Chapter 37: Drake's Scars

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In the middle of Newtopia, a family sat inside a large bus that had been made out of the shell of a hermit crab. The hermit crab itself carried the shell and by extension, the bus through the city as the guide spoke. "Welcome, ladies and gentle-phibians, to a safe, uneventful afternoon of touristy nonsense. It may not be as eventful as other tours, but did I mention its safe?"

"This is the last time we let Hop Pop pick the activity." Anne grumbled.

Drake sat next to Hop Pop while looking out the window. He was busy creating a mental map of the area. "As boring as it is, at least I'm starting to get a feel for the city."

Hop Pop put down a brochure he was reading. "Look kids, we got a few days to kill before King Andrias reveals his findings about the music box. And what better way to spend that time than learning?" this caused the rest of the family to slouch in their seats in boredom.

"I can think of a few other things that should be just as safe." Drake grumbled.

Anne looked out the window. "Oh wow, what's that place?"

"Imminent danger. Look away!" the tour bus guide said.

"But imminent is the best kind of danger." Polly complained.

"Now then, what's the most important thing to do when visiting Newtopia? Any guesses?"

"Ooh! Ooh!" Anne raised her hand. "Eating like a local? Looking like a local? Partying with the locals?"

"Nope, it's getting to know the city from a safe distance. Like on this bus."

"Such wisdom." Hop Pop agreed but Anne and Polly were bored out of their minds.

"This is just like when I'd go traveling with my mom." Anne looked out the window yet again. "I didn't want the baby carrots mom! I didn't want them! Why? Why? Why?"

"And now for the tour of the tour bus." the guide said then he pointed up. "This is the ceiling. What a good ceiling. Not to be outdone by the floor."

"Ugh! Oh man, Hop Pop my stomach is killing me. Can we go back to the hotel?" Anne asked.

"Uh, me too. I need to get off now or I'll explode!" Polly yelled which earned a gasp from the other passengers on the bus.

Hop Pop gasped. "Why does this keep happening? Now I'll never make it to the cheese museum."

"No, no! Why don't you stay on the tour? We can head back ourselves." Anne said.

"And we're back. But you two got to promise me you'll head straight to the hotel. No detours!" Hop Pop demanded.

"We promise!" Anne and Polly said in unison.

Then Anne got up. "Sprig, Drake, are you coming?"

"Eh, no thanks. I don't want to take another chance at the city. You can go on ahead without me." Drake said.

Sprig on the other hand wanted any excuse he could get to get out of the bus. "I thought you'd never ask." Sprig stood up but felt something stopping him. He looked back and saw he was chained to Hop Pop. "You handcuffed us together!" he yelled.

"Sorry, Sprig but after the Ruins of Disaster incident, you left me no choice." Hop Pop explained.

Sprig was defiant. "Well, the joke's on you. Anne and Polly would never leave me-"

"Later dude!" Anne said as she carried Polly out of the bus.

Sprig started to run but Hop Pop sat there like a rock. "No! No, no, no!"

"Now sit your butt down and put on your cheese hat." Hop Pop ordered.

"No!" Sprig screamed as the hermit bus drove away.

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