Mini went to the restaurant. Neil was already there. He was making preparation for some dishes and instructing everyone in his usual angry tone. He looked at her when she arrived and smiled at her then again became busy in his routine. Mini frowned at him. She was dying to see him. She came restaurant early and took extra care to get ready. She looked at him so lovingly and he just gave a small smile. So much happened between them last night. 

She is feeling so happy and different and look at him. She thought, "All sadu and cranky as usual. Didn't even look at me properly." She also went to her cabin ignoring him. 

She completed her pending work and waited till half day but Neil didn't try to approach her. Finally giving up she called him in her cabin. Neil came there, "Yes you called, is there anything you need?" asked Neil. 

She had had enough of his indifference she stood up from her chair and locked the door of her cabin.She marched back to him and grabbed his collar, "Neil Oberoi, you think you are over smart. Ignoring me since morning, what you think of yourself.? She asked authoritatively. 

"Mini, you think I am ignoring you? What I have done to make you think like that?" Neil asked back. 

" didn't look at me differently. You didn't even treat me differently...last night so much happened between us and you are behaving as if nothing happened." Accused Mini. 

"Mini, stop being a child and what you mean by didn't look you differently and didn't treat you differently? What do you expect from me that whenever I look at you I should extend my arms and give shahrukh khan pose or whenever you come here I should carry you in my arms to your cabin and why the hell did you lock the door?" he asked as he proceeded towards the door to unlock it.

He turned around to see tears Mini's eyes. He immediately came towards her. He cupped her face and wiped her tears with his thumb and asked with concern,"What happened love? Why are you crying?" 

"Last night you made me feel so special and now you are behaving as if nothing happened" Mini sobbed. 

Neil sighed, "Mini, look at me. Do you really think I am indifferent towards you? I am behaving with you as normal as possible and that's what we should do right?"Neil explained. 

"But why?" Mini asked pouting like a child. 

"Mini you are the owner here. You have some reputation and image to maintain. If we will give each other all lovey dovey looks all day then no one will take you seriously here. You just locked the door if anybody would have found out that we are locked in here then what they would have been thinking about you. I don't want anyone to point a finger on your character. "Neil explained further. 

Still seeing her sad he came close to her and quickly gave a peck on her lips, "Did I tell you how beautiful you are looking today" he said to change her mood. 

"You noticed" asked Mini smiling like a child. 

"Yes I did. But I was busy since morning so didn't get the chance to tell you." Said Neil.

 "You could have come to me any time" Mini said to him. 

"See that's the thing I am trying to tell you. We have been through a lot and I can understand that after everything is sorted out between us you want to shout out to whole world that we love each other but as I said earlier, you cant act like a love sick silly girl here. You have to maintain the dignity and command the respect that comes with the responsibility of boss here. In our private space do whatever you want but in public we have to behave....right?" Neil explained lovingly. 

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