished she could be a part of it but she knew better. The village could not lose their Kage in a time like this. She would have to do it no matter how much it hurt. "Come in," she ordered once she had readied herself.

Jiraiya, her troublesome perverted teammate, walked into the room along with Anko. "You know your role," said Jiraiya, his voice more serious than normal. Both he and Anko already knew what the mission before them was, now they just needed the Hokage to approve it. Jiraiya was right, she knew her role. Her role was to sit behind this desk and tell them what to do. To sit right here while they did what every part of her body told her she needed to join them in doing.

"Your mission is to raid the base of the missing-nin Orochimaru. Anyone you meet in it are either to be killed or captured. If you come across Orochimaru himself, he is to be killed on sight." Tsunade gave them their mission as Anko left the room. "Jiraiya if you make it back, I might finally take you up on your offer." Jiraiya turned around only to give her his most perverted grin. "Then you better bet everything you have against me making it back," he said with a laugh as he left the room. "Don't worry I will." Tsunade muttered with a tired sigh. 

Team 8 and Team 10 are going to Kumo. But let's see how Asuma handles the Raikage and any threats that may appear. Naruto, Kakashi, Zabuza, and Haku are going after Isobu. The giant three tailed demon. Can they make peace with it or will it come to war. Jiraiya and Anko are going to take on Orochimaru's old lab. Is the snake still there though is the question. Please vote if you liked the part and comment if you have any questions.

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