Louder than words

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The second Arthur suggested celebrating the race to Max, Daniel and Kika, there was no possible way of getting out of it. I didn't mind, I mean, would I have rather been in bed watching Netflix? 100%. But going out wasn't exactly a bad way to spend the evening, especially after the win. Charles on the other hand, disagreed with going out, he seemed very reluctant to even step a foot out of the hotel but the second he realised that I was willing to and kind of did want to go, he claimed that he would as well but wouldn't be drinking.

"The only reason I'm even going is because you are," he shouted from his room.

"It'll be fun Charles I promise," I uttered in response while sorting out my hair.

"I hope so," he whispered walking towards me.

The second I looked in his direction, I couldn't help but let my eyes hover over him. He was wearing some white trousers with a white buttoned downed shirt, half of the buttons were undone. Not that I was complaining. He gave me a small grin clearly noticing me checking him out.

"Like what you see?" He asked smugly.

"Mhm," I nodded, wrapping my arms around his torso.

"You don't look so bad yourself," He states, placing his hands on my waist.

He planted a light kiss on my lips before a large smile formed across his face.

"I really do love this dress," he whispered, moving his hands up and down my arms.

I was wearing a black party dress with some gold jewellery:

I was wearing a black party dress with some gold jewellery:

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"Thank you," i mumbled, barely moving my mouth.

I grazed my hands on the back of his neck making Charles close his eyes.

I pulled him into a quick kiss before grabbing his hand and pulling him towards the door. When he caught up to me, he released his hand from mine, placing his arm around my shoulders. When we got into the elevator, he pulled me closer to his chest. I gave him a smile just as the ding of the elevator rang through the air.

The second he moved his arm from my shoulder I could still feel the ghost of his touch on my skin, I loved being with him, even if we were just sat in complete silence, his presence was enough.

As we drove through the streets of Austria heading to the designated club that Lando had chosen. Even while his concentration was on the road, his free hand sat on my bare leg, rotating his thumb in consistent circles against my skin. I placed a hand on top of his, catching his slight smile at my small movement.

The second the car pulled into the car park, Arthur ran out to us, Pierre and Kika high on his heels. Me and Charles exchanged a worried look before both stepping out of the stopped car.

Kika yelled my name, running over to me, she flung her arm around my shoulder pulling me along with her as she ran back to the door. I could hear the boys laughing to each other just before we were completely consumed by the strangely loud music.

I looked around, trying to find the source of the music noticing Max and Lando bouncing slightly at the dj station, a set of headphones sat on each of their heads, massive smiles plastered on there faces.

"The second they got in here, they ran up there," she chuckled, clearly noticing where my gaze sat.

"That sounds exactly like them," I replied.

She grabbed both of my hands, twirling me around, making both of us giggle. We spent another couple of minutes dancing before Kika headed to Pierre who was now alone at the bar, talking to the bartender.

I noticed Danny, Mick and Carlos all sat at a booth.

"Would you look who it is," Daniel shouted when he first noticed me.

"Long time, no see," Mick muttered, pulling me into a hug when he got up from his seat.

"Hey Nika," Carlos whispered, also pulling me into a quick hug.

"Where's Prince Charming?" Daniel teased giving me a smirk.

"I don't know, probably with Arthur," I answered sending a sarcastic grin in his direction.

"You seem to be doing quite well.... In F2 I mean," Mick stated, changing the subject away from Charles.

"It's going great, the car feels more comfortable than last year."

"Well, you're leading the championship," Carlos added, suddenly intrigued by the conversation about my career.

"Only by a couple of points," I uttered, probably so quietly that nobody heard.

"Voulez-vous danser ? (Would you like to dance?)" A familiar voice asked as his hand met mine.

"Of course Percival," I answered smiling up at him.

I allowed him to lead me through the crowd to an empty space in the middle of the room, putting both of his hands on my waist as I swayed along to the music.

In response I locked my arms around his neck, a subtle smile shined through the cocky grin that sat on his lips.

"You don't understand how happy I am right now, Mila," he exclaimed, as he looked directly into my eyes.

The shine from his eyes could speak so much louder than words, could express the things that he couldn't bring himself to say.

"I have a pretty good idea," I knew how happy he was because I felt the exact same way.

Us dancing while surrounded by all of our friends brought a warm feeling through my stomach, it reminded me of how different it was at the beginning of the season. Instead of shouting at each other like we did in Bahrain, Me and Charles were dancing while looking into each others eyes expressing our care for one another without even speaking.

I gave him a wide smile just before my lips fell against his, it sent a shiver down my spine along with a wave of comfort and familiarity. It was at that moment when I realised that I didn't want to spend my time with anyone else.

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