Chapter 22: Anne of the Year

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The entire family was walking to the town square. It seemed like the entire town was waiting at the foot of a large stage. "Man, what's with the crowd? Are fruit flies on sale or something?" Anne joked.

"No. Today's the day they announce the 'Frog of the Year award'." Hop Pop answered.

"Frog of the what?" Anne was confused.

Sprig jumped at Anne. "Frog of the hopping year, Anne. Every year, the town gets together and votes on the frog they think best embodies the values of Wartwood." Sprig explained.

"We all voted last week. Don't you remember?" Polly asked.

"Huh. Not at all. Wonder why." Anne said.

"I don't think I was here for that... was I?" Drake asked thinking back on his short time in Wartwood. He didn't the count the days since he arrived, but he already knew about the Frog of the Year election. It was how he found out Anne was in Wartwood.

The toad mayor climbed the stage and stood behind a podium. Drake had already been acquainted with Mayor Toadstool, courtesy of Anne. Based on what she told him, he was rather untrustworthy and corrupt. He was rather surprised the mayor hadn't been executed by revolutionaries since Wartwood was the birthplace of the revolution. Seemed as though Wartwood was unaware of the rest of the valley. "Alright folks, it's time! As you all know, the Frog of the Year goes to the most selfless, noble, blah, blah, blah... let's get on with it." his tiny frog assistant handed him a sheet of paper. "And this year's Frog of the Year award goes to-" he leaned in to read the name yet again. "Well, this can't be right. Anne Boonchuy?"

"Huh?" Anne was shocked to hear her name get called but her shock was drowned out by the crowd erupting into cheers.

Hop Pop went to push Anne forward. "Go on, Anne. Get up there! A Plantar, Frog of the Year. I'm so proud."

"Good luck Anne, your adoring public awaits!" Drake called out unsure if she could hear him.

Anne put both her hands on her chest. Watching the town cheer for her warmed her heart. "Wow! Thanks, everyone. I don't know what to say."

The moment was cut short by Mayor Toadstool. "I do. Are you people out of your frog-danged minds? She don't deserve to host a party!"

"A party? What party?" Anne was excited. She loved parties.

The small assistant named Toadie answered. "Oh, it's one of our oldest traditions. The Frog of the Year has to put on an incredible party for the whole town."

Mayor Toadstool spoke up. "Yeah. And that party is supposed to demonstrate the Frog of the Year's selflessness. Anne isn't selfless. Far from it."

Anne looked angry. "You don't know me. I'll prove I deserve this by putting on a party so big, it'll blow all your minds." she announced to the crowd.

"Yay!" Drake started clapping but found he was the only one celebrating. The other townsfolk were whispering amongst themselves about not wanting their minds blown.

"That's a good thing!" Anne said.

The town started to cheer. Nailed it! Anne thought.

"I'm looking forward to seeing this thing go down in flames." Mayor Toadstool and his assistant Toadie walked off the stage.

"So, Anne... you've got a plan?" Drake asked as she quickly marched towards the Plantar home.

"Yep, follow me. I've been thinking about have a party for a while. It's time to bring out the plans." The family followed her back home where she had a large diagram. On it were illustrations of various objects. "Boom! Here are my plans for throwing the best party ever and proving that mayor wrong. Stupid mayor and his stupid dumb face."

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