Chapter 85: Last Wish

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Anne and Marcy were walking through the dungeons when they noticed something was off. The guards weren't at their posts for some reason. Quiet tapping sounds could be heard in the distance, like something was running around down there.

As they rounded the corner, they noticed large lizard creatures. It was the snapdragons inside Drake's secret base. One of them grabbed a key off the desk and was handing it to Sasha through the bars. A few more were carrying weapons in their mouths. Those weapons were a pair of pink and silver heron swords as well as Grime's special warhammer.

"Thanks... Nyx, was it?" Sasha took the keys and started trying to insert them into the keyhole.

Suddenly they were spotted, and the nearest snapdragons turned to face them. They frilled their fins threateningly at the duo while hissing.

Sasha managed to unlock her jail cell and walk out. "Anne? Marcy? Your timing is impeccable. I assume you're here to stop me from escaping?"

Marcy stepped forward. "No actually we wanted- ah!" The snapdragons lunged forward threateningly, forcing her back.

Sasha was busy trying to unlock Grime's cell. "After we're done here. We're going to be meeting up with Drake. Perhaps you'd like to come with us?"

The snapdragons moved forward in response. This wasn't an offer, more like a threat. As this was happening, Sasha managed to open Grime's cell.

"Wait!" Anne yelled, holding her hand forward. "There's something you need to know. Drake is dead."

The entire room fell silent. Even the snapdragons stopped hissing and broke from their threatening posture in order to process what she had said.

Sasha froze in place and looked at the group. "He's dead? He can't be."

"It's true! I killed him. I had stabbed him in the stomach and... watched him die," Anne admitted.

"You? Killed him?" Grime asked with disbelief.

Sasha on the other hand simply stared at Anne, trying to examine her expression for any signs this could be a deception. "It can't be true..."

"It is. I saw the body," Marcy added.

"No! You're lying! Drake can't be dead! He may not be all that tough but..." Sasha yelled as tears started to fill her eyes.

Nyx unsheathed the silver heron sword and was now holding it in her mouth while slowly moving to the group. She hissed at them with frilled fins.

"Woah! Stay back!" Marcy said, trying to back away from the snapdragon that looked very unhappy.

Sasha's fists clenched angrily. She turned to Anne and started to yell which caused everyone including Nyx to stop in place. "How could do that to him? Sure, you may have had a problem with me and what I did but he had nothing to do with that! He didn't deserve to die!"

Anne looked down with shame. "Not a minute goes by without wishing I could take that moment back..."

"That actually brings up another thing I wanted to talk with you all about," Marcy spoke up. "King Andrias told me there was a way to bring him back from the dead. All we have to do is give him the Calamity Box."

"But we both know Drake would not have wanted that. And well... seeing as how I was the one who killed him over a... misunderstanding... I think you should have the final say on this," Anne said.

It all came down to this. Sasha had been fighting to prevent King Andrias from getting the music box all this time. Drake even forfeited his life to protect it. Then she remembered her last order to him. "To guard it with his life." Drake had given his life up because she told him to.

Sasha looked down at the snapdragon with her sword. This felt like a huge betrayal but there didn't seem to be any other way. They didn't have an army anymore and the loyalists controlled the entire region.

"Grime... what do you think?" Sasha asked.

Grime who had been listening intensely, not wanting to say a word during the exchange finally spoke. "If Drake really was your friend. What do you think he would want in this situation?"

Sasha thought long and hard about Drake. She searched her memories about how he acted, how he thought. He had always been a coward but for the first time he had the conviction to stand up for his beliefs. It was obvious what he would ask them to do if he could speak with them now.

"We can't let King Andrias get his hands on the music box. Drake died trying to stop him and we should honor his last wish," Sasha declared.

"Who would've thought we would end up working together again after all that..." Anne commented.

"Yeah, unbelievable..." Sasha agreed. She looked down at the silver sword and stared at her reflection, causing her heart to drop once again.

"Sasha? There's something else you should know," Marcy spoke up she had been preparing this speech all night. "You see... I was the one who brought us here to Amphibia. I knew about the box's power, and I really hoped it would work. I didn't think all of this would happen. I just felt you needed to know..."

Sasha stared at Marcy blankly. "I know I should be mad. I should yell at you but right now we need to focus. We should all go to bed and get some rest. Then tomorrow when we meet with the king, we'll improvise."

Everyone went their separate ways. When Anne arrived to her room, she noticed Sprig was still up.

"Anne? Where were you?" Sprig asked.

"I went with Marcy to see Sasha," Anne told him. "I don't think we should give the box to King Andrias. Drake would not have wanted that."

Sprig paused. "There's a bit of a problem with that..."

"What kind of problem?" Anne asked.

Sprig hesitated. "You see... a servant came by earlier and took it."

Author's Note


Alright one more chapter to end this mini arc. Then we can start Season 3 officially. I have been trying to pump out chapters quickly. I've already got some plans prepared especially on Earth. I just need a way to fit it in.

King Andrias now has the box. They failed Drake. Next chapter will be the confrontation.

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