Dramatic Bowling

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Julia sat across from me on the dining table that she personally helped pick out as we ate the pastries we had just bought. The newly morning sun light shone through the transparent window no longer covered by the curtains that were being held at the sides by two identical peices of string. The smell of fresh pastry filled the air flooding our noses with a beautiful smell.

"Do you want to go Bowling later with me, Lando and Arthur?" I asked out of no where with no additional information.

When I woke up, I was greeted by a text from Arthur telling me that he invited Lando to come bowling with us because he came to Monaco a day before my brother and Kelly and he was bored.

"Sure, I don't have anything else to do," she replied splitting her croissant into two before taking a bite out of one peice.

"Did Arthur not mention it to you," I teased giving her a small grin.

"You know that we don't tell each other everything?" She laughed, her cheeks turning red when he burst through the door just after she finished speaking.

He glanced between us both, his smile fading into a look of confusion. I burst into laughter burying my face into my hands.

"I'm not going to ask," He seemed slightly concerned with my reaction but breaking his curiosity, he changed the subject.

"I have a problem," He quickly transformed his emotion from confusion to annoyance.

"What's up?" I asked regaining my breath. My eyes meeting Julia's flushed face.

"I left my Air Pods in Saudi Arabia," he gave a gentil but sad smile.

"But why can't you just get a new pair?" Sometimes I don't understand anything he does.

He wafted his hand in the air as if he gave up before taking a seat next to me.

Spending time with both of my best friend's made me quite happy, it allowed me to forget anything bad and just focus on the conversation.


We were meant to be meeting Lando in 15 minutes and I was still in my room getting ready while the other two chilled on the sofa waiting impatiently for me.

I picked out a very plain outfit, that being some ripped jeans with a black crop top and the redbull jacket I wear all the time.

Walking out of my bedroom door, I see Julia right next to Arthur watching something on his phone.

"Sorry to interrupt... this," I say pointing at the events occurring in front of Me.

They both share a look before there cheeks turn a bright crimson with embarrassment. I chuckled to myself slowly walking to the door waiting for them to follow me.

Julia wanted to take the Ferrari but there wasn't enough room for the three of us so wee took her Jeep.

Did I end up third wheeling for the entirety of the ride the bowling ally as I was forced to sit in the back. For the 10 minutes it took to drive there I never looked up from my phone attempting to distract myself from the two people flirting in the front.

I couldn't escape the car quick enough, I'd never been happier knowing that I wasn't going to be alone because Lando was going to be there with me.

None of us needed to borrow the shoes that no one in their right mind would voluntarily wear as we all were wearing trainers.

Lando was sat among the booths in front of each lane, not alone. Walking to the curly haird brunette with Arthur and Julia dawdling behind me no even realising that he was with someone.

When I reached the booth, both my ex boyfriends turned to face me. Not once since me and Lando were together had I spoken to both of them at the same time. I never really wanted to as the thought seemed to give me an anxious feeling within my stomach.

"Hi... Charles. I thought you said you couldn't come?" The expression on my face basically summed up how confused I was.

"Oh yeah sorry, Amanda is haning out with Luisa so my evening kinda of opened up, I hope you don't mind."

"Of course I don't mind," I'm interested to see how this is going to pan out but at the back of my brain I know that this might turn into a disaster.

"Omg, hi Charles," Arthur yelled hugging his brother.

Julia gave me a nervous look. Tell me about it. Lando pulled me into a hug as I hadn't spoken to him in a while.


Arthur and Lando seemed to be aggressive competing against each other trying to win even though I had a higher score than both of them.

"How long do you think they are going to be bickering for," I laughed to Charles keeping my eyes on the pair of boys.

Julia was sat on her phone waiting for her go clearly fed up of the competition between the boys.

"Until one of them wins which will be never," he kept a straight face turning to face me.

"What's up?" Even though he was still joking around he wasn't acting like himself, he seemed distant and distracted.

"Nothing, I'm fine I promise," the dimples that I used to love dug into his cheeks as he gave me a confirming smile.

I wasn't convinced but I also am not the type of person to push something out of someone. If he wants me to know than he'll tell me so I'm not going to force him.

Julia's brown hair sat on her shoulders evenly as she walked over to take her go,  her getting a spare filled her with remote satisfaction before returning to her seat, Arthur now sat next to her trying to keep his distance from an angry Lando who lost overall.

"I'm looking forward to the drive home," I chuckled gesturing to My best friend's.

"I can drive you if you want," Charles offered giving me a genuine look.

I guess I'll take him up on that, it's better than being a third wheel for the second time today but is the car ride with Charles really a better option?

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