Not My Mom

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Tori's POV:

    "What the hell were you thinking!?" I held the man in front of me, clutching his shirt with two fists. He was pinned to the wall and looking at me with fear and shock.

    "Do you know how many lives you've taken today!?" I growled slowly, grabbing the other conscious boy by the ear. I walked over until they were away from the unconscious one, not wanting to wake him just yet. The boy I held by the ear had black hair that slowly faded to a dark blue with blue eyes and pale skin. He stood tall, probably about 5'11- 6'0 ft maybe. He wore jeans and a blue hoodie with a black undershirt and I could literally smell the fear seeping off of him like a toxic flower trying to snuff you to sleep. My eyes fell on the other boy who's shirt I held still, clenched tightly. He was a little shorter than his buddy standing at maybe 5'9 - 5'10. His eyes were a light brown, his hair a bright blond. He had green round cuff piercings on his higher ear lobes. He wore a white shirt, which was completely see through because of the rain, and baggy jeans. They both wore boots though which shocked me.

    I took a deep breath releasing both of them and pointed to the concrete floor of the cellar.

    "Sit." Surely enough, both of them sat looking up at me with wide eyes. I felt Jay's arms wrap around my waist again but I could feel his hesitation with his action. I could also feel a little something bulging from his jeans and poking my back. Not right now though.

    "You-" I started, pointing to the boy with black and blue hair, "explain, now."

    It took him a moment, him glancing at his buddy before looking back up to me. I snapped my fingers, my head tilting and I'm sure my eyes are speaking every emotion I'm feeling.

    "We were told they were abandoned..." I glared down at him, biting my tongue. Really? They were just doing it for fun?

    "Don't bullshit me." I growled, moving forward to grab him once more. Jay's arms tightened though and kept me locked in place.

    Breath, babygirl. We don't know if he's telling the truth. They're boys.

    I continued glaring at the boy, mulling over what Jay had whispered in my head.

    At 17-18 were you burning down houses and killing people? I sure as hell wasn't.

    "Okay, suppose you did think they were abandoned. Why didn't you stop after the first house? I know for a fact someone lived there. Did you not stop after you heard the screaming or saw the fucking bodies!?" My voice grew louder and louder the angrier I got and I could feel the others, no... I could see the others like shadows in a very bright lighted room back away from me everytime I blinked. Except for Jay who kept me rooted in place. The boy looked panicked shaking his head while his buddy just glared off into space looking annoyed.

    "That's not true! We didn't see or hear anyone! We were just told we'd get paid if we destroyed the abandoned houses out here! We were told they were abandoned, I swear!" The boy rushed out, shaking his head with a frown. The other boy scoffed, catching my attention.

    "Do you have something to say?" I asked lowly, staring at him and just waiting for him to say something stupid. Jay's arms tightened once again. When he looked up, his eyes were hard and cold.

    "He's telling you the truth and you aren't a damn role model so quit acting like our mother." His voice was cold and disrespectful. I'm not sure how I did it but one second I was in Jay's arms and the next, I was standing in front of him with my hand stinging. A loud clap had gone through the room and his face was tilted down and to the side, a big red welp forming. I crouched down to be at his level. Who the fuck does he think he is killing Jay's pack and family and then blatantly disrespecting me like that?

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Apr 26 ⏰

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