Trip home

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Alright final break chapter here so enjoy and in this one you'll get to see a bit more of team Guy.

"Come let us race back to the village to show our youth Kakashi," shouted Guy. They had just left Suna and were now right outside of the gates. Although Kakashi had recovered at a very fast rate, he was still on crutches. "Guy I can't exactly race." said Kakashi, to which Guy frowned. "Then I shall carry you." he said throwing Kakashi up onto his shoulder. "Can I race too Guy-Sensei?" asked Lee. "Of course, Lee let us all race and show our youth." said Guy as he began to sprint away with Kakashi shouting at him to put him down.

Naruto smiled at the sight then looked at Lee. "Race you back to the village." "I will gladly accept such a youthful offer." agreed Lee loudly as the two set off. With that they turned into blurs of speed, each holding nothing back in their race to the village. "Will they ever grow up." groaned Tenten at their actions.

"I find it quite endearing." said Sakura as the now much smaller group began to walk away. "I still find it all so odd." stated Neji getting a quizzical look from the rest of them. "What do you mean you find it odd?" asked Sasuke. "Well, I don't know if you have ever seen Guy-Sensei in a real fight before and in order to get what I'm talking about you will have needed to see that. The best way to explain it though is right now he's normal and goofy but in battle he turns into a beast. I am yet to see any rival even your sensei or the Hokage."

"That can't be true. There's no way Guy-Sensei could be stronger than the Hokage." said Sakura as if that very idea was stupid. "I've sparred with her before and even though she was holding back I still didn't stand a chance." "That might be so, but the sheer rage Sensei unleased when he thought we were going to die was terrifying. He destroyed the two Jonin that had attacked us, so fast I couldn't even see him. There was nothing left either. It was like the two of them had just disappeared." explained Neji. "Yeah, it was probably the greatest show of strength I've ever seen. All I remember for being able to sense the power was just a gust of wind so strong I thought it would blow me away." agreed Tenten.

"Interesting, it sounds like his attack was so strong it could even summon wind through the power of it. But when did this happen? I don't remember you ever telling us a story about one of your missions that was like this before." said Sasuke wondering like Sakura when this could have happened.

"It was our first C rank mission. We were tasked with escorting a small trade caravan on its way to the land of frost, but the caravan was going to be a big support of the rebels in the Kiri civil war. So since stopping this shipment might have even ended the war, they sent three Jonins after us. Guy-Sensei took on the first one that appeared while we ran away. But the other two ambushed us and we would have died if Guy-Sensei didn't rush back and was able to save us." said Tenten. "And I thought we had a weird first mission." said Sakura at the shocking news. "I still say we had quite a weird one." said Sasuke.

So, they continued on keeping up a conversation as they went along. They traded stories about odd missions and funny stories about their missing teammates. Sakura and Sasuke learned about how Guy had once run a lap around the village in just his underwear for losing a game against Kakashi. In return Sakura told Tenten and Neji stories about them trying to take off Kakashi's mask and tales that Naruto had told her of Jiraiya failing at peeking on girls.

"How did you guys even beat the clones of yourself? You told us you fought them, but you never really explained that bit." asked Sakura leaping from one tree to the next. They returned to the land of fire, which was clear to them by the familiar forest they were now jumping through. "We grew during the fight. The clones were at our current level of strength, but they couldn't get any stronger." explained Tenten jumping onto a branch next to Sasuke.

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