Ino's date, Naruto's training begins

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Alright this is the final part before the time skip so enjoy

"He's even hotter in person." thought Ino as she looked at Sai from across the street. "No Ino get your mind in the game I'm not here for a date I'm here as a ninja."

"Hello, their what's your name?" asked Ino giving Sai a smile that was clearly forced. Sai didn't notice as he answered the question. "My name is Sai."

"That's a nice name. Mine's Ino." she smiled still clearly forced. "Ino so this is one of the people that went on the mission for Sasuke. I better be careful." thought Sai looking up and giving Ino an even clearer forced smile.

"His smile is even more forced than mine. Was he never trained for things like this." thought Ino. "Thats a lovely name." said Sai as he took another bite of his meal.

"Thank you but if you don't mind me asking why have I never seen you around the village." said Ino fishing around for anything that could give her and opening for the questions she really needed to ask.

"I have just been out on a mission for the past couple of years." said Sai giving the response he had been told to give for such a question. "Looks like he was ready for a question like that." Ino thought as she tried to come up with a new plan.

"So how long have you been a ninja?" questioned Ino searching for any information on him. "I have been one since around the age of 12 beautiful." said Sai as he forced his smile slightly more.

Ino blushed deeply at the kind words from Sai. "Is something wrong beautiful?" questioned Sai getting and even deeper blush from Ino. "Do you not like my nickname for you?"

"Nickname what the heck made you think that would be a good nickname?" Ino almost shouted. "Oh, then is the book wrong it said to make nicknames about things that descriptive the people." said Sai sounding disappointed.

Ino blushed to the point she was almost a red tomato. "He thinks I'm beautiful!" she shouted to herself. "Are you ok be-." Began Sai before Ino stopped him by placing a finger on his lips.

"Number one you only give nicknames to people you really know. Number two nicknames are based off of ore than how they look. Number three what the hell do you mean you learned that from a book." said Ino.

"I learned it from this book and I'm really sorry." said Sai as he pointed at a book sitting right across from him. "Are you really telling me you're reading a book called how to make friends." Ino almost laughed but held it in.

"Yes, is something wrong with that?" asked Sai clearly not knowing anything. "A book can't teacher you anything only another person can." said Ino, finally getting herself back to normal.

"Then would you be my teacher?" questioned Sai. "This hot boy wants me to teach him." Ino shouted to herself. "No relax remember the mission. But still, this would be a great way to find out information."

"Sure, I'll be your teacher." agreed Ino with a light nod. "Yeah, then will you meet me here again tomorrow?" asked Sai a bit less of a forced smile on his face now. "Sure." she smiled this time not forced.


Naruto stared open eye at the surroundings around him. It was a lush green jungle filled with plants and mushrooms of all different colors. He couldn't explain it, but it almost felt like some sort of power was coming from it.

"Glad to see you have finally arrived." smiled a kindly looking old female toad. "Ma happy to see you again." said Jiraiya, a smile dotting his happy face.

"Wait so your one of the two toads that taught him to be a sage!" said Naruto, his face covered with surprise. "Yes, oh is that why you are here." said Ma looking on at Jiraiya in glee.

"That's the plan." agreed Jiraiya. "Finally, you're going to master it." said Ma looking like a huge burden had been left off his shoulders. Naruto smirked at Jiraiya as he saw the groan coming out of him.


"No, you're not strong enough in body yet." said Pa sadly as he studied Naruto's body. "Wait does that mean I can't learn to be a sage." said Naruto worried about being unable to follow in his godfather's footsteps.

"No that's not it. Your body just isn't strong enough to withstand all of that sage charka yet." said Pa. "Wait but I could learn before I was even Naruto's age." augured Jiraiya.

"Yes, but he also has as much charka as you do right now." explained Pa. Naruto and everyone else's eyes widened. "I could sense his charka and I knew it was big but this... this is unbelievable." thought Ma.

"No wonder he's able to train so long. That much charka at only 13 I don't think anyone in history even the first hokage could say that." thought Jiraiya surprised but happy for his godson.

"Took you all long enough to find out about this." Naruto muttered his voice much deeper. "What happen to you Naruto boy?" questioned Ma amazed by the change in his voice.

"Kurama is that you?" questioned Jiraiya. Naruto nodded. "So, what do you mean it took us long enough to find out." "Wait whose Kurama?" asked Pa.

"I am the mightily the dreaded the strongest being I am the-" began Naruto before being cut off. "He's the nine tailed fox." said Jiraiya. Pa and Ma eyes widen as Naruto shot him a look.

"Well to put it in a way your motarl minds can understand he comes from a clan with natural high charka. With me leaking charka into him for his whole life has increased them as well.

"Ok so can I have my godson's back?" asked Jiraiya. "Yeah." said Naruto as he seemed to relax, his eyes suddenly became lighter and happier. "Was it Kurama?" asked Naruto noticing the looks on their faces. "Yep."


"Alright Naruto you might not be able to learn sage mode, but I can still teach you a lot." said Jiraiya. "Alright so what am I going learn a super cool jutsu or what." said Naruto excited to hear whatever he was going to learn.

"You will learn two things here Naruto. First though I must ask do you remember the elemental natures?" said Jiraiya as he began to spread out a scroll.

"Yeah of course fire, lightning, earth, water, and wind." answered Naruto as he tried to get a look at the scroll. Jiraiya moved in the way of Naruto's peeking eyes.

"Yes, that is one way to classify them, the most normal one but there are other ways such as this one. Offensively and defensively. Earth and water favor defense while fire, lightning, and wind favor offence.

"But what does that have to do with anything?" questioned Naruto. "Well wind and water also fall into one more thing. Neither of them are quite that though. Wind and water are both the most versatile but that means they lack the power of their categories." explained Jiraiya seeing if Naruto has caught on yet.

"Wait so are you going to teach me water jutsu then?" asked Naruto thinking he caught on. "Close but no. Since you lack the sheer maximum of offence power you need, I'm going to give you the defense you need."

"So, earth?" guessed Naruto. "Yes, I'm going to get you to master earth release. But I still have one thing left to teach you a-" "Is it a super powerful new cool jutsu!" shouted Naruto jumping up and down in glee.

"No, it's something you're going to make." said Jiraiya, earning him an odd look from Naruto. "Tell me what's one of the flaws you noticed about the Rasengan?"

Naruto took a while to think of it then he got an idea. "It's just charka." "Yes so, your goal now is to add an element to it." said Jiraiya. "Wait then what's the scroll for?"

"Oh, it just has the basic of creating a jutsu on it read it well because I doubt you want to die." said Jiraiya. "Wait what! That can happen." said Naruto, his eyes widened.  

What will Naruto's training bring out find out next time

Naruto the true godson of JiraiyaWhere stories live. Discover now