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Alright only two pats left until the time skip so make sure to enjoy this one

Kakashi looked around the room and even if it didn't show on his mask face, he was surprised to see not even one Anbu was in the room. Tsunade looked around upset to see that Asuma team still hadn't arrived, but she knew she had to begin the meeting.

Zabuza wondered why the hell he was called down here again with all these brats. "Alright do you all know who Danzo Shimura is?" asked Tsunade.

All of the kids but Sasuke shook their heads while the adults nodded. "Alright to put it simply he was one of the students of the second hokage rival to the third and the leader of his own subdivision of the anbu called root." explained Tsunade.

"Yeah, yeah but while the hell is that important?" asked Zabuza. "You really must learn to shut up. He has overstepped his role in the government. He's trying to be hokage even if it takes murder, or other crimes."

"Is he the one who sent the Anbu after us?" asked Tenten. "Yes indee-" "How unyouthful to send people to kill my students, he truly is evil." claimed Gai. "Yes, indeed, to deal with such un-" began Lee before being cut off.

"Someone get them out of here already." ordered Tsunade. "Happily." said Kakashi as he, Neji and Tenten pushed them outside while the two green clad ninjas kept on talking about youth.

"Alright to put it simply, I'm giving all of you a full year and a half to train. Before we strike back in one fast move to finish him and his root off in one attack." finished Tsunade.

"You want us to fight part of the anbu all on our own." said Kiba looking at her like she was insane. "You got a year and a half make good work of it. Now everyone but team 7 get out of here already." ordered Tsunade.

Zabuza and Haku went to leave the room, but Tsunade ordered them to stay. "Why the hell do I always have to stay for this stuff." complained Zabuza. "Please relax Zabuza." "Yeah fine."

"Are you done yet?" demanded Tsunade. "Not by half but go on already." "Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura you are going to be the next Sannin of the leaf."

Naruto seemed to be about to jump with joy. Sasuke wondered what the hell she was talking about. Sakura seemed to about to faint from joy. But Kakashi was the one who asked the question on everyone's mind.

"Uh lord Hokage what do you mean by that?" "They beat down the one tails as kids. They will grow to be powerful ninjas and with the right teachers they can be the strongest in history." said Tsunade.

"And that's where I come in." said Jiraiya who slid in through the window. "Damnit, I told you to come in when I told you to." complained Tsunade near shouting.

"Yeah, yeah come on Naruto I'm your teacher for now so hurry up." said Jiraiya as he jumped right back out the window. "See you hag." said Naruto as he followed his godfather.

"They are both dead." said Tsunade as waves of killing indent could be seen coming off of her. Both Zabuza and Haku both looked shaken while the rest of team 7 looked unfazed.

"Why does he always feel the need to insult the hokage." complained Sasuke. "Yeah, old man with lord third and hag for lord fifth." agreed Sakura. "Lady Tsunade what else is there?" asked Kashi.

Tsunade took deep breaths obviously trying to calm herself down. "Yes, Sakura you will be training with me due to your high charka control. Sasuke you-"

"I get to train with a Hokage let's go!" shouted Sakura glee clear in her eye. Tsunade shot her a look getting her to close her mouth as she went on.

"Sasuke you will be trained by both Zabuza and Kakashi." finished Tsunade. "Yes, lord Hokage." nodded Sasuke and Kakashi. Zabuza groaned as he also agreed.


"My dad told me about him, but I never thought he was this mad." said Asuma a look of concern on his face. "Yeah he sounds quite troublesome." agreed Shikamaru.

"He's straight up evil." said Ino sheer rage on her face. Choji couldn't even say anything to angry too even think right. "Yes, so you understand why we must deal with him." said Tsunade.

"Yeah, that makes sense but from this report he has over 100 trained anbu soldiers that obey his every command. We can win a battle but he's sure to run." planned Shikamaru.

"Oh, that's not the worst it's just us and the Team, 7, 8, and 9." said Tsunade, a sad smile on her face. "Are you really sure we can do that?" asked Choji worried clear on his face.

"That's why your job is to train until you can do just that." said Tsunade. "How long do we have?" questioned Asuma. "Year and a half." said Tsunade.

"Alright come on team let's get on this." said Asuma as he turned to leave with his team. "Hold on Ino stay back I have a mission for you." ordered Tsunade.

Ino followed the orders although she was a bit confused. "Here read this report first." said Tsunade placing it on her desk. Ino picked up the report and looked at the picture of the person that completely covered the first page. "Why is he so hot." thought Ino looking at the picture of Sai on the first page as a blush came over her skin.

"Is everything alright?" questioned Tsunade noticing the blush. "Uh yeah." said Ino with a slightly deeper blush now. "So, he's a member of root and the guy that followed us on the mission for Sasuke." realized Ino as she finished reading the report.

She placed the report down as she looked at Tsunade waiting for her next set of orders. "He is, as the report says, a member of root. We do not know why but I have gotten a report that he's been seen around the village a lot recently." explained Tsunade.

"So, my job is to find out why using my clan jutsu." said Ino wanting to make sure. "Yes, but your goal is also to befriend him if we can truly get him on our side that would be a huge help."

"Understood where do you think I can find him?" questioned Ino. "He always eats lunch at here." said Tsunade pointing at a nearby map of the village. "Alright." said Ino as she left.

What will they do to train find out next time

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