Healing in Suna

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The big battle for this arc is over so enjoy the bit of relaxing we have for now. 

Naruto eyes futtered open as he took in his surroundings. White walls and ceiling, a couple beds on the side of the room, and the beep that could always be heard in a place like this. Naruto knew where he was now this was just a hospital. A small set of curtains separate Naruto from seeing the other two beds fully. He just saw two of the legs sticking out. "Your finally awake." huffed out a voice in relief.

Standing up from a chair in a corner Naruto couldn't have seen before stood the Kazekgae. Gaara looked different than the last time Naruto had seen him up in moving. Small black circles surrounded his eyes and it seemed hard for him to even stand.

"Naruto before anything else happens I would just like to say thank you." began Gaara. Naruto moved to say something else, but he was stopped by Gaara's sand covering his mouth. "This is not the first time you have saved me either. Back in the Chunin exams which's seems so far ago now you also saved me. Back then I never got the chance to thank you but now I can, and I want to say thank you, thank you for saving me from my darkness. Now though I'm forced to say thank you not just for me but for my whole village. You have defeated the strongest missing nin from our village thereby redeeming my village from that. So, thank you and now I just have one final thank you for you. Thank you for making sure my siblings survived the battle with Sasori."

The sand around Naruto's mouth revealing the cheeky grin that he had worn when he had bought Gaara back from his darkness. "Don't thank me for that. I'm just doing what I've to become Hokage." Gaara smiled a sad smile. Such a dream but he still had no doubt that Naruto could become Hokage. "And in that my friend you will always have my full support." Naruto's grin widened as he began to get up. "Good to hear."

He then turned to look into one of the other beds and was quite surprised by the sight. "Kakashi-Sensei! Wait why is he still wearing a mask?" he questioned. Gaara smiled, the story behind the mask was quite funny and he imagined he would never forget it. "I don't know why they can't remove it. But I can tell you that even after five different medic nins tried at the same time to remove it they still failed." "Man, I knew he cared about wearing his mask but not this much." thought Naruto remembering all the times he and his team tried to take it off of his face.

"Why is he even in here?" asked Naruto to which Gaara quickly answered. "Charka exhaust, he was forced to hold Sasori off until you arrived. Then he used his strongest attack and stay conscious in order to protect my brother Kankuro." explained Gaara. "Is Temari also here because of charka exhaust?" asked Naruto as he peeked around the final curtain only to find Temari. "Yes." answered Gaara simply.

Naruto stood next to his two teammates outside of Gaara's office. After talking with Gaara for a bit more yesterday, Naruto had left the hospital. He had met up with everyone and had found out what had held back Team Guy. Clones of them popped out when they took off the seals. It took them a while to beat them down. Long enough at least for Naruto to finish his battle.

"You can enter." said Gaara's voice as another ninja exited the office. The team entered taking a seat in the desk in front of Gaara. "Tell me everything you can remember about the enemies you fought and how you think they might have taken my tailed beast?" requested Gaara. This was of course an obvious question. They needed to prepare. Both Sasuke and Naruto knew that neither of those two were as strong as Itachi or Kisame. Yet they weren't the leader so there was without a doubt someone stronger than them. But even Sasori and Deidara were strong they were probably the strongest enemies they had ever faced aside from maybe Danzo and even he was now part of the akatsuki.

"Saying this from what I saw of your body after you lost your tailed beast. It's an advance sealing technique that only targets tailed beast charka. I don't know how they could since every seal I've ever come across is only after just charka. So, I believe they must have some sort of sealing expert." reported Sakura. "So, they have an effect way of stealing tailed beast." agreed Gaara as he looked at Sasuke.

"The first foe is Deidara who we already have pages in the missing nin book for, so I'll move onto the second enemy I saw. One half of it was black and the other was white. It appeared right when I was going to finish off Deidara. The two sides seemed to have different personalities. When I attacked, they were not only able to dodge it, but they seemed to disappear. So as of right now I'm assuming it has some sort of power to teleport since if it was really that fast it would have just killed me." reported Sasuke recalling his weird encounter. "Maybe he's really weak." voiced Naruto. "That doesn't make any since though. The information Jiraiya gave us said every member of the akatsuki is S-rank." said Gaara.

"No that's not what I meant. Well sort of at least. What I mean is what if he's only S-rank because he can teleport, but his attack power is that of a chunin or jonin. He's still strong but in a straight up battle with someone that is a full blooded S-rank level ninja like Sasuke he wouldn't stand a chance." explained Naruto. "That could work. Maybe they only use it as like some sort of medic or recuse team. Whenever one of them are about to die it saves them." said Sakura. "That would also explain why it didn't appear in my fight. It was too high level of a battle for him to show up since I was there." said Naruto.

"Yes, that does make sense." agreed Gaara. "So now we know the powers of five members of akatsuki those being, Deidara, Itachi, Kisame, Danzo, and that thing we were just talking about." "That gives us good odds in any fight. Since as long as we get one of them in the pair that attacks, we already know a bit about their power." said Sakura. "But we don't really know anything about that things power." argued Sasuke. "We know enough for now to at least give us an edge in a fight." said Naruto. "Yeah, I guess that's true." agreed Sasuke.

A low groan was all Naruto and Might Guy needed to be jumping up and down with joy. "He's going to be alright!" shouted Guy grabbing hold of Naruto in a hug. "Yes, please stop choking me though." said Naruto struggling against Guy's hug. "Oh yeah." he said letting Naruto go. "Can you guys quiet down already. I need to take a look and treat anything that might come up for Kakashi-Sensei." 

They had a little meeting in today's chapter. Did they learn anything important maybe read more to find out. Also please vote if you liked the part or comment if you have any questions.

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