Chapter 54: The Third Temple

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Everyone was riding on Joe Sparrow, except for Frobo who was being carried by the giant bird's talons. They were flying in the direction of an active volcano. Once they were close, Joe Sparrow dropped Frobo and collapsed in exhaustion.

Anne reached into her backpack. "And wa-bam!" she quickly pulled out the music box. The blue gem's beam went in the direction of the volcano, stopping at a weird rock formation at the base which lit up with pink markings. If it weren't for the gem, the secret door would have likely remained hidden. "The entrance to the third temple."

Everyone approached in awe. There were more markings on the door. "What's it say, Marcy? What's it say?"

Marcy looked at her notes. "Well, this can't be right."

Lift to enter brah?

Frobo stepped forward, he grabbed the base of the secret door and pushed it up, opening the passageway.

Everyone clapped. "Wow."

"Way to go Frobo." Hop Pop said.

"Alright, now let's go crush this temple!" Anne announced, running in first.

Everyone stopped at the door. "Look after Joe Sparrow, Frobo. We'll be back soon." Hop Pop ordered.

The robot responded with a thumbs up. Once everyone else got the message, they entered the third temple.

They were immediately met with intense heat coming from the magma inside the volcano. Luckily the magma didn't cover the entire area so there were still places to walk around. The group stopped in front of a set of large double doors. The doors were flanked by two muscular statues posing and another two holding up the ceiling.

"Whew! It's hot in here." Anne said, wiping some sweat off her forehead.

"Alright gang, there should be three challenges, just like the two other temples?" Anne, Marcy and Drake looked back to see the Plantars had shriveled up.

"Whoa, are you guys okay?" Anne asked.

"Just a little dehydrated from the heat. We'll be alright." Hop Pop reassured them.

"You don't look alright. Maybe you three should go back outside?" Drake suggested.

"No, we'll keep going." Hop Pop said.

"Alright then..." the humans walked off with the Plantars not far behind, past the double doors.

They entered a large room filled with magma. There was a single narrow path to the next door. Suddenly a pink light directed them to a small chest. More ancient runes appeared which Marcy read aloud.

Whoa there, boss.

Think you're strong enough to get across?

"I have a distinct feeling this temple is about strength." Anne commented.

The chest suddenly opened, revealing a bunch of hammers.

"Wonder what those are for." Sprig said. Suddenly, a magma centipede emerged behind him.

"Sprig!" Anne yelled, she quickly grabbed one of the hammers and was barely able to pull it out. She ran to the monster and threw all her weight into one swing, hitting it in the face and forcing it to back off. "Man, this thing weighs a ton."

Suddenly more centipede monsters appeared, they jumped over the only path forward. It was clear they were going to have to go through the magma creatures.

"Alright guys, it's hammer time." Marcy pulled out one of the hammers and put it in Drake's hand.

"No wait!" Drake grabbed it but was caught off guard by its weight. "Urgh! Grr! Argh!" he fell forward and collapsed on top of the hammer, failing to keep it up.

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