New Second Stage

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Happy new year and hope you guys are having a good 2024 so far. Yes I know I probably have the most creative titles in history. But onto what we are here for the story.

"Happy now." said Shikamaru as he had finally caught Temari with his shadow. She growled but she accepted her defeat. "Yeah, I'm satisfied." she said as he unleased her from his shadow.

"How the hell you even get so strong. Last time the only thing you had going for you was your brains." she stated hoping he would answer. "I trained." he said, leaving it at that. "Yeah, so what made your lazy ass train."

"Lot's changes in battle. When death comes close you change as well." said Shikamaru as he relived the battle in his head. He remembered the moment when he thought Choji his best friend had died.

"Yeah, that's true." nodded Temari as she herself remembered the battle that had not just changed her but her brother Gaara as well. "Yep, see you." said Shikamaru turning around to leave. "Great so where are we going." said Temari falling into step behind him. "So, you haven't stopped trying to annoy me have you." said the Nara getting a smirk from Temari.


Naruto had a stupidly huge smile on his face. His team had not just passed the first stage Konohamaru pulled the same sunt he did. So now they were all on their way to the second stage.

This time though instill of being held in the forest of death it would take place in the dessert of thirst. Which meant on paper his team was going to face a hard time with two water release uses but he knew better than that.

So it was that he was sitting in the giant tower that was all the team's goal to reach. Sitting next to him were his own teammates. "So how do you think your team is going to do?" asked Sakura.

"They're going to destroy all the other teams." claimed Naruo earning a laugh from Sasuke. "I see having a team hasn't changed how bold you are." he said as his little chucker died down.

"Why would it. They took on over 50 bandits out on their own." said Naruto. "Yeah, but I still can't believe they made you a sensei." said Sakura as she zoned in on one of the screens showing the current stage.

"That's your team, right?" she asked as she watched a battle begin. "Yeah, it is his team. Inai's right there." said Sasuke pointing right at Inari. "Now you guys can see how good my teaching really is." said Naruto as he also zoned in on the screen.

A thick mist swiftly covered the area no doubt Inari handwork. Hanabi rushed in taking one of the enemy's on in before he could use any jutsu. While Konohamaru used his fire release to swiftly put another on the run.

Inari used the mist to sneak behind the last one and knock him out with the flat of his blade. Hanabi landed the needed blow right onto a charka point. Konohamaru finally forced his foe to battle easily overpowered him.

"So, what you think of my team?" asked Naruto with a smirk on his face. "Impress. But I will say that if they come up against a long-range team they're going to be in trouble." said Sasuke.

"That's where the mist comes in. You just hide in their then sneak up on them." explained Naruto. "But what about you Sakura what do you think?" "I can see them all becoming Chunin's." she said earning her a face wide grin.


Gaara walked towards a blond who was staring inertly at a screen. "How's your team doing Naruto?" the redhead asked sitting down next to Naruto. "They're doing awesome. They fought off 4 teams now and defeated 2 others." he said with a massive grin just thinking about how well his students were doing.

"How many of them were from Suna?" asked Gaara as he took a small handful of popcorn from Naruto's bowl. Naruto shot him a quick look before answering, "3 of them and get your own popcorn."

Gaara laughed at how serious Naruto sounded while saying it. "Sounds like you have the strongest team then." said Gaara as his laugher died down. "Yep, I bet their all going to become chunin's on their first go." said Naruto, a proud grin dotting his face. "That would be interesting to seem." agreed Gaara.


Naruto watched as his team finally arrived at the tower on the last day allowed. Around him sat his own teammates and the sand siblings. While the first meeting of the two parties had been interesting, they had all calmed down.

"Yessss." whispered Naruto under his breath. "They did quite well I must admit. I might even have to take up Sanu training needs because of your team alone." said Gaara getting a cheeky smile from Naruto. "They still wouldn't stand a chance against my team."

"I think he might be right there Gaara." said Temari agreeing with her fellow blond. After her fight with Shikamaru she seemed to be a lot happier which Kankuro of course used to make fun of her.

"Don't think much about this team being so strong. Two of them are from strong clans and Inari was raised in a world of pain." said Sakura. "That doesn't even matter. If we just had more puppet users, we would be way stronger." said Kankuro getting a tried sigh from his brother.

But before he could say anything Sasuke gave his take. "Even if each one of them could use two puppets you would still be outnumbered by us in a battle." Gaara gave him a nod of thanks. "You all have bad taste then." growled Kankuro.

Naruto's team had made it to the third stage of the chunin exams now. Will they all pass on their first try like Naruto believes. Hope you guy's liked what I did with the sand sibling and Naruto's team. Oh and don't forget to vote if you like this part it really helps out. See you all next time.

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