Forgotten dresses and Limo rides

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Me, Kika and Julia were all scattered around mine and Charles' room doing our hair and makeup, getting ready for the evening. We had all decided to go to a club, Charles hadn't been to keen but when I accepted, he changed his mind.


Both mine and Kika's heads turned to face Julia in an instant, she was looking through her suitcase but sat frozen, staring at it.

"What's up?" Me and Kika asked simultaneously.

She gave us a worried look, gently placing the clothes she had in her hands back into the suitcase.

"I don't have a party dress, I forgot it," I gave a sigh of relief, thankful that it wasn't an overly drastic problem.

"Oh, that's fine. I have a spare that you can borrow," Kika suggested while rummaging through her belongings.

She nodded her head slightly before pulling out a second party dress, she handed it to Julia. She let the dress fall in front of her. A huge smile spread across her face, telling Kika that she liked it.

I made my way to the bathroom to get changed, removing my T-shirt and shorts with a black party dress.

"That is stunning, it looks gorgeous," Julia squealed when I walked back into the room where the two girls were sat having a conversation

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"That is stunning, it looks gorgeous," Julia squealed when I walked back into the room where the two girls were sat having a conversation.

"Thanks," I answered back, giving her a shy smile.


Once both of the girls were ready, we made our way out into the living room where everyone except us three were waiting.

Charles walked over to me the second we made eye contact, a sly way to summon him over to me.

"Tu es belle, amour (you look beautiful, Love)," he stated, placing both of his hands on my hips.

"Tu n'as pas l'air si mal toi-même (you don't look so bad yourself)," I ginned up at him, pulling his lips to mine.

He was wearing a white shirt and trousers, the brightness of the outfit highlighted the darkness of his hair and the beautiful shine that escaped his mossy eyes. He gave me a gentle smile, his dimples penetrating through his cheeks. Joy grew inside of me at the sight of it, his smiles are a constant reminder of how handsome he is, the radiant joy that escapes him every time the dimples appear on his face is unmatched.

"I love you," I muttered to him in between kisses, my hands glided to the back of his neck to deepen the kiss.

"I love you."

"Not to break this whole thing up but we should get going," Arthur yelled to us from the open door.

Everyone had slipped out of the room without either of us noticing, Arthur was the one who was picked to get us.

Max had gotten us a Limo so no one had to be the designated driver, allowing everyone to be as free as they want with drinks.

The two of us made our way into the car, I was slightly confused when I saw only one free seat left. There was clearly not enough seats because Kika was already sat on her boyfriend's lap.

Charles gave me a smirk, taking the free seat, leaving me with only one choice.

"You're loving this aren't you," I whispered in his ear when I took my seat on his lap.

"Maybe just a little bit," he looked at me for a second before moving his lips to my ear, "That was a lie. Maybe a lot."

Arthur gave me a grin from across the car before he placed his arm around Julia.

I began talking to Kika but my attention was suddenly drawn away from my friend when I felt Charles' hand on my thigh as he drew circles with his thumb on my skin.

"Don't tease me," I whispered in his ear, making sure that no one heard me.

"Or what?" He seemed so confident through his bright smirk.

I began slightly moving, instantly getting a reaction out of him. His hands grabbed my waist to keep me still.

"You win," I gave him a kiss on the cheek as I smiled in victory.

He shook his head laughing, turning away from me to talk to Lando.

When the car came to a complete stop, everyone began herding out of the vehicle. Me and Charles were the last ones to leave, thanking the driver before stepping onto the firm concrete.

"Smile," I giggled, taking a photo of him.

I looked back at it and smile at the beauty of him, he gave me a grin before kissing the top of my head and lacing his arm around my shoulders.

I leaned into his touch as we made our way into the crowded building, I interlocked my hand with his, feeling safer in his presence.

"Would you like to get a drink, sit down in a booth or dance, amour?" He asked as his gaze met mine.

His eyes are hypnotising, when you look at them, you can't stop, almost like a drug but with more positive outcomes. Being able to look at the distinctive shine that you can only find in his gaze.

"How about we get a drink, chill with everyone else for a bit and then dance our hearts out?"

"Sounds like an amazing idea,"  he led me to the bar, ordering our drinks when the bartender asked what we wanted.

I rested my head on his shoulder while we stood waiting for our drinks. He was drawing circles on the back of my hand with his thumb but stopped when he reached to get our drinks from the wooden surface.

Everyone else was already sat in a large booth, Lando, Alex and Max had tequila shots in front of them. In unison, they grabbed their drinks and shot the liquid into their mouths. Charles took the seat across from me next to Arthur while I sat next to my brother.

Looking around the room, seeing everyone smiling their heads off, majority of them already slightly tipsy. I knew it was going to be a long night, but also an unforgettable one.

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