"If I were you, I'd keep that smart ass mouth of yours closed. Maybe a few bolts or whippings will help with it." I growled, remembering how just an ounce of disrespect got my ass in trouble big time. The baby began crying again, catching part of my attention. She's probably hungry. I had already checked her for injuries and there were none, thank God.

    His eyes grew colder and I could see shock swimming in his eyes.

    "Did you know there was a four year old who showed up at our door covered in blood and dirt, soaking from the rain and crying her fucking heart out?" I asked, my voice now scarily calm, keeping eye contact with him to see if I can find any hint of him knowing more, not being truthful, or him not even caring. He did care though. He cared a lot and I knew this by the way his eyes widened and his heartbeat sped up.

    "I-" He stopped, looking down. "I didn't know, no. We were told the houses were abandoned." His voice was now so hushed that it was hard to hear and that's when I began to understand that they truly didn't know. These boys wouldn't hurt a fly...

    "Who?" I calmed down enough to be gentle with them, looking between the two. They're just boys... When they both looked at each other, I could see loyalty but fear in their eyes.

    "The man who took us in a couple of years ago. He's not a good man but-" The blue haired boy started, looking at his buddy.

    "He keeps a shelter over our head and food in our bellies." The boy who I had thought was still unconscious was sitting against the wall rubbing his head.

    "He took us in. I was 7, those two were both 4. We've been with them since." I looked between the boys and felt a tight pull in my chest and guilt clawing at my throat.

    "We just needed the money to try and get our own place to escape him." That was the blond haired kid. I studied each of them, many questions going through my head before looking at Jay who had tensed behind me at these kids' admissions. I could see rage dancing in his now dark blue eyes. When I turned back to the boys, I sighed. I pity their circumstances... I never had it that bad.

    "How old are you all?" Jay asked, moved the both of us so we sat against the wall. I don't know much about tornadoes but I am not leaving this cellar until that swirly wind of death and the sirens are gone. The sirens hurt my ears really badly...

    "I'm 18." That was the boy, well I guess man, who was unconscious. This man had brown shabby hair with green eyes and olive skin, his build a little more stout like a boxer. He probably stood about 6'0 ft, just a bit shorter than Jay. He wore a green shirt that was tucked in his pants, a belt, and boots. This boy had no hair dye, piercings, or any of that. He just looked like a boy- a man I mean. I keep forgetting he's our age.

    "I heard them call you Lucas." Jay stated rather than asked.

    "Yeah but you can call me Luke. I'll take responsibility for this if you let them go." Luke seems like a pretty responsible person aside from burning houses down.

    "No can do." I answered quickly, shaking my head while standing up. I want the baby back and by the way Gifford handed her over like she was a disease, I'd say I wasn't the only one relieved.

    "Why?" His voice was even, calm, but I could still hear him trying to keep his emotions in check. Maybe that's something him and Gifford, or maybe even Colby, can work on together.

    "Because I'm not letting y'all go back to a man that hurt you. Nor am I letting you guys leave without a proper investigation of what happened tonight. I have too many questions and we need answers, especially if this is from a man of any sort." I hummed, moving the baby girl who I would probably place at 2 months into my arms.

The Experimental Mate (Work in progress/unedited)Where stories live. Discover now