Time to relax maybe

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Welcome back I'm going to do a bit of reckoning here because I didn't like how Sakura and Ino turned out. Anyways please enjoy 

It had been ten days since the attack during the chunin exams. 6% of all ninjas they had are now dead with the rest no longer in life threating forms. 3% of all the citizens of the village died. In the attack on the side of the leaf they had just under 4,000 deaths. But repair had been going quite fast because of one blonde genin.

"Jiraiya, we need to talk." said Koharu. "No, I won't be the Hokage." said Jiraiya as he continued to watch Naruto and his friend's work. "Please reconsider you're the only real choice we have!" begged Homura. "Yeah, I know. But I'm going to get you another choice." said Jiraiya. "Another choice." repeated the two wondering what Jiraiya was talking about. "See here's the deal. I will go out search for my other teammate and if I don't return in a month or send word that I got her in a month I agree to become Hokage." explained Jiraiya. "Alright deal." said Homura.


"And done. You guys still working?" said Naruto looking over at his friends. Naruto just finished another simple house with 20 of his clones. By now he had made around 20 or so houses just today with the help of his clones spread all around the village adding up to a grand amount of 200.

"No, we didn't Naruto. You got a bit of help with 17 more people." said a salty Kiba for losing again. "Oh, come on I won't help you finish your house if you're so salty." said Naruto.

To deal with the high level of damage done to the village they had to send out over 100 D rank missions to repair the village. So of course, Genin were now busy making houses.

"Kiba shut up and stop being salty it's to troublesome to build this house on our own if we got help." said Shikamaru. "Yeah, please Kiba I want to eat." complained Choji. "It's always you and eating Choji." complained Kiba.

"Hey there's nothing better than eating." said Choji. "I guess I will help." said Naruto as his clones and he ran over to help. "Finally, you guys stopped complaining." said Sasuke. "Come on guys the faster we finish the sooner we get to eat." said Naruto.


Some random restaurants

"Choji are you sure you need that much?" asked Sasuke after hearing what he ordered. "Yeah, I worked hard so I need to eat hard. So yeah, I need the steak, burger, fries, and the ramen." said Choji. "You do realize that adds up to over 2000 calories." said Shikamaru. "So what?" asked Choji. "Did you really just ask that!" said a shocked Kiba. "Yeah, so what?" asked Choji. "You know what never mind how are your clones doing with finding everyone else Naruto?" asked Kiba. "Oh, I think they found most of them by now." said Naruto.

"Indeed, you have at least found us." said Shino walking into the restaurant with Hinata. "Oh Kiba, sensei is mad with you about not helping with the mission." said Hinata. "You had to tell her." complained Kiba. "Uh I think she would have realized anyways." said Naruto.

"You guys also made it." said Ino as she along with Sakura entered the restaurant. "Have you guys already ordered?" asked Sakura. "Yeah, but the waiter should be back around soon." said Shikamaru. "So, who won?" Hinata asked to no one really as she sat down with Shino. "Huh what are you talking about?" asked Sasuke. "Oh, come on I know you guys well enough to know to have a contest whenever you can." said Hinata with just a bit of a smirk. "Alright fine you got us. Naruto won all 10 times." said Sasuke. "Just as I guessed." said Hinata. "Oh, stop mocking them already." said Sakura as she sat down.

"Naruto, we need to talk." said Jiraiya suddenly appearing in the doorway. "Pervy sage what are you doing here?" demanded Naruto, Sasuke, Kiba, Choji, and Shikamaru. "I thought I told you to stop calling me that!" yelled Jiraiya. "Not until you stop acting like one." They all said at the same time again getting them to laugh. "Naruto just come we need to talk." said Jiraiya as he walked out the door. "Guess I got to see what Pervy sage want. See you guys later." Naruto said as he left while waving.

"So, what did you want to talk about pervy sage?" asked Naruto. "I told you to stop calling me that." said Jiraiya. "I'll stop calling you that as soon as you stop acting like one." mocked Naruto. "Just come with me." said Jiraiya as he left the restaurant. "Alright." said Naruto as he follows after. "Alright so what do you want pervy sage?" asked Naruto as he and Jiraiya were outside. "Number one stop calling me that and number two meet me at the house." said Jiraiya as he disappeared.


Some random ramens shop

"So Kakashi why did you want to meet here." asked Asuma looking around. "Who said I choose it. I thought Kurenai did." said Kakashi while nodding his head at an odd, dressed duo in the ramen shop. The odd duo each wore cloaks that were black with red clouds on them. "I didn't I thought Asuma did." said Kurenai as she nodded. "Oh well let's just eat doesn't matter who wanted to eat here." said Asuma as he sat while also nodding. "Yeah, your right." said Kakashi also sitting down as the odd duo disappeared. "Asuma, Kurenai you know what to do. I will get back up." said Kakashi as the three of them also disappeared. 

What does Jiraiya want to talk about who are those weird people in the red cloud cloaks. Come back next time to find out

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