The snake's power, Giant toad

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A snake jumped out of orochimaru sleeve and tried to bite one of the Abu who jumped out of the way. The two other Adu started to do hand seals. Orochimaru jumped at one of the Abu a Kunai in hand, but Haku yelled, "Ice Freeze," sending a ball of blue light at Orochimaru. "Oh, look at that one of you are special," said Orochimaru looking at Haku. "Fire Release: Big Flame Bullet," yelled one of the Abu. "Wind Release: Great Breakthrough," yelled the other Abu speeding up the fire bullet. Orochimaru calmly let the attack hit him. He then walked out of the smoke as he said, "You can't even harm me if I let your weak attacks hit me." "Let's see if that is true for me," yelled Zabuza who had jumped at Orochimaru and was swinging his sword down on his neck. A snake launched itself out of Orochimaru cloths aiming for Zabuza neck. Haku changed where his attack was heading to hit Orochimaru snake saving Zabuza. Orochimaru then calmly sidestepped Zabuza attack, grabbed him by the neck and slammed him onto the ground. "Ice release: Ice senbon," yelled Haku creating 100 senbons of ice that raced off to where Orochimaru was. Orochimaru easily dodged every one of the ices senbons but then they looped back trying to hit him again. Orochimaru ran behide one of the Abu grabbing him by the neck and using him as a human shield to stop the ice senbons. "Look upon this even when you might harm me, I make you harm your own team," said Orochimaru laughing. The two other Abus rushed at Orochimaru from different sides with their swords out. Orochimaru side stepped both of their attacks grabbing both of them by the neck and breaking it. "YYYYYYAAAA take this," yelled Inari stabbing Orochimaru in the leg with his sword. "Good job kid," said one of the Abu as he finally died. Orochimaru just grabbed Inari and threw him in the ground so hard that he broke the floor. "Ah so that how you did it they cast a jutsu which stopped me from hearing what you were doing so that you could stad me," said Orochimaru kicking Inari father into the ground. "Leave him alone," yelled Konohamaru running at Orochimaru with a Kunai in one of his hands. Orochimaru just smiled as he threw a Kunai at him. "Konohamaru you need to be more careful," said Hiruzen holding Konohamaru in one arm saving him from the kunai and in the other his famous staff. "So, you have gotten away from the other Hokages," said Orochimaru. "Zabuza I need you to deal with lord second and Haku you will have to fight lord first," said Hiruzen. "You don't think they will win do you," said Orochimaru. "No but they don't have to they just have to keep them busy while I finally kill you," said Hiruzen.


"Summoning jutsu," Naruto yelled as Gamabunta appeared under Naruto. "Naruto why did you summon me," said Gamabunta. "The one tail is on the loose and I need your help," said Naruto. "Alright but I got to warn you in a fight with someone like the one tail I don't know if I can win," said Gamabunta. "Don't worry about winning all you have to do is keep it in battle with you as I deal with Gaara," said Naruto. "Alright I'll do my best," said Gamabunta drawing his sword and facing the one tails. Gamabunta jumped up into the air with his powerful hind legs and shot a blast of oil at Shukaku. "Fire Release: Fireball Technique," yelled Naruto shooting a fireball out of his mouth which hit the oil putting it on fire. "Wind Release: Great Breakthrough," yelled Shukaku trying to stop the fire oil. He failed and just had it instill hit him all over the place instill of just his head. "Now take this," yelled Gamabunta cutting deep into Shukaku right arm with his sword. "Get off of me," yelled Shukaku slamming Gamabunta into the ground with his left hand. "UH," yelled Gamabunta jumping into the air again to avoid an attack from Shukaku. "Gamabunta I need you to grab hold of Shukaku to buy me time to get on him," said Naruto. "Alright but it might come now to you having to learn how to fly," said Gamabunta. "Ok just do your best I might have something that can help," said Naruto taking out a seal that stops the flow of charka from one of his pouches and started wrapping it around one of his kunai. "Land of sand," yelled Shukaku turning all of the ground near them into sand.


"Ino, Choji pick up the pace a giant toad and what I think is the one tails just appeared their going to need help," yelled Shikamaru. "Alright on it," they said.


"Hinata a huge toad and the one tails have just appeared what do you see," yelled Shino. "They both have Charka levels on par with Kages and the toad looks to be fighting the one tails. What wow," yelled Hinata. "What do you mean what wow," yelled Shino. "Naruto is on top of the toad, and they just used an attack with the same amount of charka that I have," said Hinata. "What," yelled Shino stunned with how deadly that battle must be. "No," yelled Hinata. "What now," said Shino worrying since he knew Naruto was strong, but could he beat a tailed beast. "Something just happened to the ground where they are it is now made up of the charka of the one tails," yelled Hinata. "This can't be good," said Shino.


"We need to get out of here," yelled Temari. "What why," yelled Kiba. "This is now a Kage level fight we can't help Naruto our only hope is that he wins, or Jiraiya comes to help," said Sasuke. "Yes, and the one tails just used its strongest power which lets it turn the ground around him into sand and use it like Gaara can," yelled Temari. "In that case full speed ahead," yelled Kiba.  

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