Chapter 86: Calamity Box

Start from the beginning

"All I needed was the music box. I would have said anything to get you to deliver it to me. I'm afraid you've been duped kiddo," King Andrias said.

"But... but..." Marcy just looked on with shock. "I thought we were friends!"

"Let me out it this way. I used you from the very beginning. You were nothing more than a means to an end," King Andrias explained.

"What about Drake? What did you do with his body?" Marcy asked.

"Oh don't worry about that. I still fully intend to keep my part of that bargain," King Andrias said.

Anne placed a reassuring hand on Marcy to calm her down. "The three of us may have made some mistakes, but you? You're evil and we're going to stop you!"

"If you're serious." King Andrias ignited a flaming sword. "Let's have some fun."

"Defend your king!" Marshal Kerry shouted.

The royal newt guard were the first to charge into battle. They were completely silent save for the clanking sounds of their armor.

Sasha charged at the nearest one to fight. She stepped to the side, avoiding a potentially fatal stab. She grabbed the halberd, holding it in place as she tripped the guard in front of her.

Polly meanwhile jumped at another royal guard and started pounding on the guard's helmet. The guard tried to pry her off his face but was reluctant to harm a tadpole that had only just grown legs.

Frobo began swinging his arms around, hitting the newt guards and knocking them unconscious.

Sprig hopped forward trying to get to the music box. As he hopped, the robots began shooting lasers at him forcing him to shift his tactics. He began jumping between the robots, trying to get them to shoot at each other while he used his mud to blind them.

While this was going on, Marcy put her rogue skills to the test. She used the distraction to sneak over to the pedestal and managed to grab the calamity box. The entire castle began to power down as everyone realized what she had done.

"The box! Stop her!" King Andrias commanded. He began running in her direction but felt metal arms wrap around him, attempting to hold him in place.

"Must help Polly!" Frobo said.

Suddenly he was sliced apart with General Yunan standing where he once stood.

"Frobo!" Polly cried out. She ran to the destroyed robot.

"Get everyone through! Me and Grime will hold him!" Sasha ordered.

Marcy quickly began tapping different parts of the calamity box, creating a bright white portal. "Come on! Into the portal everyone, hurry!"

"Come on Polly! We gotta go!" Hop Pop grabbed Polly while she was holding onto Frobo's severed head.

Anne and the Plantars were able to make it to the portal. "Marcy hurry!"

"Almost..." Marcy was focused on the box when suddenly a hand grabbed her from the side.

Marshal Kerry held onto the box and attempted to wrestle it away from her.

"Marcy!" Anne called out.

She was about to step out from the portal and help her friend when suddenly the two tripped. The box fell out of Marcy's hand and slid across the floor to the other side of the throne room. When it collided with the wall all Anne could see was a white void.

A few seconds later she found herself on the ground in the middle of what looked to be a highway. Cars were honking each other.

Polly was the first to recover. "What the...?"

"Oh my frog!" Sprig exclaimed.

"What is this place?" Hop Pop asked.

Anne looked at the familiar buildings. She knew exactly where they were. "Home..."

Author's Note


I'll admit this chapter wasn't nearly as grandiose as how the original show portrayed it. Still I managed to finish this chapter before my final deadline. This wasn't easy and I second guessed a lot of decisions.

One of my goals for this chapter was to try and set things up similar to how it ended canonically. It's kind of tragic if you think about. Drake fought and died but in the end his death had no meaning.

I do have some differences planned so it's not going to play out exactly like the original show. In fact I have an idea to introduce another OC on earth. I may have hinted towards this character a few times. Go ahead and guess at who it might be.

I have to confess. I still haven't properly watched Season 3. I know what occurs but I am taking a break from the fanfic. At least until I properly watch it.

I may just put this fanfic in a temporary hiatus. There is another fanfic I am working on the side. After watching the Fallout TV series I decided to revive my fallout fanfic I wrote months ago. I may release the first chapter in that fanfic real soon. I'm curious how many of you here would be interested in that.

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