Chunin training

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Alright just one more pat till the final stage of the chunin exams so get reading.

Naruto beamed at his team. They had made it through the second stage of the exam and were now on track to all become chunins. Now they just have one month of training left though to get ready.

"Aright you guys all remember the Rasengan I tried to teach you?" asked Naruto, getting nods as his answer. "Good because this month we have you're all going to master it."

His student eyes widened in surprise. They had been trying to master this jutsu for over a month now on their own and they couldn't even get through the first step but now to do it in such a short of time.

Naruto tossed each of them a water balloon as he began to explain. "First you must learn how to rotate your charka. You then must do that in the balloon to pop it. Like so." said Naruto easily doing it with the balloon in his hand.

"Awesome!" shouted Konohamaru as he got straight to work. Hanabi active her clan's eyes to help her see her own charka. But Inari stood there not touching the balloon that was lying at his feet.

"Sensei can we please go somewhere else?" he asked, catching Naruto's attention. Inari never called him sensei unless it was about something important. "Sure, just follow me." said Naruto as he began to walk towards where the two of them normally spar.

Inari followed not muttering a single word making both his teammates and sensei worried. "So, what do you want to talk about?" asked Naruto only to hear the sound of drawing a blade.

"Will you spar with me sensei." said Inari holding the blade tightly as he got into his battle stance. "Sure..." said Naruto not really getting what was going on. "Move with speed and strength. Move like the striking tide." muttered Inari as he launched his attack.

His steps thundered on the ground as he prepared to use all of his strength. Naruto sidestepped the attack with ease as he pulled out a kunai. His blade began to dance with Inari's until he disarmed him.

"You're getting better Inari." said Naruto only to hear the tears of his student. "Damnit why... Why can't I get better!" he cried as he felt his sensei's hand on his back.

"Inari talk to me you know I'm here for you." said Naruto wrapping the clanless boy in a hug. "Why...Why am I destined to be weak." cried his student. "Inari...just what are you talking about?" said Naruto. Inari was already chunin level at such a young age. No, he wasn't weak, he was strong so what could cause this to happen.

"All of you guys are destined to be stronger. My charka levels are nonexistent compared to you." cried Inari snaking off Naruto's hand. "That's true." agreed Naruto, getting Inari tears to fall faster.

"But that's why you have to work harder than us. I won't act like even a second this world of ours's is fair. It's not. This world is unfair to all of us but that doesn't make it fair. You have to change this world you will have to change yourself to make it more fair for you. It won't be easy, but I'll be here for you the entire way." said Naruto once more placing a reassuring hand on Inari.

This time Inari didn't push off his hand, but he didn't stop crying either. "That's eas...Easy for you to say...But you don't know what it feels like to be weak." cried Inari much to Naruto surprise.

"Inari are you going to be the world's greatest swordsman or not. Thiers's nothing wrong with crying. No, it's a good thing you must release all of your pain somehow. But do not wallow in your tears and defeat. You must reflect on them and become stronger because of it." said Naruto as he handed Inari back his sword. "So are you going to be the world's strongest swordsman or not. Inari wiped away the tear as he grabbed hold of the blade. "Yeah, I will be."


Konohamaru shouted out in glee as he finally busted the water balloon. It was a hard-fought battle over the course of three days. In those three days they had trained for nothing but mastering the jutsu leaving them exhausted at the end of each day.

"Thanks for the help." said Hanabi as she also popped her balloon. "Hey she copied me." complained Konohamaru loudly. "Konohamaru theirs's no such thing as cheating in the ninja world." stated Naruto wisely watching them from a nearby rock.

"I can still be upset." said Konohamaru giving up. "Spin the charka. Spin it like a whirlpool." thought Inari as he began to picture it in his mind as he used his charka. The balloon burst open with a loud sharp crack.

"Well done, Inari. Alright since you're all done now let's move onto the next step. I want you guys to destroy rubber balls this time." explained Naruto tossing said rubber balls at them.

His team nodded as they got to work. Naruto just smiled as he heard the loud groan he expected. "Why won't it break." complained Konohamaru using his charka the same way he did for the balloon.

"Rubber's tough. So, what if we just add power." brainstormed Inari getting Naruto smile to fall off of his face. "It took me two whole day's to think of that even with Kurama help." Naruto complained to himself.

"The next generation always surpasses the last." laughed Kurama in a mocking tone in Naruto mind. "Then I must be trillions of times stronger than you. After all your what older than the very stars." shot back Naruto earning him a low growl from Kurama.

A loud sound different but similar to the popping of the balloon could be heard as Hanabi destroyed her rubber ball. With her large amount of charka and amazing skills when it came to using it. Well, something like making a powerful burst of it was easy.

Konohamaru followed with his large charka making this easy for him as well. Inari was the last to finish but he was only a couple of minutes behind his teammates. "Alright impressive now onto the final step of this whole thing."  

Will they master the Rasengan. Will they all become Chunin find out next time. 

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