Day 1

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Kelly and Max were the last two to arrive, they came almost 24 hours after Pierre and Kika had the previous day. All 10 of us were watching a movie when the door opened, Lando ran straight to Max telling him all about the place while Kelly waited looking at Max in disbelief. He had placed the bags down right in front of the door, she told him to take them to the last remaining room forcing him to leave his conversation with Lando.

"Yay, you guys are finally here," Lily cheered, pulling her into a hug.

"We would have been here about an hour earlier but the drive from the airport took longer than expected," she explained, sighing at the end of her sentence.

"Let me guess, Max drive way too slow," Julia shouted from the sofa where her and Arthur were still sat, he had his arm around her shoulders while she rested her head on his chest.

Kelly nodded, the choice of a non verbal answer made sure that Max didn't hear her criticism from the other room.

"Sounds about right, he drives at 300 kph for a living but when he is on the road he is scared of the throttle," I stated, triggering chuckles from people around the room.

When Max reappeared and the room fell silent he stopped in his tracks, a scared but questioning expression sat on his face.

"Nika?" He looked at me accusingly like he know I had done something.

"What?" I asked innocently, I felt Charles head fall on my back in laughter as he tried to hide his entertainment from my brother's accusation.

"Je lijkt iets van plan te zijn (You seem like you are up to something)," my brother exclaimed, I received a confused look from Charles as he waited for my response even though he had no clue what we were saying.

The rest of the room had already split off into little conversations while Max's attention still remained on me.

"Is ze niet altijd (isn't she always)," Julia answered for me, winking in my direction when Max gave up prying for information and instead went to go and talk to Luisa, Lando and Kelly.


I woke up to the sun shining through the blinds of our room, my head was resting on Charles' chest, his arms wrapped around my waist. I turned around attempting to get up for me to be pulled straight back.

"Stay with me," he muttered into my hair as he held me tighter.

"We will have to get up eventually," I giggled, relaxing into his touch.

"10 more minutes," the way he spoke suggested how tired he was even though we were the first to go to sleep.

I wrapped my arms around his torso, closing my eyes expecting to be up in 10 minutes later but instead almost 40 minutes had past when my eyes fluttered open, Charles no longer laid beside me but instead was stood up, his hair was dripping wet and he was only half dressed.

"Why didn't you wake me?"

"You looked cute and I didn't want to disturb you," he grabbed a plain white shirt, buttoning it up as he spoke.


"You guys seem happy," Kika stated, looking at the boys through the window.

"We are," I giggled, watching as Charles and Max pushed Pierre into the pool resulting in him trying to splash them.

All of the boys were outside while us girls just chilled out of the heat for a bit before we went to join them.

"I'm glad that you got together, you both complained a lot when you weren't together," Julia commented receiving many agreeing nods from everyone else.

"I haven't known either of you for very long but you both seem to be happier when you're with the each other," Luisa added, her comment made a smile grow across my lips.

"Thank you and for the record I don't think I've seen Lando this happy in months, he is completely head over heels for you," Luisa nods looking through the glass window to her boyfriend who was smiling along to whatever Alex and Arthur were saying.

"How's P," I ask Kelly when the others fall into a separate conversation.

"She isn't too pleased that she won't see us for a week but is happy that she gets to spend some quality time with her dad," she turned he body to face me so she could pay our conversation her full attention.

"Have you and Max got anything planned for after this?" I didn't know what was going to happen after, all I knew was that I had to go back to Monaco for a few days for training.

"I think we are spending a week in Monaco before we head to the Netherlands a week before the race."

Both of our heads shot in the direction of the loud voices at the door. Pierre came through the door still dripping wet from being in the pool, he walked over to his girlfriend pulling her into a tight hug making her squeal in response to the contact. She tried to get away from his grasp but instead he picked her up and ran to the pool, jumping in submerging both of them into the water.

All of us burst out laughing as both of their heads appeared out of the water.

Charles walked over to us, he was still chuckling at the events that he just watched.

"Don't get any ideas," I warned pointing my finger at him, he put both of his hands up in surrender before placing them around my shoulders.

He gave me a kiss on the check before laying his head on my shoulder. I turned to face him giving him a gentle smile, planting a kiss on his lips.

A smirk grows across his face as I pull away from him.

"What was that for?" He took my hand in his waiting for me to stand up.

I shrugged my shoulder, obeying his command by standing up.

He began leading me towards the door, then to the gate, my mind wandered at the thought of where he could be taking me.

"Where are we going?"

"You'll see," He answered, a smile spread all across his face, his dimples appearing at the sides of his mouth, his eyes were glowing, not just because of the bright sunlight but because of his happiness.

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