The truth comes out

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"What's wrong? Do you not like the sushi?"

Truth be told I loved the sushi, it was great. He had picked it up before he got there to surprise me with it but other thoughts clouded my mind like a dark storm waiting to be released.

"No, I love the sushi, it's just...." I trailed off not wanting to complete the sentence.

In all honesty, I was worried about Charles, he consistently shadowed my thoughts but that day felt different. He was the only thing that I could seem to concentrate on. His saddened face after his got out of his car just a few hour prior, along with the familiar warmth I felt when I was near him in his drivers room circulated my brain.

"It's just Charles, I'm worried about him," I pushed the words out of my lips, forcing myself to try and be honest with him, he deserved that.

"I don't want him to be upset, racing can be emotionally draining and you don't need extra baggage to add onto that," I muttered, almost so quietly it was like I was reciting the words to myself.

"You like him don't you?" His voice was almost shaky with hidden emotion, camouflaged by the shadow projected by his hair as he looked down, refusing to meet my eyes.

I couldn't bring myself to speak, I knew I hurt him, and I didn't want to extend that pain. Instead I waited for his head to rise and his gaze to fall upon me.

I nodded my head slightly, the action would have gone unnoticed if it was seen from a long distance. I hated it, all of it, as much as I wanted to erase the boy from my mind I couldn't, he was always there, beyond every action and ever word he was always at the back of my thoughts.


Logan left, he didn't really say much after I admitted that I still had feelings for the Ferrari boy if that even was the case but all I know Is that if it was, I didn't want to have Logan being pulled into that situation.

I was sat in the corner of the sofa, hugging a blanket to my cold body, my mind racing beyond the clouds as greys anatomy played in the background. It wasn't cold but yet it wasn't warm and I also couldn't be bothered to retrieve a hoodie from my wardrobe so I decided to sit and stew with a blanket tightly wrapped around my skin.

The call I had been expecting all night came at half 8, Kika's proud and excited voice echoing through the blank screen of my phone.

"I'm so proud of you Nika, you did so well and you deserve it too."

"Thanks," I giggle into the device, "I hope you gave Pierre this much enthusiasm when you congratulated him on his race."

"Of course I did but I'm just so proud of you," She was practically yelling.

"Yeah, so you've said."

We both laughed in unison as I finished speaking.

"Listen, I've got to go but when we next see each other I wast a debrief on this Charles situation, Kelly had given me some information but not enough," she laughed blowing a kiss down the phone before hanging up.

The loud noises of the room came to an abrupt stop, the only sound filling my apartment being the quiet voice of Mark Sloan echoing from the TV screen.

I had been in my apartment for almost three hours and not for any of that time had I focused on the show, usually my interest is high when I watched the drama of the surgeons lives but events occurring on the screen almost felt tedious and repetitive.

I had been recieving a lot of images of Max's celebratory activities, Max and Checo along with basically the entire team were partying, due to Checo's win, many people asking why I wasn't there.

I wish I had more enthusiasm towards celebrating the results of my races, but due to many of my friends absence whether it be Arthur or Julia I don't find to much entertainment in just celebrating with the team.

The one thing I knew, was that I had to escape the confined space of my apartment. I headed straight out of my apartment, not having to even think about my decision twice, making my way to the Aston Martin Vantage that sat in my driveway.

The loud hum of the engine snapped to life the second it was turned on, there was only one place I thought of going, the one place that would always be my destination, no matter how long it would take for me to get there.

I could feel the gentil breeze of the wind grazing my skin, the slight rays of the setting sun reflecting on the roads in front of my car.

The speed raising drastically the second I get away from civilisation, and the loud shouts of people in clubs and bars celebrating anything and anyone growing fainter.

Those roads were etched in my brain, I could be blindfolded and I'd still know every turn and straight that fell upon me.

The glow of the sun had transformed from a bronze to a calm pink, a hint of purple being revealed above the horizon.

It was just gone 9 when I reached the top of the cliffside, the sun barely visible below the skyline. The lights of Monte Carlo brightened the streets of the soon to be pitch black city.

Sitting on the rock, looking out at the city beyond the cliffside surrounded by the bay, sent a flood of relaxation through me. I loved that place. The memories it held, along with the strong feeling of home that lived within me whenever I am near.

Looking out at the peaceful city allowed me to realise the one thing that I had to do, I had to talk to him.

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