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I laid on the sun-bed, my eyes closed as I enjoyed the Italian sun. There was loud giggling from across the garden that flooded my ears, a smile drifting over my lips.

My eyes shot open when a few drops of refreshingly cold water landed on my stomach. I met the gaze of my husband who had shook his soaked hair over where I laid, he let out an audible laugh at my irritated expression as he disturbed me.

"What was that for?" He planted a light kiss on my lips just as I'd finished speaking.

"I like your eyes and I wanted to see them," it was strange logic but I couldn't help but blush at his statement.

I was about to speak when the sound of small feet hitting the ground grew louder.

"Daddy, come and play with us," the 5 year old shouted, grabbing his father's hand and pulling him towards the pool.

Charles jumped straight in while Emilio stuck his toe in, testing the temperature. Jules was laughing at his brother's actions as he bobbed up and down in the water.

Charles looked at me mischievously before turning back to his son, he picked him up, pulling him into the water. The boy squealed clinging to the monegasque to get warm.

Eventually, after he had adjusted, he let go of his father and began moving by himself, freeing Charles' movement. He moved to the boy who was turned away, picking him up and throwing him back to the water. Jules began laughing as he pleaded for his father to do it again.

Emilio on the other hand, climbed out of the water and made his way over to me, he dripped water all over the floor covering his tracks.

"Mummy," he shouted as he ran up to me.

"What's up, Emmy?" I sat up just in case he needed me to move urgently for something.

"Can you come to the pool?" His ivy, green eyes looked up to me pleadingly,  making it very difficult for me to say no.

"I will soon baby, I just have to wait for Uncle Max to come back with your sister," I placed a kiss on his forehead, placing my hands on his.

"Okay," he murmured, his bright smile still remaining on his face as his blonde hair blew over his eyes slightly due to the breeze.


Once Max texted me, I made my way to the door, opening it and revealing my brother with my baby girl in his arms.

I gave him a hug before taking the sleepy baby from him. She clung to my body, resting her head on my shoulder.

"The boys are outside, I'm just going to put her to bed and then I'll be out," I informed him, shutting the door after him as he made his way into the house.

I placed Amalia into her crib in which she instantly lays down, hugging her blanket and closing her eyes. I gave her a kiss on the forehead before turning on the baby monitor and turning the light off before closing the door.

I took the second baby monitor outside with me, placing it on the table to make sure that if she needed one of us, we would hear.

Max was talking to his nephews while Charles was leaned over the side of the pool on his phone.

My brother swooped Emmy into his arms, the boy screaming as he leaves the ground. Jules jumped onto Max's back to double team him. I smile at the interaction, I loved the relationship Max had with the boys and I hope that it never changes.

Charles walked up to me, standing behind me and placing his head on my shoulder as he wrapped his arms around the skin of my waist.

"I can't believe how well it all worked out," I whispered to the brunette as I looked at the group of boys.

"I know, me neither," he placed a kiss on my jaw before holding me tighter.

My eyes glided over to the shelf of trophies that sat next the Tv. Both mine and Charles' F2 champion trophies along with 2 of my F1 wdc trophies and with 3 of his.

We truly did have successful careers and now we are retired and live on the Italian Coast with our three children and Max living a few streets away. I couldn't have asked for anything better in life, I ended up with the love of my life and thinking back through my life, I don't regret a single thing. Not one bit.



A/N : I want to thank everyone for reading and voting, I'm so thankful to all of you, I didn't expect much to come of this just me writing down my ideas for a story so thank you and I hope you enjoyed.

I do have another story that I have started so if you are interested in reading it, please take a look.

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