Chapter 84: Slayer of Humans

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Anne sat in the corner and stared at Drake's body which was being examined by the castle staff. The Plantars had spent the past few hours trying to comfort her. She had run out of tears but refused to be moved.

Sprig hugged Anne by the arm. "I wish they'd hurry up so we can hold funeral," Sprig said mostly to himself.

"I wish they would let us parade that body around the streets," General Yunan said.

Hop Pop looked up at her. "Why would you say that?"

"You managed to kill a human. A feat no one in Newtopia thought was possible. You're Anne Slayer of Humans," General Yunan explained.

"Can we please not make that a thing?" Anne requested.

"Why not? You vanquished a powerful foe and earned Newtopia's everlasting respect. You should wear your new title like a badge of honor. I for one envy you," General Yunan said.

"I don't want a title like that! Drake was my best friend and I killed him. I really wish I could take that back," Anne declared. She looked down on her still blood-stained hands.

Hop Pop gave her a pat as he held her hand. "Shh... there, there... poor thing..."

"Perhaps you should return to your room for tonight. We'll take care of this," General Yunan said.

"That's probably for the best. Come on kids, let them do their work," Hop Pop said.

Anne and the Plantars left the throne room together. There were whispers among the servants about what had occurred. Many would look at Anne as if laying eyes on her would bring them good luck.

"Looks like you got new F-Annes," Hop Pop tried to make a joke but none of them laughed.

Hours later, Anne found herself sitting in a large wooden bowl trying to wash herself with soap and water. Being guests of the king gave them serious luxuries like their own private baths. As she soaked in the water, she stared at the music box she had looted off of Drake's body. It was her ticket home and the object Drake was willing to die over.

He was adamant on not allowing King Andrias to get it. That was his final wish, now she was in a hard position. Does she give him the box so he could send him home which would violate Drake's last wish before he died, or does she keep it for herself?

Anne got out of the bath and started putting on her clothes. Perhaps some fresh air would do her some good. Maybe clear her mind. She slowly creeped her way past the Plantars who were already asleep. As she entered the hall, she noticed Marcy was about to knock on the door.

"Marcy? What are you doing here?" Anne whispered, closing the door behind her.

"I wanted to talk with you... about Drake. Do you still have the Calamity Box?" Marcy whispered.

"Yes, why?"

"King Andrias said he could bring him back to life. All we have to do is give him the box."

Anne gently led Marcy to a corner, away from anyone who might overhear their conversation. "What do you mean by that? Why would that bring back Drake?"

Marcy started to pace around the small area. "You see, the Calamity Box doesn't just send people to other worlds. It's also an ancient power source. King Andrias plans to bring back the Ancient Amphibian Empire. We can use that technology to resurrect Drake."

"Marcy, listen to yourself. You're trying to do the impossible."

"Please Anne, you have to understand. I... I have to do something. I can't go on knowing Drake died because of me." Marcy got to her knees and started to beg. "Drake is dead because of me. I brought us here to Amphibia. I knew about the box and its power. He died because I brought us all here. I killed him and now I need to make it right. Please, you have to help me make it right."

Anne looked down at Marcy who was still on her knees begging. "Marcy... we were the ones who kept fighting. I was the one who stabbed him. I was the one who felt him die in my hands."

Marcy looked up. "What is Sasha going to say about this?"

Anne froze at that name. Sasha was nothing but a manipulative individual who would say or do anything to get what she wanted. She still remembered declaring she was done being friends with her. Anne had gone out of her way to side with anyone who would go against Sasha which also meant going against Drake. That decision costed him his life. She would have to face the truth at some point.

Anne's thoughts returned to Sasha. Even she wasn't friends with either of them, at least Sasha was still Drake's friend. She deserved to know what happened to him at the very least. "I think we should deliver the news to her ourselves."

"Right, we'll have to go to the dungeon then," Marcy said.

The duo walked down a set of stairs below the castle. Neither of them knew what to expect when they got there.

Author's Note


And that concludes Anne's chapter of mourning. Next up, Sasha is going to get the news.

This arc is definitely going to be a lot shorter than the Siege of Newtopia arc. It's mostly just a transitional period into Season 3. Individual chapters are also kinda short as well but I don't really want to drag this out for too long.

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