Chapter 21: Children of the Spore

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Anne, Sprig, Polly and Drake were playing outside. Anne wanted to teach the Plantars how to play kickball. Unfortunately, due to Polly's lack of legs. She had a hard time actually kicking the ball. Sprig rolled a ball towards Polly who charged into it as hard as she could. She sent it flying.

"Heads up Drake!" Anne yelled.

Drake lazily raised his arms to catch it, but the ball flew over his head, smashing into a window.

"My baby!" Hop Pop screamed.

The kids ran to the broken window to inspect the damage. Hop Pop was holding onto a small model ship. "Ooh, sorry about that, HP." Anne apologized. "We're trying to teach Polly how to play kickball."

"Which is challenging for obvious reasons." Sprig added.

"Dang it, kids! What have I told you about rough housing near the windows? Now come inside and play a quiet game. Hop Pop's working." He said, wanting to get back to work.

"Yeah, I can see that. Nice toy boat."

"It's not a 'toy boat,' Anne. It's a replica of a famous warship." Hop Pop corrected her.

"Potato, tomato." Anne dismissed.

"I had a bunch of stuff like that back home. Takes me about a month just to finish one of them." Drake said.

Sprig tried to touch the replica but was shooed away by Hop Pop. "Scram!" Sprig slowly backed away still wanting to touch it.

Hop Pop went back to work but suddenly the door swung open.

"Tongue tag! If you get tongued, you lose." Sprig announced.

"Guys wait! We should do this in a different room." Drake said hoping to calm everyone down, but nobody listened to him.

Sprig's tongue hit Drake in the side. "You lose!" Then he started chasing Anne and Polly.

"No. Kids, cut it out. I said a quiet game." Hop Pop yelled in dismay, but Sprig, Anne and Polly ignored him as well.

Polly jumped in front of Hop Pop's ship. That was when Sprig launched his tongue hoping to hit her. She jumped out of the way causing Sprig's tongue to knock the ship off the table where it shattered on the floor.

Hop Pop screamed when he saw the damage, causing everyone to stop what they were doing. He leaned down to inspect the damage. "Why don't you kids ever listen to me?"

Drake thought his heart had stopped. This was usually the kind of thing that would provoke his stepdad into punishing him severely. He didn't know what Hop Pop was going to do but whatever it was, it couldn't be good.

"Ok. Everything's fine. We can still fix her. To Loggle's" Hop Pop announced.

Drake breathed a sigh of relief. Seems like Hop Pop was too busy focused on his broken ship to worry about them.

The entire family climbed onto Bessie with Hop Pop driving. Drake was still rather unfamiliar with the area. He never really felt safe going out by himself especially after town's first impression of him. Luckily, he had the Plantars who were nice enough to let him live with them. Bessie stopped in front of some kind of carpenter shop. Drake mentally took a note of its location. Even though it was on the other side of the town. It was still a short walk.

"Ok, I'm going in. Give Bessie some mushroom treats if she acts up." Hop Pop handed Anne a small bag.

"You got it." Anne said as Hop Pop left for the store. "You guys want to take Bessie out on a joyride?"

"Yeah!" Sprig and Polly said at the same time.

"Wait! Don't you think we're in enough trouble as it is?" Drake asked.

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